2 month update

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2006
Acworth, GA
I thought I would chime in and update everyone on how I am doing 2 months after surgery.
Week and a half ago I met with the surgeon, who looked at me looked at my x-rays and said he did not need to see me again. Told me what a great patient I had been and looked at my scar and was very happy with how IT was coming along as well. He told me I could pretty much do anything I wanted, that it I felt some pain in my sternum that it was normal for even up to a year. Said just be smart, if it hurts or I get tired, quit!.
After that I went to the cardiologist for another EKG, finally talked to them yesterday, they said I had no limits on my lifting, no diet limitations or anything else, that I could start weening off my sotolol over the next 7 days then stop taking it. Also said I could stop taking the one aspirin as of Oct 1, so the only medication I am left with is enalapril for now.
This week I finally started sleeping back in bed, a few extra pillows to prop myself up so I can get comfortable, but overall not real bad. Still get sore in the right shoulder and sternum a little, tylenol takes care of those times.
Last weekend I finally mowed my own lawn again, with my riding lawn mower, funny how all that turning with the lawn mower proved to be a little more than I thought lol
Still having a few problems with eating, as some meat (beef mainly) and potatoes still taste sort of bad, I am hoping that this is because of the sotolol and now that I am coming off that it will get better! I really really want a nice juicy steak, but only if it tastes like it is supposed to.
Weight is still down, pre surgery was 168 today I am hovering around 152#, a bit light for being a little over 6-1, but then I have pretty much always been sort of skinny, not a big worry. I was pushing 190 around New Years, so I have lost a bunch, I hope that is helping my cholesteral levels!

I guess after undergoing a valve replacement, root replacement and most of my ascending aorta being replaced I am doing pretty dog gone well after 2 months. Not ready to go swing a golf club quite yet, I will wait until 12 weeks have gone by before I start pushing the sternum, but for a 52 year old guy and my 2nd OHS I figure I got time :)
I do want to thank all those who helped with information and helped my wife with answers, it was of great comfort though this. Every Doctor should be told about this site, I know I told mine and he could not wait to check it out.

thanks again all! I will keep watching an helping others when I can and post a message like this at 6 months!
I really really want a nice juicy steak, but only if it tastes like it is supposed to.

Hmmmm...are you sure they didn't slip you a cow valve?:D What a fantastic report. I love to read reports like that!
Funny thing, I got a pig valve and the only meat that has tasted pretty much normal has been pork, go figure lol
You sound really good. You mowed your lawn? Those things aren't that easy to turn and maneuver. Glad to hear all is going so well.

I, too, broadcast VR wherever I can. I went for a chemical stress test last week and told everybody I came in contact with all about VR.com.
Glad to see your post

Glad to see your post

DeWayne -

So happy to see that you're having a good recovery.

I'm just 4 and a half months post-op and haven't yet swung a golf club...but I'll be raring to go this spring.

Stay well and continue to have a smooth journey.

Warm regards,
