1st Valve Birthday Today!

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2005
Northern Minnesota
Today is Nathan's 1 year aniversary of AVR :D Being The Wife, I can only report how very happy I am to see him doing so well today. I only wish I could keep up! Thanks guys for always being here....
Happy 1st Birthday to BOTH of you! Many many many more years of celebration ahead.
Happy Birthday! Boy how time fly's doesn't it? I'm barely past mine....Hopefully many many more for you guys....
Congrats to him!! and you!! Here's to many more anniversaries!!:D
Its hard to believe its a year already. Nathan was one of the first members I followed have an AVR after I joined Vr.com.
The first is truly a milestone for all of us. Congratulations to Nate and you for making the journey and thanks for all your help here.
Congratulations to you both- I know what you mean about trying to keep up:eek: , but isn't it great to see them in such good health! Here's to many more happy and healthy anniversaries!
Happy Happy

Happy Happy

Wishing you a very Happy Heart Valve Birthday. One Year is quite a milestone and you have come so far. Congrats to you both!!!!
Good evening everyone. Today is also my wife's one year anniversary and it's been a great day.

10/6/05 AVR and I must say this last year has been extremely tough on her. The surgery went as well as could be expected but the other complications is what were tough. Five days after surgery her heart quit 3 different times in approx. two hours so in went a pacemaker. Thank god for the pacemaker because during her recovery from severe depression, we think was brought on from dizziness that wouldn't go away, her heart stopped again while on Prozac because for a day and a half her hr was at 60 which is what they have the pacemaker programed for. Her normal hr at the time was in the mid to high 80's, it's now in the mid 70's which is where it was before surgery.

Anyway, it took a full 11 months to recover from depression and all the time seeing so many specialist to try and identify what was causing her dizziness. We finally did find out what was wrong and had it corrected about 3 months ago. I can't tell you all just how good it is to have her almost back to normal.

I get on this forum and spend hours at a time reading, don't post too much though. I've been trying to get her to log on and get involved with the heart valve community but I guess she just isn't ready yet (but will be soon). I have learned sooo much from you all and the internet, that it's been easier to deal with her problems and working with her during her recovery. I've discovered that depression and anxiety is very real and just as debilitating as the surgery itself.

Thanks to all for just being there.

The now feeling good husband,
hi natanni, nathan, dave and your wife (amy or patricia?),
wishing you all a huge congratulations!! one year, wow! what a feeling, right?
wishing you all many more happy and healthy anniversaries like this one in the years to come.
stay well,
Hppy Belated Anniversary

Hppy Belated Anniversary

Hi Nathan
Wishing you a happy belated one year anniversary. I haven't been online much in the past few week. Hope you had a great day and have another wonderful year.