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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Apr 5, 2008
In Pima County, near Tucson AZ in the heart of the
I had MVR surgery in September of 06. It wwas my second time through the ribe cage. I also got a Maze procedure because I had been in Afib for 4 years and none of the usual meds worked.

My surgeon told it might take 6 months for the maze procedure to work. For a long time I didn't post over here because I really didn't feel that great and didn't want to sound whiny.

BUT my heart kept improving and in the last month the artrial fibrillation has started to fade away. I am virtually in sinus and feel better than I have since this whole thing began.

I have more to add, but I gotta run........
Glad things have improved and particularly glad that you are posting again- whining is okay here- we will provide the cheese platter!:)
Thanks Phyllis.:)

I was incredibly depressed after my first operation, so much so I realized it was better if I withdrew from this forum, rather than be grumpy and oppositional.

And when I came back after my second operation, my ejection fraction was still around 35%. I still had trouble with Afib and lack of energy and was eventually dropped off this site because I hadn't posted in a year..... I was very surprised it had been that long.

I haven't had an echo for over a year, but I am sure that when/if I have another, it will be much better.

My recovery may have taken a lot longer than other peoples', but it did finally happen. I think the value in this for others still having a hard time post op, is there is a good chance that some of us, maybe only a few of us, will continue to recover for a long time afterwards.

No matter how bad I felt I did take daily and sometimes twice daily walks with my little doggies (who were also the best depression med I had). For a year I hardly saw any improvement, but just in the last couple of months, I have finally noticed a big difference in energy. Just the Afib getting almost normal was a huge relief. (by almost normal I mean is has a couple of slow or faster beats in a minute, but I think that is normal oldish people stuff.)

And with a valve that works, I think a normal amount of oxygen is finally getting to my brain. Whoopie!
Thank you for posting. I am twelve weeks post op and many times my energy level is not what I think it should be so you give me hope that my energy will come back. Otherwise I do feel good.
Good luck and stay with us this time
Better late than never....glad to hear you're finally feeling "recovered". Not everyone recovers at the same pace so I'm sure you're story will encourage those who may feel their pace of recovery is not as fast as they hoped.

Welcome back....and don't be a stranger. :)
Glad you are better. I had A. Flutter for a couple weeks and know how
happy you must be to be in "beautiful sinus rhythm" as an intern of mine
calls it. Wishing you wellness,