12 Days Post-Op

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2006
Cullman, Alabama
Noel is doing extremely well...already walking 1 miles a day since 10 days post-op...went for an INR check this morning and it was 2.6 on a dosage of 5 mg. he returns in two weeks for a recheck. The surgeons goal set is 2.5 to 3.5.
He is feeling very good. Sleeping well and no pain .
He sees the surgeon for the first follow up visit on Dec. 8 and the Cardiologist on December 28. We will be using a different cardiologist....than the one before all this. One of the cardiologists in Dr. McGiffin's group does clinic here in our town every two weeks (one day)....

And we have yet to hear the clicking that others have mentioned.

Robbie and Noel
Best Wishes.....

Best Wishes.....

*Glad to see Noel is doing soo well. You must both be relieved. Long may it continue!!! Best Wishes 8)
:) :D Yeah!!!!

I bet he is going to feel a Whole lot better now!!
Tell him to keep up the good work!!:)
So glad to hear, Noel is doing so well.Just hope he does not overdo that walking?..So soon....1 mile a day..after 10 days post-op? I think at that post-op..I was just walking around the yard.:D Takes a long time for those muscles, ect. to get back into place....after VR surgery.....But glad he has no pain. Bonnie
Noel is going to become our poster boy for valve replacement if he keeps recuperating so smoothly, and at such a fast rate of speed!:)

I'm glad you'll be using a different cardiologist and one that travels to you instead of vice versa!

All in all, Noel has done wonderfully well, but then he had a wonderful spouse supporting him.:) :)
Glad to hear Noel is doing so well! Sounds like he's going to be one of those that really does feel like a 30-year-old (or is it 18?) after his valve replacement :D
I, too, am glad to hear that Noel is doing so well. It gives me much relief to hear these stories since I am still in the "waiting room". Thanks for the good news and will be praying that his recovery continues to go on smoothly!
And we thought Noel's age plus the fact he'd already had open heart surgery this year would make it a nightmare...we have been an answer to many prayers and certainly a miracle. So do not despair...those of you waiting...with the right doctor and hospital and you will be fine.
Wonderful news! Our poster child, indeed! Looks like you are already having a blessed holiday season.
Noel had so many issues, that this post is truly amazing to read. I believe the human spirit can triumph over many things, and Noel is a terrific example. Congratulations!