12 days post-op

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...and doing great!! If things go any smoother I'll get worried. I stopped taking anything except for Tylenol/Advil on 5th day following surgery. I hate vicadin(sp?)... I had to sleep (or try to sleep) in a recliner at home for the 1st 3 nights, but managed to lay flat in the bed 8 days post-op. Now I can lay flat and on my side - what a relief to be able to get horizontal!! The Doctors gave me a goal of 1 mile walking/day after the 1st week home. I walked 4 miles on the 10th day post-op - although that was 3 seperate trips during the day... The next day I had slight soreness in hte tendons behind my knees, but that is all. I feel like I could do LOTS more, but I am tempering myself so I don't trigger any issues. VERY grateful to be on hte road to recovery and amazed at how quickly it's happening. I still have a long ways to go to be 100%, but I would say I am at ~55% after 12 days.... Thanks again to all of you on this forum - I only hope that my inputs will encourage others in our shoes the way the rest of you encouraged me....

Exodus 15:2 - The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my god, and i will praise him, my father's God and I will exalt him.
I'm glad you're feeling so good, and I'll knock on wood that you continue to feel that way!
Happy news for you and us. Thanks for the update and keep up the great work.
Great news, Robert and just the kind of encouragement those in the waiting room need! Continue to progress and enjoy your new good health.
Way to go

Way to go

Hearing how it is going has really made me feel better about what's facing me. I have had a down day today and am encouraged by hearing how well you are doing. Thanks again,
Great news! Sounds encouraging. I'm happy that things are progressing and your healing is going well!:D
robertr said:
... I feel like I could do LOTS more, but I am tempering myself so I don't trigger any issues.

You can.

I had the same fears about walking too much at about one week home - so i checked with the surgeon's office - no problem, you will not hurt anything. Just make sure you still have some energy left after your walks or you probably are overdoing it.
You go, mister...

You go, mister...

Fantastic news. You sound great...attitude can make such a big difference in recovery.

Keep it up,
