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  1. B

    One year valversary

    Today I'm celebrating one year since my AVR surgery, and I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the help and advice you provided via this website.
  2. B

    Something new for me -thyroid problems

    Out of the blue I have been diagnosed with an over-active thyroid. This condition does not run in my family, so I wondered if this is another thing that can happen after OHS. It does explain some of the things I've been feeling over the past 3-4 months like shortness of breath, rapid heart rate...
  3. B

    Trouble taking a deep breath

    Six months ago I had my AVR. Shortly after the surgery I was having trouble taking a really deep breath due to a partially collapsed lung. That condition improved, but I still find it's hard to inhale deeply. When I do, I feel so much pressure in my chest around my heart, like my heart is...
  4. B

    Canadian heart valve patients re-Out of Country Medical Insurance

    Hi Fellow Canucks, I'm almost 6 months AVR post-op, and if possible I would like to go South this winter. So far I have only contacted one insurance company, Medipac, and they do not insure people that have had a valve replacement within the past year. After I have my 6 month checkup and echo...
  5. B

    Broken blood vessel in my eye.

    Last week following my stress test, I had a blood vessel burst in my left eye. I contacted my Thrombosis Clinic and they assured me it wasn't because of the warfarin, so I chalked it up to over exertion due to my stress test. My eye cleared up in a few days, and everything was back to normal...
  6. B

    Is this normal after an AVR?

    Last week I went to my cardiologist for my 4 week post-op checkup. He gave me the impression that everything was going along pretty good (except I have partially collapsed lung and he sent me for a chest xray.) Two days after my appt. I get a call from his office telling me the doctor wants me...
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    One Week Post Op

    Just wanted to let you know that I had my AVR on Tues. July 19th. I got home Sunday afternoon, and I'm doing OK, but feel so weak at times. I appreciate all the advice I've read on the forums. It has prepared me for a lot of what I'm going through, like being super sensitive to smells and things...
  8. B

    Got my surgery date!

    Just got a call from my surgeon's office, and my AVR will be done Tuesday July 19th. I've only been in the waiting room for about a month, but it's been emotionally and physically stressful. I'm ready to get this over with ASAP. Any advice, words of wisdom???
  9. B

    My First Post

    I've been reading the forum posts for a few weeks, and I'd like to thank everyone for their input. I've learned so much about AVR on this site. In a few hours, I'll be heading to the hospital for my angiogram. I have met with my surgeon, and he plans on doing my surgery in about 2 weeks. Once...