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  1. P

    what to take to the hospital - a checklist

    I am not sure...I was in the Cardiac ICU with emergency nothing I could really bring. But I can tell you...2 things I wish I had that I did not have, they could give me anything else I needed (even toothbrush and razor)... 1 or 2 SOFT pillows from home my own blanket *trust me...
  2. P

    Ice Hockey w/ mech valve / warfarin

    my Inr stays pretty stable at about 2.5, I take 5mg of warfrin a day and if it dips below 2.5 the doc has me take 7.5 for one day mid week. If Ski Girl is 3.0-3.5..then I have nothing to worry about. God when I was in the hospital shaving the nurse gave me the run around that if knicked myself...
  3. P

    Sleep post surgery

    I am 5 weeks post op and still can only lay in a bed for a 1 or 2 at a time. Maybe for a woman it is different? for me, I am 250lbs and it puts alot of pressure on my rib cage recliner it has been for 5 weeks. Trust me, I don't enjoy it..but its my only option if I want to even get 2...
  4. P

    Replacement valve failing, why?

    I just don't think there is No win win situation when it comes to valves.... I am 35. I could not even imagine having to go thru that surgery at 80 years old. They told me if they had put a pig valve in me, it would fail in 10 years or less.... mechanical valve is supposed to last my whole...
  5. P

    Ice Hockey w/ mech valve / warfarin

    What is Your INR.... I swear the doctors want me to live in a bubble
  6. P

    Enquiries on Doing gym and competitive sports

    not sure what you had, but I tend to agree about aneurysm's. I had a Aortic Disection(type of aneursym). I was perfectly fine one second, the next second I was on the floor clutching my heart and turning green, unable to breath. What my surgeon told me was this: 40% of people will die from...
  7. P

    Forgot to take my Warfarin

    my regimin is : 81mg asprin (am) 25mg lopressor (am) 5mg warfarin (pm) 25mg lopressor (pm) **this keeps my INR right at 2.5-2.6...occasionaly will drop to a 2.4...when that happens doc just has me thrown in a extra 2.5mg one day of the week (wednesday) --To answer your question Tom...Asprin...
  8. P

    How long before you returmed to work fulltime?

    Thank you for this reply... thats where I am having my confusion. I have one surgeon saying, "just keep the load light and do more reps"...the other surgeon says," your aortic valve tore longitudely not when I replace it with the mechanical valve it took care of ALL the bad...
  9. P

    Uk nhs - choosing a mechanical valve

    Its a Card they send you post surgery....with all your identifying factors on it...i.e. surgeon, serial number, model number, etc.. they tell you to carry it with you at all times, in case their is a problem and they need to do emergency surgery. It comes in a plain white envelope and looks...
  10. P

    Heart rates and hello! :)

    Seems very un-normal to me as well. I can tell you this, I am just past the 1 month mark now. Right after surgery my HR was 105 resting...the following 2 weeks it was 90-94 this week it has been just around 80-85. I am guessing this is just the heart getting used to the valve...
  11. P

    How long before you returmed to work fulltime?

    Have you had any problems in the gym? change your style of work outs? I used to competitive bodybuild, when I was in the hospital (ventilator for 5 days, and icu for another 6) I lost almost 35lbs of muscle..I had my wife cover all the mirrors so I don't even see myself. I am terrified if I...
  12. P

    Uk nhs - choosing a mechanical valve

    I have a valve thru St. Jude, just got my tracking card yesterday. This thing is LOUD, but according to my surgeon I also have a big heart, so I am sure its a big valve. I feel it thumping in my throat and ticking in my head at all times. I will either get used to it or go to the crazy bin.
  13. P

    Forgot to take my Warfarin

    According to my doctor..... he said, " If you miss a dose of warfarin...just continue your normal dosing at the next scheduled dose, do not double up or take more then your supposed to, it stays in your system for 5 days anyhow"
  14. P

    Hello Everyone.... Aortic dissection here (my christmas present)

    Hey guys and girls. Just wanted to introduce myself, new to the board. I am 35 and from the Ohio area. Just had a aortic dissection over Christmas with mechanical valve. So far I have not been able to return to bed and stuck sleeping in the recliner with a thumping in my throat and a ticking...