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      Martin1962 reacted to Chuck C's post in the thread How to Choose with Like Like.
      Exactly! I'm expecting to get at least 114 years out of my mechanical valve.
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      Martin1962 reacted to Timmay's post in the thread How to Choose with Like Like.
      I’m 52 and chose mechanical. I remember being very unsure and anxious about the valve choice. At this point - it is quite clear what my...
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      Martin1962 reacted to dick0236's post in the thread How to Choose with Like Like.
      It depends on how many surgeries you want in your future. A tissue valve will fail sometime in your senior years, if not before...
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      Martin1962 reacted to 3mm's post in the thread How to Choose with Like Like.
      Richie - I'm sorry to hear that you need valve surgery. However, it is good that you are starting the process. I'm 65 and had a...
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