Strange complication.

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Active member
Mar 14, 2009
Charleston, SC, USa
Although my recovery has gone well, it has not been w/o complications. I went home after 5 days in the hospital. The first day home was mostly great w/ the exception of the normal discomfort. On the second day, my appetite went to hell and I felt nauseous. An old left side hernia was hurting so I worried that it might be the problem. I endured it all day until i told my wife I thought I should go to the emergency room. I had my surgery done at the Charleston VA So I had to go to their ER. They examined me and ruled out a hernia and sent me home. That night and the entire next day, I was miserable! I felt bloated and was not having any BM's. So I went back to the ER and they did an MRI. It revealed an incarcerated left femoral hernia which was why my digestive system shut down and I was feeling like hell! They did emergency surgery the next morning on a Sunday ( this is the VA where getting a doctor on the weekend is tough). So here I was back in the Hospital for 5 more days. It sort of made the OHS a vague memory. During this time laying in the "comfy" hospital beds caused me to develope a nasty bedsore on my butt. It made sleeping on my back uncomfortable so I had two other choices and the left side felt weird because of the increased heart beat sensation. My bedsore is finally healed but my wife needed that extra headache like....
Fortunately I'm getting better and I can actually sneeze w/o major pain. Now another hernia has shown up on the right side and I'll probably need to have it fixed. OH well! NO PROBLEM! I'm a member in good standing of the Zipper Club and hernia surgery is like falling off a log!
I'm sure this is a first as far as reported complications at ;) . Hopefully, the complications are behind you and it will be smooth pavement from here. Best wishes continue.....
BTW, when i think about the way you have to get up out of a regular bed and practically do a no hands sit-up, it's no surprise to me that these hernias developed/ worsened.
You are one lucky man that they found out what was wrong with your intestinal tract. If it had not been taken care of, it could have been a terible disaster. Shame on the first people who sent you home without a proper diagnosis.

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