Video of Aortic Valve Replacement

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
I came across this yeaterday. I don't know if this has been mentioned on the forum before. It is a video if a AVR replacement at St. Luke's in Houston, and goes through the entire operation. the video is over an hour. Dr. Denton Cooley is there to offer comments. It is almost four years old, but I would suppose that nothing much has changed.

My only problem with this video is that it appears to be pushing bioprosthetic valves, especially one made by Medtronics. At one point the speaker says that the incision that is being made is somewhat longer than normal, so that the audience can get a better view. I wonder what is up with that? A free operation for someone who doesn't have insurance? Curious.

There is an awful lot of great information though, and is worth a look.
What the hell! I think that the video has taken some of the mystery about what I am going to eventually have to handle. To me, looking at something that is potentially frightening square in the face, makes it much less daunting.:eek:
very interesting,mind you glad i didnt see it before my surgery,but then i am a baby lol,there certainly favour tissue valves though,it was interesting to hear the surgeon who was in his 50s say that he would have tissue,maybe there paid him lol