Question??? Strep and rhuematic

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Rhuematic fever which i had is an inflammatory infection

RIGHT??? so its caused by strep throat and my question

IS.....If everytime you get strep throat are you susseptable

to rheumatic fever??:confused:

Just wondering for inquisitive reasons,thought maybe someone

knowledgable would know because i don't know and never asked

my Doctors this question. Kind of curious to answer.

Can you get rhumatic fever more than once in your lifetime?

zipper2 (DEB)
Yes - you can get rhuematic fever more than once. In fact, there is some thinking that indicates you are more prone if you have had it once.
Gina is correct (of course). RF is a disease caused by strep and some kind of weird immune reaction. Of course not everyone who gets strep will end up with RF, even if the strep goes untreated. There is no proven genetic link, but the weakness does seem to run in families (my father and great aunt had it as well, although neither had long term cardiac damage). Once you've had it, you are likely to get it again if strep goes untreated, especially in the first 5 years after occurrence. I think the AHA still recommends long term penicillin therapy to prevent future flareups.
Thank-you Lisa ,im wondering because of the rhuematic on my

mitral now is so full im wondering if i at some point and time i

didnt result in the rhuematic fever due to the endocarditis in

2006 and now wonder if the rhuematic fever results on my native

mitral are the wear and tear from when i was 17 the first time

or result of a new case of rhumatic fever maybe in 2006 because

of the strep,i know they never said anything about rhuematic fever

in 2006 they were saying i was lucky the endo didn't hit my native

or mechanical valve,yet when i had avs 16 years ago the surgeon said

he left the mitral as he felt it would outlast the mechanical ,so just

makes me wonder and when i asked this other surgeon about it in

Alta. he said no sighn of endo but the mitral is full of rhuematic.

Makes me think then i may have got rhuematic again then in 2006.

Not as bad as age 17 but i ran high fevers and was treated for endo.

I guess after surgery will tell all of the story.

Zipper2 (DEB)
I'm not sure what you mean by full of rheumatic. RF can cause vegetation and thickening of the mitral valve, so maybe that's what they meant. You didn't necessarily have to have another case, as it can get worse over time.
Yeah thats basically what he said the vegetation etc
and mitral stenosis due to inadequate blood flow due
to the rheumatic fever.

In 92 they saw it but said it would outlast my mechanical,so they
again didnt fix something broke and this time my aortic mechanical
will last forever once the mitrals replaced.......however long forever is:rolleyes:

anyway too much time on my brain ,thinking too much

again and seeing my doc tomorrow and if surgeys not soon

im heading to work,i hate sitting around here.:mad:

getting ticked at evrything (LOL)

zipper2 (DEB)