Feeling better than ever???

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Active member
Jun 5, 2008
Manchester, NH, USA
I am 4 1/2 months post-op and I'm feeling great. Pretty much back to the way I felt before surgery in terms of energy level and stamina (I was asymptomatic before surgery). My question is.....at what point should I expect to be feeling better than ever? My cardio told me that replacing my severely stenoic aortic valve with a shiny new mechanical valve would cause me to feel better than I have in a long time. I'm not there yet (nor did I expect to be this soon) but was wondering when that might happen.

What were your experiences??

Congratulations on the progress of your recovery. Glad to hear you are doing so well.

I'm now almost 3 year post-op and I was asymptomatic, too. I felt perfectly fine pre-op. Now post-op, to be honest I can't say I feel "better than ever".....I essentially feel as good as I've ever been (in some respects not as good due to those darn itchy keloid scars). Perhaps that's all one can be expected if you don't really feel bad in the first place. All I know is that on the inside, the leak is gone and the heart has remodelled so that the enlarged chambers have returned to normal and the heart walls have thickened. It's all good even though I can't say I feel any better than ever. No regrets.
Wayne - I think you meant to say "can't say" instead of "can say" in your last sentence. You may want to edit it for future readers.

To answer Robin's Question -

I think there is a WIDE variation in how long it takes for patients to feel "better than ever".

MANY report feeling pretty good after a few monts as you indicated but also report continuing to improve for a Year.

Some (mostly older patients or patients with more severe or multiple conditions) report continuing to improve up to 18 months.

It sounds like you are Doing Well so I would say
'just be Thankful and Enjoy Life!'

'AL Capshaw'
Robin ... I agree with what has been said ... I was like you, no symptoms ... Back at work in 5 weeks but I must say there was a point at about a year that I noticed that I was feeling "better than ever" but I had also started walking and eating right etc .... how ever you progess is right for you:)
Well I'm just at 5 months post-op and also like you I had no symptoms prior to my surgery. I for the most part feel the same as I did before the surgery. I am trying to get into some type of regular exercise mode, but of course my motivation just isn't what it could be. I am on this great roller coaster ride and figure that no matter where it takes me, it sure beats the alternative that I had prior to surgery (pushing up daisies).:rolleyes:
I can honestly say that I don't feel 10 feet tall and bullet proof, but I can leap short dog houses in a single bound:D
Hang in there and God Bless
"Better than ever"...how does that feel? I was asymptomatic up until just before my surgery...couple of months before anyway...lost my energy by the end of the day. I had double heart valve replacement back in February (8 months ago). I have felt great for some time and have had no restrictions. In fact, I just got back from a 7 day elk hunt in Colorado (10,000 ft elevation) where I hunted HARD...and I felt better than years previous. I hear that a 'magical' timeframe for 'better than ever' is at one year. If I feel better at one year than I do right now at 8 months post-op, that will be great!
My question is.....at what point should I expect to be feeling better than ever? My cardio told me that replacing my severely stenoic aortic valve with a shiny new mechanical valve would cause me to feel better than I have in a long time. I'm not there yet (nor did I expect to be this soon) but was wondering when that might happen.

What were your experiences??


I'm not sure when I felt "better than ever":confused:......but I'm sure it happened;). As an active golfer, I still can say that "I am still looking DOWN at the grass":cool:. Give yourself some time....sounds like you are doing everything right.
I am 4 1/2 months post-op and I'm feeling great. Pretty much back to the way I felt before surgery in terms of energy level and stamina (I was asymptomatic before surgery). My question is.....at what point should I expect to be feeling better than ever? My cardio told me that replacing my severely stenoic aortic valve with a shiny new mechanical valve would cause me to feel better than I have in a long time. I'm not there yet (nor did I expect to be this soon) but was wondering when that might happen.

What were your experiences??


I received the same spiel from my surgeon. We either had the same surgeon or it's a standard line taught in medical school.

I'm three months out from an AVR, feeling decent, but not "better then ever"; perhaps I'm just rushing it... Now take about 30 years off my age THEN I'll feel better than ever! :D
It's basically the same thing with me. Until a couple of months before I had the surgery, I was considered asymptomatic, so if I use that as the comparison, well, yes, I walk on the tread mill at a bit more of an incline, but I was practically expecting to fly up hills!!!:rolleyes: Granted, the fact that I got A-Fib 2 in August 2005 which started leading to CHF, well, I guess I could say I feel much better than I did then!