Oops...I double-dosed

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Perth, Australia
:eek:...Boy am I vague...I was refilling my weekly pill box and remembering that I didnt have to fill in tomorrow's pills 'cos they were still there. When I finished filling my box my brain went AWOL and I promptly swallowed Wednesday nights pills. Silly me as I already took Tuesday nights pills about 2 hours earlier.

I raced on here and did a search and have read that my choices are I can either do a half dose for 1 or 2 days or skip tomorrows dose. I am leaning towards 1 x half dose and treat myself to a large coleslaw yummo!

My last INR was 3.1 , 10 days ago. I have been stable forever and take 5.5mg every day.

I am actually more annoyed that I took 2 of my pain pills for my back 'cos they can make me nauseous and I dont want to spend the night feeling like I have morning sickness...lol...I also doubled up on my beta blocker and cholesterol tablet...gees do I feel stupid...I thought at 43 I was too young to be this vague and forgetful :(.

I figured if I ask the question tonight you guys can add your wisdom while I sleep.;).
Your thoughts on what to do for Wednesday nights dose are most welcome .

Thanks heaps.
How easy is that!

The extra BB didn't cause any dizzies or anything but the double dose of Tramadol kept me awake all night.

I will just continue on and forget that I had a little oops.....
I am still going to have a super sized serving of coleslaw just because I can and its a lovely sunny salad day today!:D

I will steer clear of chainsaws too ...lol...

Catwoman: I take 5.5 mg daily, 38.5 weekly. I have been on this dose for ages.
You took to much and I forgot mine completely. Oh well, that's life.

LOL...so does that mean we cancelled each other out!?

I took my evening pills in the morning one day last week too :eek:...so I guess I have one more oops to go...these things happen in 3's ya know!