Nervous about surgery's MVR on Wed.

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This is the second surgery for you to replace the pig valve with a mechanical one and I know you are nervous, but you have to hang on to the good thoughts that the pig valve allowed you to have your beautiful daughter and that hopefully this will be your last open heart surgery with the mechanical valve. Sending our best wishes that you will have a successful surgery and uneventful recovery that allows you to be back home with your family pronto. Looking forward to hearing all good news. Godspeed!
Wishing you all the best for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery!

best wishes

best wishes

I will send good thoughts your way. You will do fine, the mechanical valve isn't bad at all.
Sending you the very best wishes for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. We'll be thinking about you and waiting to hear the good news that you are over the mountain and doing well.

Sending you prayers for a smooth & successful surgery. Stay calm & focused. It will all be over soon enough & you will be on your way to enjoying your life once again. :)
Best Wishes

Best Wishes

Good luck with the surgery and best wishes for all that comes after. Hope to be reading some posts from you soon that will help me with my own recovery.
thank you all, I will let you all know how it goes. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. This is a big week, but I will get through it with flying colors :)

Aja Lavander
Well,good thoughts and prayers out to you
the worst is the wait and looking forward to a
post when your all done with your mechanical valve surgery.
All the best and keep us informed
