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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Jefferson City, Tennesse
Hello everyone at!

The last time I posted I was about as down and out as anybody could be. I was so sick. My husband and I both found ourselves unemployed. You guys rushed to the rescue with notes of concern and prayers for strength and comfort! Whether you realize it or not sometimes this forum is a lifeline to people. It was for me.

Now for the rest of the story...I am doing extremely well now! I finally started rehab 5 months after surgery. In rehab they worked with my cardio and pulmonary problems. Rehab boosted my confidence! I could actually exercise and breath at the same time...LOL! Well yesterday I di a 2 mile HIKE! Not much to most people but a huge step for me! It was like a hike to Heaven...I soaked up the mountain air; the breeze cooled our faces; seeing 15 deer and other wildlife...and the best part was I took my granddaugther with me!

Lastly...I'm getting ready for a job interview. Life is looking great to me again!

Thanks for being there! You guys ROCK!
Jane, I completely agree with you concerning the support that we get here from some of the most wonderful people !!!!!!

It is so great to hear about the improvements in you life, I am really happy for you and your family.

You also give people like me 'hope'.
Jane - what a great post to read! You sound like you are doing so so much better! Welcome to the other side of the other side! :D
Glad to hear that things are going so well, Jane. Keep hiking and enjoying!

My arms are aching to reach out and hug you. It is so wonderful to hear how far you have you have pulled yourselves up as the saying goes. It sure wasn't easy but you did it! Yea for you and your DH.

GOOD LUCK with your job interview. Go Wow them.
Please keep us posted as to your progress. It gives all of us such hope.

You go girl!
Sometimes a post such as yours, brings welcome relief and some tears. Thank you for letting us know that you are now doing so well. That's the purpose of VR - SUPPORT - SUPPORT - SUPPORT and, well, info, too. It's so nice to know that the members here have helped, but the work involved was yours. Blessins...........
Thanks for letting everyone here know that you're doing so much better......keep on hiking, loving those grandchildren and believing in yourself. Good luck on that job interview!!!

Jane, so glad things are looking up for you. "Way to Go" for the 2 mile hike. You are on the road to bigger and better things. Congratulations on the job interview, sending positive and uplifting vibes your way.

And no, YOU ROCK!:)
Great News and I hope the people that interview you are worthy of having you as an employee.
Good Luck on the interview. I know you will do well.
Great to read about your great health and that your career is picking up :)

I am where you were last time you updated... I feel sick (almost 3 months post-op and still have Tachycardia, sternum aches - it is winter and damn cold, back and forth in CHF and to top it all up: lost my job!

You are my inspiration and I am going to get healthy and get a great job, just like you :)

Thanks for the post. Meant a lot to me and picked me up from my down mood...
I'm glad you're doing so well.
Don't forget, if I make it over your way, we're going to meet up for a chat about Mossy Creek!

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