7 Weeks and Counting

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2008
vero beach, fl
I'm now seven weeks post surgery and thought I'd share a few items that have (had) kept my attention since the "grand opening". I invite anyone to comment on these issues.

1. On several occasions I felt my heart fluttering - fast and irregular. I am told that this is normal as the heart has been through a major trauma and this will diminish and disappear over time.

2. I thought the popping and cracking of my sternum would go away after a couple weeks, but it continues through week seven. Again, this seems to be diminishing and this past week my chest actually feels as if it's "solidifying".

3. In certain (prone mainly) positions or with a deep breath it feels like my heart is short on space within the ol' rib cage. It feels like it's beating harder with a beating sensation in my lower throat.

I have to say that my energy lever is sky high since the new valve is in place. Thank God the advances of science have enabled this type of operation to extend the lives of us who have had faulty equipment.
I think everything you mentioned is par for the course....at seven weeks your sternum has not completely healed....I'm sure you have read that it takes about a year to fully recover.....Everyone is different but at seven weeks you have a ways to go....be patient...sounds like you are right on track.
Yeap, Par for the course. You may still feel like that 4 months out. It takes a good year to recover.
I can only echo what Cooker and Ross have said: These kinds of aches and pains do sound rather normal. Sounds like you are doing fine overall. Of course, if you ever have any alarming pains, call your doctor right away.

Welcome to our world.
Ditto what's been said. I'm over 2 years out and my sternum still has the occasional "popping" when I sneeze or more abruptly. The sensation is similar to cracking your knuckles or other joint.
I am 8 1/2 weeks and counting...

it still hurts somewhat when I sneeze or cough. I also experienced the heart flutters in the beginning and still have sinus Tachycardia (HR 120 at rest) and have not gain my energy back yet.
Thanks for all the information and encouragement! I wish I had found this forum before the operation as there's a ton of useful information here - and for much of it you had to have been there.;)