Valve Wallet Card....

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
My surgeon's office says they have not received my valve wallet card but manufacturer says they mailed it.

I am sure if I request it, they can create another.

Do I really need it and should I bother? (I have the exact model number and product number from the surgical report.)

Thanks for your opinions.
I think you should have that information in your wallet. And co-workers and loved ones should know where its located.
Just my thought
Mine was mailed to my house, not the surgeon's office. I just got a replacement because the plastic coating on my old one was tearing from being in my wallet for almost 10 years. It's just one more thing that identifies you as a valve recipient in case of accident, etc. Also, it has the serial number and model, so if (God forbid) there's ever a recall, you have the information to see if it affects you. Those of us who got St. Jude's valves about 10 years ago needed that information to see if we received one of the infamous Silzone valves.
Mine was mailed to my house also -- from Medtronics. I have never had to use it for anything (and maybe that's another reason for gratitude) but it is comforting to know it's there. I've thought if my sternum wiring set off a super-sensitive alarm somewhere, it would be nifty to pull out that card and say, hey I really am the Man of Steel. :D Or maybe some would say, the Tin Man. :p

But seriously in a medical emergency, I think it could be helpful for the med folks to have quick access to that information. I also wear a medical necklace with my diabetes and heart info on it.
Thanks. I think I'll e-mail them and request they create another and mail it to me. I think I really should have it.


Are valve wallet cards only for mechanical valves, or should I be trying to get one for my new tissue valve? This is all a new adventure to me!


I have Bovine Valve and they, indeed, have wallet cards for us, as well.
I sent an e-mail this morning to Edwards Life Sciences requesting they prepare another for me and send it. I think it wise to carry it especially considering we travel quite often.
My wallet card was mailed to me. I keep it in my wallet.:rolleyes:
I never seen anything like it before and was never told I was getting one.
( At first I thought it was a credit card) Don't I wish!!!
I have two mechanical valves but one wallet card.
Are valve wallet cards only for mechanical valves, or should I be trying to get one for my new tissue valve? This is all a new adventure to me!



Mine is tissue (porcine) and I received card from Medtronics. Found it kind of neat to have it -- we certainly earned it. Too bad it doesn't come with an economic stimulus credit. :p
I have a card for my tissue valve and a card for my pacemaker. They are very nice plastic and one is green and one is blue. Colors of the companies whose product I wear.

Yesturday when at preadmission they did take copies of both, they said they use them in case something happens during this surgery, even though my heart surgery was done at same hospital saves time from having to look through old records on the computer.
I am a proud card carrying valver :D:D:D. However, I think it is more important to have a medical ID of some sort, especially if on coumadin. I wear a bracelet. That is an adjustment for someone like me who does not like to wear jewlery. Of course my wife makes me wear my wedding band as my sold sign :D:D:D. Not sure why, I am an older model now :D.Karl
I had a card mailed to me at home for my annuloplasty ring. It's always good to keep a card with you just in case.
RE: Wallet cards in general

RE: Wallet cards in general

I had a St. Jude's valve installed last July (aortic) and have been on warfarin ever since.

I got a Medic Alert necklace/pendant a month or two later. I got it instead of the bracelet because I basically type for a living and didn't want all that dangling.

The theory is that should I have a stroke and be found by people who don't know I have an artificial valve, the people in the ER won't pump me full of that drug they give to stroke victims. Which just might kill me given the fact my blood is already thin.

Frankly I have found ERs to be generally chaotic and disorganized and I think the odds of some resident taking the time to look through my wallet while I'm lying there are questionable.

But then, maybe I'm being too pessimistic...
Thanks for all the comments.

I had a brief time post op on warfarin but am off it now. (Tissue Valve).
I happen to agree with you, Yankeeman, that it isn't all that likely an ER would go through my wallet looking for a 'valve card'.

I still think it wise to have and carry one. Certainly can't hurt.
Hrmm. My husband never received a card. In fact, I have no idea what type of valve he has, other than it being bovine. We were discussing a medical alert necklace - he had one while he was on warfarin - but won't his large OHS scar signify to EMTs or paramedics that there were past heart issues?

Although, I suppose specifying he had an MVR might help in some way in an emergency?

There are a few things that you can do to help someone fine critical information about you in the event of an emergency.

1. Wear a medical ID medallion, or bracelet. There are some good looking ones available. It should state your condition and critical medications, such as Coumadin, B-Blocker, etc.

2. Create an Emergency card for your wallet. Make it very visable. In my case, I think this information is more important to see than my Drivers License. I display it in the dirvers license window of my wallet, and also carry a copy of it in my passport, and in the visor or my car.

This original card template was created and provided to me and others on the site by Dick, from Houston. He calls it his CYA card, and I call mine the same today."Rob's CYA Card" I have had this for years, and update it from time to time. I don't know if he still visits the site, but I sure thank him for this.

It is in an excel format, and when printed it sizes exactly the size of a credit card. I made a tempplate for you to see, I left some non personal info, and input XXX's for the fill in the blank stuff I removed. You can fill in your own information.

I'll tried and post the file, but cannot, so, I posted a jpg of it. Perhaps you can create your own.

Or, if you would like one, I could e-mail you a copy if you let me know.
Unless, Ross has a creative idea to allow this to be available on the site.
