Weight Loss

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20 pounds, but some of that was pre-surgery probably due to the anxiety of it all. I've also noticed my appetite plummets if I take any kind of pain med (Percocet or Vicodin). I would have to force myself to eat something as you don't want those meds in your system on an empty stomach.

Im under 190 now and wanted to lose 20 before the surgery, just didn't think OHS would be my dieting solution :)
Can't look back and quantify but there was weight loss. To echo ctyguy anxiety was perhaps the cause. A little overweight when going for my last (trouble free wey hey :) :) ) pacemaker replacement, I asked the Surgeon if he could also do a bit of liposuction. His witty response, a few days on NHS hospital food should shed some pounds. :D Serious point there, hospital food tends to be healthy small portions, that could account for some weight loss.
Ray seems to be taking the opposite approach to anxiety before surgery. :eek:

I've been hiding the girls lunch box treats, but he still finds them. :mad:

I was wondering if he might shed a few pounds or if I will need to invest in a pad lock for the fridge!
took me about 3 weeks post op to get to where I felt like I was getting back to normal on my food intake. Hospital food sucks !
Sometimes people who need valve surgery suffer from fluid retention because their hearts are not efficient at pumping. Then when they are in the hospital, they get pumped full of saline solution via IVs, since the saline solution is used as a vehicle for drugs.

Once home, it will take several weeks to a month to get rid of this type of fluid, and some may need diuretics.

I wouldn't rag on him too much for what may seem to be fat, it might not be, and may be beyond his control.

Please remember that his body is not operating in normal, optimum condition right now.

And fluid retention can accumulate in the extremities, but can also accumulate around the stomach area (ascites) causing a larger girth with rounded abdomen, tight waist bands, etc.
24 pounds. Partly from fluid retention, partly from no appetite/taste post-op. I was **happy** to lose the weight, but eight pounds found their way back.
I later joined Weight Watchers to lose those 8, plus more.
I have lost 15 pounds within the first week of having my OHS to fix mitral valve. They gave me Dueretics to drink and before I knew it, I was 15 pounds lighter :p I still don't have an appetite and try do drink more water, so I am sure I'll even loose more.
Weight Loss

I dropped around 20 pounds following surgery. Since I couldn't exercise for three months due to a broken foot I've managed to get some of that 20 pounds back. Resuming my exercise program has really been a chore.

Okay, this is interesting because I was actually counting on losing weight after OHS...BUT....it didn't really work that way. Actually, I gained a ton of fluid weight in the hospital and they had to give me injections of Lasix twice a day. It worked...I lost 8 lbs in one day in the hospital...that and the food was absolutely inedible.

When I got home after about 3 weeks my appetite returned...but I was still so sore I wasn't very active. I had lots of post-op issues like pleurisy, collapsed lung, etc. so was in kind of bad shape for a while so didn't really move as much as I should have.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is I didn't really lose any weight as a result of surgery and actually gained fluid weight...but thanks to Lasix and Weight Watchers I have now lost about 13 pounds. I am 12 weeks post-op and just about a couple of weeks ago feel like I rounded the corner and started to feel good again. I'm back in the gym and feeling much better!

Best of luck to you ~ Don't count on the OHS as a promise of weight loss....certainly didn't work out for me!
I got sick (pneumonia plus endocarditis) in Jan 07. I was at 172#. Reasonably fit but I had a little bit of a belly. By the time I had surgery in May 07, I was at about 150. Post surgery, I lost about another 5 pounds over the course of another week. Bottomed out at 145. I've been working out - running, weights, rock-climbing - since and in April 08, I am back to 163 and quite fit.

At 145, I was gaunt with very little muscle in my shoulders and chest.

I think the 5# post surgery was all fluid. I was still draining some from a chest tube 6 days post surgery - mitral valve replacement.

I lost about ten pounds after 2-3 weeks post op and than gained it all back as soon as my appetite returned. It didnt last long. LOL

I'm 6' 4"+, weighed 205 lbs. pre-surgery, and lost about 14 lbs in the hospital. I'm almost 6 weeks post surgery and have been eating like a horse yet I've only gained back about 2-3 lbs. The main thing is to eat good foods low in sodium, sugar, and fat to help in healing. But indulge Ray with a non-healthy treat every now and then. If he finds that he can't eat the tasteless hospital food then smuggle him something yummy to eat.

38 lbs from 1 week pre-surgery to now 3.5 weeks post-op! Looks like it was almost all muscle mass: my once-19-in. biceps are gone.
my chest, shoulder, arms were hit pretty hard with the weight loss (20 lbs). Started back in the gym today and I was 25% less on arm exercises and 50% less on shoulders. Im only 6+ weeks post-op and my incision isn't fully healed, so Im holding off on chest for another 6 weeks.