My Date with Destiny is Set!

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Mar 12, 2008
San Jose, CA
Last Friday (3/28) I had my angiogram and it came out much better than I expected. I do not have any substantial blockages to deal with at this time - I only have to contend with the AVR. That's nice to know... :)

BTW - I was really apprehensive about the angiogram. A neighbor, long ago, told me how painful it was with the dye injection, etc. So, I went to the hospital much like a dog goes to the vet... shaking and dreading every moment. I confess, the angiogram was the easiest procedure I've ever gone through - absolutely (and I mean 100%) no pain at all! I was comfortable and relaxed (no doubt due to the cocktail mix they give you to relax your sorry self) and it was a breeze. :D :D :D

Anyway, least I digress any further... :eek: :eek: :eek: my AVR surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, April 30th, at Kaiser Santa Clara Medical Center. Dr Hon Lee is the surgeon (Chief of Staff no less). My cardiologist is Dr. Philip Lee (no relation) and they are most confident in the procedure, valve choice (On-X) and expected outcome. I have full confidence in them and their support team.

I will keep you all informed and hopefully will be back soon after the surgery to write about my experiences through the procedure.

My heartfelt thanks to all for your encouragement and support these past few weeks.

Hi Layne....Sounds like all is a go!!! I am sure all will go well....great news on the lack of blockage...I wish you a successful surgery and a smooth recovery and hope that you find it as I did....not NEAR as bad as I imagined....Godspeed.
speedy recovery

speedy recovery

My thoughts and prayers are with you, and may you have a uneventful recovery! The worst part of it is the waiting.
keep that confidence, it will serve you well going into the procedure and afterwards. Heres to a smooth procedure and quick recovery !
Congratulations on getting your date!
I've just put your surgery on our VR calendar, so it's "official"!:)
laynekulwin said:
Last Friday (3/28) I had my angiogram and it came out much better than I expected. I do not have any substantial blockages to deal with at this time - I only have to contend with the AVR. That's nice to know... :)

BTW - I was really apprehensive about the angiogram. A neighbor, long ago, told me how painful it was with the dye injection, etc. So, I went to the hospital much like a dog goes to the vet... shaking and dreading every moment. I confess, the angiogram was the easiest procedure I've ever gone through - absolutely (and I mean 100%) no pain at all! I was comfortable and relaxed (no doubt due to the cocktail mix they give you to relax your sorry self) and it was a breeze. :D :D :D

Anyway, least I digress any further... :eek: :eek: :eek: my AVR surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, April 23 at Kaiser Santa Clara Medical Center. Dr Hon Lee is the surgeon (Chief of Staff no less). My cardiologist is Dr. Philip Lee (no relation) and they are most confident in the procedure, valve choice (On-X) and expected outcome. I have full confidence in them and their support team.

I will keep you all informed and hopefully will be back soon after the surgery to write about my experiences through the procedure.

My heartfelt thanks to all for your encouragement and support these past few weeks.


Dear Layne,

Sorry for your misinformation on the angiogram. Wished you had asked one of us so that we could have put your mind at ease. Believe me, I have had plenty of them & they are by far the easiest of procedures, at least for me they have been.

But I just want to wish you all the luck in the world on 4/23 --- good date -- it's my husband's BD so you will be in my thoughts too. Hang in there & I know you'll come out of it with flying colors. Have someone post for you if you are not able to to let us know how it went. Take care!! :) :)
I'm so glad the angio went well and that you have "just" the AVR to deal with.
Layne I felt the same way because when I was really little, they did one on me and the dye burnt like fire in my veins. It was shear hell. You can imagine how relieved I was when they told me that they don't use that kind of dye anymore. ;)
Yes. While I've only had three angiograms, the first two had the burning dye and were uncomfortable and kind of scary for me. The table moved around from side to side and I had to hold my breath sometimes also. The last one, about five years ago, was an absolute breeze!

Hoping all goes really well for you, Layne! It's kind of a relief to have a surgery date and isn't it nice to have those clean arteries? Bicuspid people (was that your diagnosis?) usually have that one happy little side effect.

Take care :) .
Date w/Destiny is Delayed!!! My Error

Date w/Destiny is Delayed!!! My Error

OK - in my haste to get my post on the website, I totally blew it with the date of my pending surgery. :confused: It is actually scheduled for Wednesday, April 30th - not the 23rd of the month. :eek:

I know I'm anxious to get this done... but, I didn't think that I'd push it up a week! :eek:

So, please move me on the calendar and accept my mea culpa ;) for being a bit of a dunder-head at the moment. I obviously have too much on my mind if I can't even read the calendar correctly!!
Hello Layne,

I just wanted to say that I hope all goes well for you with your upcoming surgery - I am sure it will :)
You sound well prepared - very positive and upbeat which will help you immensely.
All the best - you will be fine.


Wanted to add my best wishes for your impending surgery. Good news that there will be no blockages to deal with. Sounds like all is a "go" for successful AVR. Keep us posted.
Sending all good wishes your way for a successful surgery and smooth, fast recovery. Happy to hear you have clear arteries and don't need any bypasses. I remember that good feeling when I got that same news.

Hope the wait goes by quickly for you.
Glad to hear no complications with blockages, that makes your procedure that much more straightforward for the surgeon and less time for you in the O.R. Mine was the same way, I also have the On-X valve in the aortic position, no other issues to deal with in the surgery. Yesterday was my 5 week anniversary of the surgery and today I did 2 miles on the treadmill and even through in a few minutes here and there of jogging. Im even back to work next week.

Once you get through the procedure you will be amazed at how quickly you bounce back.

Keep the positive outlook, we are all sending good vibes your way !

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