Bonnie Anderson "Granbonny" June 10, 1940 - March 11, 2008

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Tonight will be my first night in chat without Bonnie,

I remember when the sunday chat sessions was first set up it was 7 pm Eastern time which worked out midnight for me here in the UK,

Bonnie suggested moving it to 5pm Eastern so it was easier for me and the other UK chatters to take part

thats just how she was,thinking of others, but you don't need me too tell you that do you.

Deepest Sympathy

Deepest Sympathy

To Bonnie's family:

My deepest sympathy and love to you all. Bonnie always made me feel welcome in this community; she is one of the reasons that I was able to accept and adjust to my heart condition. She made me laugh and feel welcome.

You must be so proud that she touched so many people with her gracious heart.

Blessings always,
I have just returned home from 6 weeks holiday and am shocked and saddened to read about Bonnie's passing. The last time I was on was sunday night chat and Bonnie was there as always, I'll certainly miss our chats. Even though I am a very new member I feel I've lost a true friend because she made everyone feel like they were close friends of hers

Goodbye Bonnie and thankyou for everything

hensylee said:
every time I come to this thread, my heart breaks all over again.

I know, Ann, mine does too.

Bonnie had shared our daughter's trials and tribulations as Bridgid attempted the last few years to get pregnant. We found out yesterday she is, and my first thought was, I've got to call Bonnie.
But I guess she knows.
I'm sure Bonnie is smiling down on Bridgid and you Mary. The miracle of birth is what makes the pain of loss bearable.
I am so, so sorry to hear of Bonnie's passing, she was always a Great joy to hear from during my pre and post surgery. She will be missed! My deepest condolences to her family and friends here at, it is a great loss for all.
Mary said:
I know, Ann, mine does too.

Bonnie had shared our daughter's trials and tribulations as Bridgid attempted the last few years to get pregnant. We found out yesterday she is, and my first thought was, I've got to call Bonnie.
But I guess she knows.


Me too, but I keep popping up here.

She probably put in a good word for Bridgid up there. Nothing like having someone up there to speak up for those she left behind. We'll meet again Bonny Gal.

May God continue to Bless those you left here,

Danny :)
I had been away from the site for a while and just saw this- so sad to hear it. She was such a special person to touch so many people's lives without even having met a lot of them. I loved the way she wrote with the "..."'s. My thoughts and prayers go to her family and her many many friends.
I think of her often. I think she's still very active here, because we all think of her so much.
In Shock!

In Shock!

I am so very sad. It has been a while since I have posted and today I signed in to find sorrow. My Bonnie has passed. I am so sad oh my God. She helped me so much and I am in complete shock that she has passed. My prayers go out to all and to her family. Thank You Bonnie for helping me through the most difficult time in my enitre life!:(
I'm so sorry for the loss of "Granbonny"

I'm so sorry for the loss of "Granbonny"

Although I didn't know her personally, I always have enjoyed Granbonny's posts over the past few years. A lovely lady full of character and joy, and we will all miss her greatly. My most heartfelt sympathies. Susan
Despite time passing, I find I'm still unable to remove her from my email list. It's like I acknowledge her every time I scan past her name on the list. The fact that I can't send mail to her registers her presence in some quiet way.

Be well,
Despite time passing, I find I'm still unable to remove her from my email list. It's like I acknowledge her every time I scan past her name on the list. The fact that I can't send mail to her registers her presence in some quiet way.

Be well,

I have done the same thing, Bob and kept her emails in a VR,com folder.
Despite time passing, I find I'm still unable to remove her from my email list. It's like I acknowledge her every time I scan past her name on the list. The fact that I can't send mail to her registers her presence in some quiet way.



During my annual trek to Nashville TN in the spring of 2001, a friend of mine, whom I had met through a couple Monte Carlo groups/boards, had never met, but talked to almost every night over AIM, was killed in a car collision in Little Rock, AR. I found out, while I was in Nashville, that he had been killed the day before I left for that weekend getaway (a Thursday, I left on a Friday). I had noticed that he wasn't online Thursday night, but didn't think anything of it...until, of course, I learned of his death a couple days later.

It's been 7 years now...and his ID is still on my AIM list. It never comes up as being online, of course, but I haven't the heart to take it off the list.

And the same goes for other friends/family that are no longer with us....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Maybe it's best you leave me alone" ... All-American Rejects ... 'It Ends Tonight'
she's definitely in my email addresses......... so many times I want to tell her something, but I have to just do it in my head. Must be email where she is, even if it's mental email?