Cold Medications?

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
Until I see my doctors and can ask them, some advise please.

Having just had a bovine valve replacement and being temporarily on coumadin, should I get the horrid cold that is all over the place in our area, what cold medications would be suitable? Are there some that should be avoided because of aspirin or for some other reason? I know some should not be used because of high blood pressure but that isn't a huge factor for me.

Thanks for any help.
Jkm7 said:
Until I see my doctors and can ask them, some advise please.

Having just had a bovine valve replacement and being temporarily on coumadin, should I get the horrid cold that is all over the place in our area, what cold medications would be suitable? Are there some that should be avoided because of aspirin or for some other reason? I know some should not be used because of high blood pressure but that isn't a huge factor for me.

Thanks for any help.

I usually steer away from getting off the shelf cold medications because of the fact that I have mechanical valves & am on coumadin. So when I start getting sick w/a cold, flu, I go to my doctor for antibiotics.

When I was sick with that stuff that has been going around not too long ago, the doctor gave me a 7-day supply of "levaquin" which eventually kicked in & I got over the stuff! But, when taking antibiotics, you have to be extra careful with your coumadin management. Luckily, since I'm a home tester & test weekly, I really did not see that much of a change but everyone's different.
Antibiotics and viruses

Antibiotics and viruses

NJean...I'm glad that works for you, but antibiotics have absolutely no effect on viruses (cause of cold/flu)...only bacteria. I would caution new members about taking antibiotics unnecessarily. Many infections/bacteria are resistant to many of the antibiotics because Drs. are prescribing them for viral infections. And with the possibility of added risk of bacterial endocarditis, we need the use of all antibiotics available.

Jkm7---If you can stand it, don't take anything. However, you can take Sudafed PE (the stuff available in the aisles) for a runny nose. Tylenol for fever. A plain cough syrup (expectorant/cough supressant) is ok too. Just stay away from any multi-symptom medications.
KristyW said:
NJean...I'm glad that works for you, but antibiotics have absolutely no effect on viruses (cause of cold/flu)...only bacteria. I would caution new members about taking antibiotics unnecessarily. Many infections/bacteria are resistant to many of the antibiotics because Drs. are prescribing them for viral infections. And with the possibility of added risk of bacterial endocarditis, we need the use of all antibiotics available.

Jkm7---If you can stand it, don't take anything. However, you can take Sudafed PE (the stuff available in the aisles) for a runny nose. Tylenol for fever. A plain cough syrup (expectorant/cough supressant) is ok too. Just stay away from any multi-symptom medications.

I agree with you on this, however, since I have a history of "endocarditis" & I have a tendency to come down with bronchitis on a frequent basis, & I've had phnumonia 3 times in my life, the doctors always prescribe antibiotics for me. Sorry I didn't mention this before but you're absolutely correct that anitibiotics have no affect on most common viruses.
Tell ya what. This may not be a real bright idea, but I use whatever works, the heck with the list. That's what I do, don't recommend it, but well,,,there.
Ross said:
Tell ya what. This may not be a real bright idea, but I use whatever works, the heck with the list. That's what I do, don't recommend it, but well,,,there.

I can't argue with you there.

How many times do you really need it? Not very often so as long as it doesn't spike bp I don't see the problem.

Tylenol and Corriceden (sp, bad) are kind to me. I also am able to take Nasonex for allergies. Apparently it does not effect blood pressure.
The issue with colds and Coumadin isn't really OTC meds, but the fact that we usually don't eat and drink the same.

I can't take decongestants because they make my heart rate speed up. But that is my only no-no for me.

Antibiotics don't help with viruses - but we need to be watchful that a nasty viral infection doesn't lead to a secondary bacterial infection - been there, done that and I think I bought the T-shirt.:rolleyes:
Karlynn said:
The issue with colds and Coumadin isn't really OTC meds, but the fact that we usually don't eat and drink the same.

I can't take decongestants because they make my heart rate speed up. But that is my only no-no for me.

Antibiotics don't help with viruses - but we need to be watchful that a nasty viral infection doesn't lead to a secondary bacterial infection - been there, done that and I think I bought the T-shirt.:rolleyes:

I hear ya! :)
Best Cold Med

Best Cold Med

The best cold med is the one my grandfather used. Just take a couple of swigs of blackberry brandy and you'll be fine. It works for colds and the flu. You may still be sick, but you really won't care.

Philip B said:
The best cold med is the one my grandfather used. Just take a couple of swigs of blackberry brandy and you'll be fine. It works for colds and the flu. You may still be sick, but you really won't care.

My parents would use whiskey and honey with the same results as the brandy.:D
marie said:
My parents would use whiskey and honey with the same results as the brandy.:D

My folks did too especially my dad. I really don't remember him getting the flu or even a cold that often & he was always pretty happy!!! :D :)
I have had a few rotten colds in my time. Have valve replaced in 1999.
I was told not to have any over the counter meds. However one time I couldn't take the sinus headache and tried tylenol cold and sinus. Big mistake it sped up my heart rate. What a weird feeling. I usually just take
tylenol for the headache. Rub my chest and back with Vicks rub get out the
hot air steamer and go to bed. If it doesn't sound better in a few days I
will see my dr. I also have had endocarditis. I don't like to take to many antibiotics because your body can become immune to them. My dr. usually
will prescribe a cough syrup with codene that stops the cough. I carry
an inhaler with me. It helps open the air passages so you can breathe better
Just keep a eye on your blood levels. Get retested a few days after med just to make sure. Everyone has there own way of treating such situations. Over
time you will find out what works best for you. Stay healthy!
Tea Brew!!!!

Tea Brew!!!!

I make a TEA BREW as my husband calls it . That can knock the cold right out of you. The problem is you have to drink alot and for about 3 to 4 days.
Green Tea (tea bags)
couple tea bags of herb tea
sliced oranges,apples lemons
a couple cups of OJ
add water to the brim
honey to taste
Boil all together for about 1 hour.
Drink, Drink, Drink,:eek:

I don't know what it is but it knocks the cold off quicker.....
I will be having my surgery soon very bad stenosis. The doctor told me to take mucinex expectorant. It does not have any effect on the heart. It worked wonders.

Good Luck
Kathy M
Jk - shortly after my AVR I came down with a sore throat, runny nose and a headache... the classic symptoms that signal to me I've caught a cold.

I've been using Cold-eze zinc lozenges (or whatever generic I can find) as well as Zicam, a zinc nasal ointment for the past 3 years upon onset of cold symptoms. I discussed use of these products along with my post-AVR RX (including coumadin) with doctors and pharmacists and the general consensus is the zinc products should not interfere much with the RXs I'm taking. I can't say that any one pharmacist or doctor was enthusiastic or terribly supportive of my use of the zinc products but no one said "absolutely do NOT use zinc products."

I'm stating all of this because I'm a BIG TIME believer in the combined use of the zinc lozenges and zinc nasal ointment. I limit use to just a few days (3 to 4), taking 2 lozenges a day and I'm a bit more liberal with use of the nasal ointment. Post-surgery, when I came down with the cold symptoms, I followed my usual dosage of zinc and on the 4th day, was symptom free.

I know there's not a whole lot of scientific proof to support the idea that zinc diminishes or "cures" colds. All I can say is that with when I follow the regimen of lozenge and ointment for 3 to 4 days, I never catch a cold. Symptoms are almost non-existent and usually gone by the 4th day. When I get lazy and don't follow the zinc regimen immediately upon onset of first symptoms, I come down with a cold which for me usually involves a severe sore throat for 2 days followed by a week to 10 days of lots of disgusting sneezed out or coughed up... and loss of sleep.

In the past I've taken lots of different kinds of OTC meds for cold symptoms. For the last 3 years since I started using the zinc products, I've gone to zero use of OTC cold meds. No, I do not own a zinc mine or 10,000 shares of Cold-Eze stock... though I wish I did!

Steve C.
Thanks everyone. Very helpful.

Is the problem with OTC cold remedies as pertains to coumadin or to the bovine valve.....or both?

Doctors tell me I'll only be on coumadin 2-3 months probably so I still need to find out about cold meds for 'ever after'.

South Sound Sailor.... I have had some success with zinc lozenges. Whenever we fly, my DH and I take a few prophlactically (sp) and since we started have not caught a cold on an airplace where we always used to.