Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 1-11

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
If only my dedication to diet was as strong as my dedication to starting this thread every Thursday:p :D I have stayed true to Weight Watchers (point system) since January 1. It is slow going (Bonnie taught me that was the best way) but I am enjoying my food so much more. The new WW point system allows 35 weekly bonus points:D You can eat them all at once or spread them out over a 7 day period. I try not to use those points but it does allow me a guilt free nibble or snack when it is badly needed:eek:

Good luck and good health:) :) :)
cooker said:
If only my dedication to diet was as strong as my dedication to starting this thread every Thursday:p :D

What is happening is that you are realizing it.....and that will make your dedication to your diet work the same way for you!!! Sounds like your new year is off to a great start!! ANyway...I for one sincerely appreciate your dedication to this thread!!!! THANK YOU!

I am slowly but surely returning to my pre-holiday regime. The weather here has been so gloomy and rainy and grey that it hasn't sparked a whole lot of interest in me to do well for myself. But I'm back to 2 pounds added since pre-holidays (loss of 2 pounds).

And at least I'm jumping into this thread early this week so it's impact (watchful eye) will be upon me! :p

Best wishes to everyone! Keep moving!!

Hey Cooker, I'm delighted to have company doing Weight Watchers! I try to avoid using those 35 points I can drink them on the weekend!

You want to know a great 4 point fast food meal? At Taco Bell you can get a chicken soft taco fresco style (you have to ask for fresco style; they'll leave the high-calorie stuff off--no cheese, sour cream, guacamole--and add pico de gallo) and that's 3 points and add a side of beans fresco style for 1 point. I had just the beans for an afternoon snack yesterday; it's such an easy way to avoid grabbing a bag of chips or some other bad thing.

So...I'm weighing in today because I'm off to NYC to shop and see a show with my daughter tomorrow. I got a great deal on airfare way back in February, so I'm going to make some memories with my high school senior who'll be off to who-knows-what-school before I know it! I am pleased to announce that I am back to my pre-Christmas weight.

Starting weight: 179
This week's weight: 153
Last week's weight: 155
This Week's Loss -2
Total Loss -26

Hooray Marguerite (who posted while I was off looking for my last week's weight)! Three cheers for the 2-pound Losers!:D :D :D
Wow, it's only Thursday and already we have two two-pound losers! Way to go, Marguerite and PJ! :)

Before the Friday weigh-in, guess I shouldn't go for supper tonight to the nearby Three Little Pigs Restaurant (which has such great BBQ even former President George H. W. Bush dropped in one day not long ago) :)

I will instead get a salad plate at the coffeehouse and try to ignore the scone case. :eek:

And do indoor exercise on this rainy day. ;)
One day long, long ago some of the members of the Weight Loss Throw Down decided that we would donate $1 (one dollar) for each pound that we lost up until the 2008 reunion to That time is quickly approaching. After consulting with the executive officers of Cooker?s Weight Loss Throw Down LLC, the following process for donations is suggested.

Your total weight loss should be used to calculate your donation. If you started out at 230 pounds and on the 29th of February you weigh 200 pounds then your donation would be $30, or more if you like.

All donations will be mailed to the address below. Please make checks payable to and indicate on your check that its a ?Throw Down? donation.
2833 E. Isabella Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85204

This is a very small way to say thank you to for all that it has meant to us and for the tolerance it has shown to some of it?s more colorful members.:eek:
Every little bit helps. Please don?t think that your donation is too small to make a difference.

Now, this is TOTALLY voluntary. Donations are not a condition of membership in or the Weight Loss Throw Down. Not everyone volunteered to participate in this and some may be unable to do so. There is no obligation. It is just a way to say thanks.


I think I've been doing fairly well this week as far as eating goes. Not as much on the walking, though (I only managed to do it on Monday!). Yesterday Nathan didn't go to the grocery store, so we went out to eat. I got a black bean burger with steamed veggies (instead of fries). But when the plate came out, there were fries! :eek: I was strong and asked the waiter to take the fries back and bring me my veggies. I know I ate more sodium than I would have at home, but at least I didn't go too overboard on the calories.

Tonight we're getting together with family... at a restaurant. And everything on the menu is fried! :eek: I believe I will get a veggie plate and skip the fried stuff. I like their veggies anyway (of course, they are loaded with sodium and butter, so they aren't a whole lot better for you than the meats, but I can pretend, right?). This morning I weighed 131. We'll see what tomorrow brings... I doubt I'll like it.
I am a bit confused this morning...I have discovered that my scales are tricking me...they are on a tiled floor and last night I noticed that they weigh different weights depending on how they are sitting on the tiles :confused: I previously always tried to place them evenly on the tiles but they musnt be quite level because I was getting a few different readings...either-way I think I have managed a loss for about only the second time in this here throw-down.

I officially record a loss of 2 kilos...thats 4.4 pounds :D
aussigal said:
I am a bit confused this morning...I have discovered that my scales are tricking me...they are on a tiled floor and last night I noticed that they weigh different weights depending on how they are sitting on the tiles :confused: I previously always tried to place them evenly on the tiles but they musnt be quite level because I was getting a few different readings...either-way I think I have managed a loss for about only the second time in this here throw-down.

I officially record a loss of 2 kilos...thats 4.4 pounds :D

Great job!!! Scales can be tricky, try and keep them in the same spot. This can be frustrating enough without dealing with fickle scales:eek: :rolleyes:
I just opened an EOB from my hubby's insurance (about me, of course. He never goes to the doctor!). On the second page, near the bottom they had some "Consumer Alerts" that for some strange reason I decided to read the one in the middle. This is what it said:

"Vinegar is often used as an antiseptic or astringent, but new studies suggest vinegar may also curb hunger. Vinegar produces small changes in blood sugar levels, but even these small changes may help you feel fuller during the day. Students at Arizona State University East who took 2 tablespoons of vinegar twice a day for 4 weeks lost an average of 2 pounds. To try it, stir 2 tablespoons vinegar into 4 cups of fruit juice or a glass of water. (From Family Practice News)"

Very interesting.... Perhaps I'll have some vinegar in the morning??? (Ref, is this allowed? ;) )
In my official Weigh In-Throw Down rule book, on page 1001, paragraph 3, it states: White vinegar is an approved substance for suppressing appetite.

I assume you were asking about white vinegar, Niki?:rolleyes: :p :p
I could easily have 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar!!!!

Wonder if putting it on a salad allows it to work it's "magic".
Google "Apple Cider Vinegar weight loss". You'll get all sorts of interesting things to read.
What are you doing online so late SB???? Shouldn't you be working out with your trainer??:D
Stressful week at work. I ate lunch out 2 days. I still show a weight loss but I really need to try harder next week.

Starting Weight-129
This Week-127
Last Week-128
This Week loss-1
Total Loss-2

Chimp reporting in:D

Starting weight........233
Last Week...................213
This week....................209
Weekly Change............-4
Total Loss......................24
Weekly walking............0 minutes / goose egg:eek:

Sitting on my butt all week............................priceless:p :p :p

terryj said:
Stressful week at work. I ate lunch out 2 days. I still show a weight loss but I really need to try harder next week.

Starting Weight-129
This Week-127
Last Week-128
This Week loss-1
Total Loss-2


Great job Sue!! Glad you have joined us!!!
Everyone is doing so well......I am proud of all of us!!!1 It appears that PJ is leading the pack with a recorded loss of 26 pounds!!! Way to go PJ:D

Here's what I would like........ By my calculations we started this thing on 8-28-07, if I am wrong someone will correct me:p On the weigh in on 2-29-08 please post your total weight loss (in pounds:p ) since the beginning. The "Biggest Loser" (no copyright infringement intended:p ) will receive a prize package from the Chimp:D If we are tracking this in January 2009, and I hope we will be, a prize package will be awarded for the most weight loss in 2008. The contents of the prize package will remain undisclosed, hermetically sealed in a mayonnaise jar on the back steps of Funk & Wagnal. I can assure you that it will be well worth receiving:D

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