The saga continues.....

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi..... Well my saga continues. I came home from hospital Thursday night and was having trouble with that lower chest pain. When I woke up Friday morning I was ok until I got up. As soon as I walked downstairs etc it started up again. So I went to see my GP. She said its probably IRRITABLE BOWEL and I should take paracetamol........hmmmmm....I wasnt convinced. Long story short, by 1pm yesterday (Sat) I felt absolutely awful, bad pain, weakness and sob. So I took myself off to A&E, where I spent 5 hours having blood tests and an x-ray done. The x-ray was to rule out aortic problems ????

Can they rule out aortic problems with an x-ray ?

I still have the pain and unwell feeling today. In fact its the ''UNWELL'' feeling that accompanies this pain that is the real problem. The pain is bearable, but the weakness and sob is horrible !!! Also, my ekg showed a.fib and the doc actually said in a very surprised voice ''is your heart always this anybody treating the a.fib?

For the last few days Iv noticed that as soon as I walk a few steps the a.fib kicks in and I feel really bad with it.

Anyway, they want me to see someone at the surgical outpatients tomorrow (Monday).

This is all very scary....for the 1st time in all the years Iv felt unwell (all my life) I feel scared to be alone. Even having my kids around doesnt help ..I would love an adult to be here with me. That is soo unlike me. I feel very vulnerable at the moment.

the weakness and SOB can be caused by the A-Fib, so can the pain. . . if your heart isnt pushing the blood out, your heart may not be getting the oxygen it needs. The aorta can't be seen that well on x-ray without some sort of contrast

I hear you, sometimes I just wish I had someone here

hope this helps

Morgan, 20
wish you well

wish you well


I am sorry to hear of your medical problems. The not knowing sometimes is worse to bear. Your heart is probably so irritated from your problems, that any excessive physical activity sends it into A-fib. I hope you're able to get some answers, and then make a decision on what the next step should be. After reading so many peoples threads on this site, it is really clear you may be physically alone but everyone here surely has you surrounded.

Take care and let everyone know how you are doing.

I really like what Evelyn just said. "everyone here surely has you surrounded". :D :D

We are here for you, and feeling your fears and giving you big hugs of encouragement and support.

There were several times prior to surgery when I felt so peculiarly awful that I would go sleep somewhere else in the house because I was tossing and turning so much with worry and doubt. I even wrote a few notes to my family thinking I might die before I woke.

You make sure that they take this A-Fib seriously. I would tell them that you have been experiencing this for so long and without any medical support. I would demand an echocardiogram. I would go in with a notebook with a list of all the doctors who have snubbed you so far and be ready to add a new one to your list if he/she chooses not to help you. MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE for your well-being!!! TELL THEM you are terrified and your family is suffering. Have they not all taken the hypocratic oath to help people???

Good luck on Monday. Go in there tough!!! Make demands.

Keep us posted.

Sorry to hear the saga continues. Good luck tomorrow. Demand attention as enough is enough. Hang in there. Hopefully, this will get resolved soon.
''Hi''....well, Iv just come home from the outpatients app. The doc said he felt the pain, and my swallowing problems are probably coming from my stomach and I should double the amount of nexium I take. He said he would not put the scope down to have a look until my ''cardiac'' problems have been resolved, because he could not take a biopsy due to me taking warfarin and also the scope could set off an arrhythmia.

So it looks like I will be waiting a very long time to have the scope down, because my heart issues will not be resolved any time soon (going on past performances).

Sigh !!!

Thank you 'ALL' for your encouraging 'heart warming' replies !!!! I would be lost without you !!!!
I don't know how your system works, is there a limit on how many times you can go to the Emergency Department?

I think you should just go every time something happens. Eventually they might get the idea that there is something that needs addressing. If you don't keep trying to get help for your problems, then no one is going to come knocking on your door to inquire about your health. It doesn't work that way, out of sight, out of mind. You're assuming that they really care, I don't think they do. But you care about you, so YOU have to get help for YOU.

Take the extra meds that they suggested, and if that doesn't help, then get yourself to the ER, and go as many times as necessary.

You know what they say about the squeaky wheel--
Jacqui, I just read your post. Are you taking anything for your A-fib now? I hope you're able to get to see someone about it. Also I wanted to let you know that when I had the scope done on my esophagus, my Coumadin was stopped and I was put on a Heparin drip and the doc took several biopsies. Most people stop their Coumadin and use Lovenox as a bridge. I have a problem with Lovenox so that's why I use the Heparin. Anyway, there is a way to deal with the Coumadin and biopsies. I also take Nexium...40mg a day. What dose do you take? I'm sure having the scope could cause the A-fib to kick in but if you're already in A-fib now I just hope you're able to get to the bottom of why it is happening and have something done. I can feel your frustration and fear coming across your e-mails. Please don't give up on trying to get someone to listen to you and what you're going through. We care! LINDA
Hi Nancy, no there no limit to the amount of times I can go to the ER . I know what your saying, and I will go if (when) something happens...I dont think I have a choice anyway because things are definitely changing for me !!!

When I was at the ER on Saturday a lady came in with a ''slight pain in one of the knuckels of her finger'' so I realised...''hey, if she can come with her finger I can came with my heart''....I guess I didnt feel like such a nuisance.

Thanks for your support !!
Hi Linda, Im taking Bisoprolol and Diltazem. The Bisoprolol is 'i think' to stop the SVT happening and the Diltazem is to stop arterial spasm (chest pain).

Do you know if these meds are used for a.fib ???

I also take 40mg nexium.
I am so sorry to hear that you are still battling these issues. I agree with the just go and have them see you EVERYtime you have symptoms. As for being alone, or feeling alone..
I understand..
On Saturday in A&E, when the doc took my bp it showed a different reading in both arms. I heard him tell another doc.

Does anyone know why this could be....or is this normal ? Just wondering !!!
Hi Jacqui,
I'm sorry that you are still going through this. I can't imagine your frustration.
I googled the bp thing and what I see depends on how different. If it is 5 hg or less than it is no big deal. If it is 10hg or more than you need to be check for peripheral vascular disease - a narrowing of peripheral arteries. I think you just have to resign yourself to spending a lot of time in the ER until someone takes this seriously.