3 weeks post-surgery/back in hospital

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My husband Larry has been back in the hospital since Friday 8/3/07.
What I thought was depression, was really him feeling progressively worse.
I kept calling the cardiologist & reporting that he was retaining fluid & that his blood pressure was low, but his heart rate was varying between 111 & 120. His cardiologist was on vacation & the doctors covering the practice told me to increase his lasix & did not give us much more help. I was basically talking to a Physican's Assistant. On Friday, when the visiting nurse came to check on him, she called the service & insisted that someone see him. Long story, short- he was admitted to the hospital on Friday night in atrial fibrillation. His coumadin level was way too high & he had fluid around his heart.When they were finally able to bring it down (after 3 infusions of vitamin K & then frozen plasma) they drained a litre of fluid from around his heart & had to cardiovert him to bring his heart rate into sinus rhythm. He is now feeling great & hopefully they will send him home today or tomorrow. I fault myself for not being more aggressive with the doctors & insisting that someone see him. THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN! My husband kept saying that he was getting worse & everyone kept telling him that he just had major surgery & was not expected to feel great.
All that really matters now is that he is on the road to recovery.:)
Yikes!!!! Glad to hear this was caught in time before anything REALLY bad happened. When in doubt INSIST. Go to ER if you have to....better safe than sorry.

I hope after this bump in the road it's smooth pavement. Best wishes to both of you.
I am sorry this has happened to your husband. As one who took care of my husband for many, many years with severe health problems, I can tell you for a fact that you must become the worst B----- you have ever heard of to get your husband the proper care he needs.

If your husband's doctors and nurses aren't talking about you behind your back, then you aren't nearly tough enough.

It's appalling how lax people can be, even in the healthcare field. One would think they would be on top of everything.

It just isn't so.

Women, especially, are brought up to be sweet and nice and not get testy, and they have to buck some pretty tough bulldogs in the medical field, mostly men.

The first time you are aggressive, it will feel awful, the second time it will be easier, and after that, you will derive great pleasure in getting results for your husband.

If some doctors drop to the wayside because of that, then so be it. You will be left with the best of the best who always try to do what is right.

The rest can go-----well I'll let you finish that.

Sorry this happened. Push the envelope with the doctors!! They work for us, period. Your husband is more in tuned to his body than ever before. When he says something is wrong cram it down the doctors throat. If he won't swollow fire his/her ass.

That's the way I feel about it.


What a terrible story. Thank you for relating it to us, so we can all be more aware. I am very glad to hear that your husband is feeling better and thank God for that visiting nurse for doing exactly the right thing when needed!
I'm so glad that your husband is better now.

Please do not fault yourself too much. This is all very new terrain for each of us, especially when so many of us have been incredibly healthy our whole lives. You sought the help of professionals and they let you down. Now that your cardiologist is back in town I would certainly insist that he call you and explain why his staff chose to give you such poor advice. His staff deserves a lashing for that. It will take some gumption on your part to make that call. With that gumption you will find a stronger voice inside yourself to advocate for your husband and for yourself and other loved ones. Make the call. Practice being tough. It will serve you well next time.

Wishing your husband smooth sailing from here on out.

Sandy, you'll be amazed at the difference when he goes home this time.

I was home over a weekend and had similar problems. Fortunately, my primary doctor is a social friend too and heard from someone else that I wasn't doing great. I had afib and the fluid build up and couldn't rest. The primary called me on Sunday and told me to be in her office 1st thing Monday morning.

She put me in the local hospital. My afib resolved Monday afternoon and over about 4 or 5 days, I dropped 20+ pounds of fluid weight.

Since then, it has been smooth sailing. I can sleep at night and I walk as much as I want to, sometimes over an hour.

He'll be great once you get that fluid and afib under control!

Nancy said:
I am sorry this has happened to your husband. As one who took care of my husband for many, many years with severe health problems, I can tell you for a fact that you must become the worst B----- you have ever heard of to get your husband the proper care he needs.

If your husband's doctors and nurses aren't talking about you behind your back, then you aren't nearly tough enough.

It's appalling how lax people can be, even in the healthcare field. One would think they would be on top of everything.

It just isn't so.

Women, especially, are brought up to be sweet and nice and not get testy, and they have to buck some pretty tough bulldogs in the medical field, mostly men.

The first time you are aggressive, it will feel awful, the second time it will be easier, and after that, you will derive great pleasure in getting results for your husband.

If some doctors drop to the wayside because of that, then so be it. You will be left with the best of the best who always try to do what is right.

The rest can go-----well I'll let you finish that.
Nothing had better ever happen to you Nancy. Lyn could use some lessons on becoming a real B**** when necessary. She barks loud, but when barked back at, backs down.


First I have to thank Nancy! You were such a great advocate for Joe, and you are so great in sharing your knowledge and experience! I've no doubt you may save lives with your posts! Sandy, I'm a little concerned about the vitamin K. My surgeon said it can really screw up warfarin dosing for days if not a week. What was his INR when admitted? What was it when released? Just be sure he is stabilized within the correct range.

I can most certainly identify with your husband. His case was very, very similar to mine. My surgery was performed out of state. Despite my wife's objections, (she is a RN) I was discharged and sent home five days after my surgery. 24 hours after we arrived home, my wife had to call 911. I spent 9 more days in the hospital to get the a-fib under control, the 10 pounds of fluid drained, and my INR stablized.

I realize Larry probably wants to come home right away. However, my suggestion is not to rush it. It is better if he stays longer if needed so that he will not have to go back again. Fortunately that was the position my doctors took and I was in full agreement. Once I left that time, I did not return and started on a smooth recovery :) :) :) .

My prayers are with you and Larry.



Hi Sandy,

It's good to hear that your husband is on the mend and feeling great.

Unfortunately, issues with a-fib and fluid buildup seem to happen way too often following OHS. It's a good thing that you guys caught it.

It's pretty neat to note your efforts to insist that he gets the care he needs and deserves. My wife has been a rock and a constant advocate for me since my surgery in late March. She pesters me about remembering to take my meds and hassles me when I appear to be overdoing things. These are not bad things.

Never quit and insist that your husband do the same.

Hi Sandy,

Hope the recovery is uneventful from now on. I too, have learned alot from Nancy and her posts. I've learned that's it okay (and sometimes necessary) to follow and go after my instincts. I think that the women's intuition we have is pretty powerful and we need to use it more. It's funny though how I am so protective of Chris, but went it comes to myself, I'm a walk-over! Thankfully though, that's when Chris jumps in!
All the very best, take care of Larry and yourself too,


Nothing better than hearing about your husbands road to recovery.... May it continue forever!

