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Does anyone here experience episodes of this?
I have had a few occasions recently where it has happened - today I walked down to the mailbox and when I turned around to go back up the drive, this horrible feeling came over me. I felt like I was going to fall, and felt dizzy and unbalanced on my feet. I made it back to the deck and sat on a chair for a few minutes until I felt better.
My blood pressure and pulse are fine, INR stable at 3.5 (which is what surgeon said it should be) and I haven't got double vision or a headache or anything like that.
Has anyone got any ideas?:confused:


PS: I am reasonably fit - I go for a 40-60 minute walk daily, and am not overweight. My only meds are Warfarin,and I take iron supplements, magnesium, and a low dose aspirin.
You said BP and pulse are fine. Did you take them right when you were dizzy? You also said that you are taking Iron; are you anemic? Low BP and/or pulse and anemia are what make my son get dizzy.
I have the same issue. But no one seems to know what's going (or care). I wonder about driving but it only happens a couple of times a week.

I have had spells like that -- even had one in the year before my OHS that sent me to the emergency room for the day (I was so dizzy I felt like I couldn't even stand up) -- but it was determined by the ER doc that it was not heart-related. Vertigo or dizziness can have many causes. The only thing close to a diagnosis I've ever had is that I have an inner-ear/balance problem.

I believe that anxiety can worsen the problem. It got so bad years ago that I couldn't even sit in a public meeting without feeling waves of dizziness or unsteadiness. I think worry contributed to that. Now that I am more relaxed, spells like that are much rarer.

Certainly you should check all this out with your doctors even though a diagnosis sometimes is hard to come by.
Hey there Bridgette,


Like you, I had similar dizzy spells. For me, they lasted for the first six months following my surgery.

Although I spoke with several doctors and nurses about this, nothing was ever identified as the 'reason' for this post-operative condition.

FYI, I am not on Coumadin.


I agree with Bionic Bob, it may be as simple as an inner ear/balance issue. I also get these dizzy/balance symptons infrequently. I had an episode this past weekend for a couple of days. I felt a pressure in my ears as well as a feeling of "water" in my ear as well as a balance problem. It is unnerving when it happens, but my overall health is good and it has happened often enough over the years for me not to "jump to conclusions". Tell your doctor of your symptons.

Incidently, my wife who is in very good health experiences "vertigo" every couple of years that puts her off her feet for several days.
Thanks for the replies everyone:)
Hopefully it is just an isolated thing and not indicative of something more serious.
I have an appointment with my cardio in a couple of weeks so I'll ask him then.

I have them too. Now past the 1 yr mark and they seem to be going away or are getting farther apart. Not sure yet.
Omigosh! :eek: You too?????
My first episode was in the hospital three days post op. I swear the room was spinning like a carousel and I was screaming that I was going to die. My BP and HR were "normal." These hellacious dizzy spells continued until after I came home, I would hang onto the bed and pray not to fall off.
It was like the Exorcist!
They have happened at the computer; they've happened in the kitchen; and they've happened in public.:eek:
First the doc said it was low BP. Then he thought it was the Lexapro.
My home-aid nurse (when just home from hospital) taught me to keep my eyes OPEN - and try to look at something horizontal.
They are subsiding. Not every day now. And I'm just two months post-op.
Yes,I to get them all the time. Some days are worse then others my primary and cardio dr told me I probally have a cause of vertigo. So once in a while, if I'm real bad I take motion sickness pill which they do help. I hope that helps a little even though there really nothing they could do.

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