Sister's blocked arteries

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
My sister, Diane, age for the American Red Cross.Feb..being heart month..all the employees went for a test? Cannot remember the name..Her's came back with 1 artery showing maybe 1 blocked artery?So, she called a local Cardio in small town...and he told her to come in for a heart went over on be with her. now, this is a small hospital..and when the doctor came out and told me..she has 2 severely blocked arteries..and she would have to be transferred to Greenville,S.C. an hour away for 2 ambulance...right away....I was so shook up..having to call her 2 sons to meet us there. They did the stents. and we saw her around 10 P.m. that night..what an awful night...the smaller hospital had loaded her up with bloodthinners...she was on her back all night. ..2 nurses in the room trying to keep her from moving her leg....finally gave her morphine at 4 a.m. and removed the sleeve ..but a nurse had to put her hand hard on the place where she had her that made a huge hematoma..I brought her home last pain all night..(no pain meds sent home with her).I stayed today and thought she was fine. Check with family friends..all 5 minutes I came home in a blinding rainstorm......and then 3 hours ago..her d/i/la nurse..had her back down at local hospital for an ultrasound on that huge hematoma..Sent her home with pain meds and will go back to Greenville, S.C. ( the large hospital) for some doctor? ( D/I/l said, she could not understand the local doctor? does not speak english?tomorrow for maybe a drain on the hematoma?................I'm posting on no sleep for 2 days:D but point trying to make..never go to a small hospital for a Cath of heart. knowing they cannot do anything for you..if they find something...........My hubby even asked the Cardio when he told us..we have to send her to a larger hospital..why did you do a Cath of heart on her knowing you may have found something?..He didn't say anything..............My Hubby has taking care of her for 15 years since her hubby died of a dissection..Looking after her 2 boys, ect......for he knew that was what her hubby would have wanted for us to do........Her oldest son will spend the night with her..and take her tomorrow.We cannot go..due to the bad weather we are having.......Asking for prayers .I'm sure she will be fine..once she gets this hematoma drained. ...Bonnie
OH My Heaven's Bonnie...

OH My Heaven's Bonnie...

Please know that you have my prayers and hugs for you and your family...Here's wishing you rest, peace and for your sister, a very speedy recovery. (((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))) Harrybaby:eek: :D :eek:
Wow, sounds like she HAS been through a hard long day!! Agreed, with anything important, a big hospital usually does much better. They might need to drain that hematoma. sounds like they didn't seal it well or someone post-op didn't put enough weight on it like they should have along with all the blood thinners she had i'm sure helped with the complication.Prayers your way!!
So sorry to read this. I know what you mean by small hospitals doing a cath. That happens at our small hospital in New London. If they find anything, they have to rush you off to Yale in New Haven and of course at that point, you have no choice.- that's why Dick went to Brigham. Prayers to you and your family, Bonnie. Get some rest tonight and I hope all will look better tomorrow!

I am so sorry, it's just terrible. You and your sister and her family will be in my prayers. Take care of yourself.

I am sorry your sister and your family are going through this. I hope everything gets better and turns out well.

Prayers and hugs coming your way.
Sorry to hear this Bonnie. Hope your sis is better very soon.

I totally agree about the small hospital issue.
I know you are really tired. I hope your sister is feeling better with meds by this morning. Hopefully they will get it drained and she'll be ok soon. When my bro had his cath they put the weight on the place and we had to wait a long time. When I had mine, they put in a plug and I was on my way before long. Wonder why they all don''t use the plug? Just curious.

My prayers are with you all, Bonnie. Rest today.
Bonnie,just wanted you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you got some rest in spite of the storms last night.
I hope you get good news about the hematoma this morning, Bonnie, and I hope you get some much needed rest . . . you've all had a hard week.
Bonnie, I'm so sorry your poor sister had to go through all that. She's very fortunate to have such faithful and competent family help. Hopefully she'll be better real soon and you can all leave this stressful stuff in the past.
Update on Sister

Update on Sister

Thank you all for the well-wishes. The doctor's office in Greenville, S.C. called her at 8:30 a.m. and said for her to come anytime. Her son drove her over. she said, they had to do another ultrasound..then injectd her with some kind of med to dissolve the blood pooling around where they had put in the sleeve(where they inserted the needle when they did the Cath) called it a Soma? aneurysm..and that he does at least 5 a week..due to ???..maybe she was released too early..They didn't take it out until 4 a.m. and was released at noon. On the way home, I had to pull over..she felt a sharp pain?And she told me..that is when she thinks the blood started to pool.......The doctor she saw today said..a week of doing nothing/driving....and the swelling will probably still take a week to go down....She sounded better..saying she didn't think she would need anyone tonight..They gave her loratab ? pain meds at the hospital last night......My thoughts are..if they had given her pain meds when she was discharged .the hematoma would have been liveable ..I told her..I have had one since my surgery when I bumped my shin..and it took about 3 weeks to dissolve..(this was before I left her) but..where hers was.......hurt to even use the bathroom.:eek: .....Thanks again..Bonnie
Glad to read this Bonnie and I hope your sister has a quick recovery!

Thoughts/prayers coming to your sister and, of course, you..... Sorry your sister had to endure all of that :(.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Waiting to be mended like a potter would mend a broken vase" ... Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers ... 'Broken Lady'
Bonnie, so glad to read your second post and find that your sister is on the road to recovery. How very scary for all of you. Hope you cal all get some rest now.

Good point about going to a small hospital that can't follow up if they find something.