Coaguchek XS approved for patient self-testing!

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XS, Protime INR Ratio cost comparison

XS, Protime INR Ratio cost comparison

Hello Blanche

Does the price you quoted for XS compare favourably with other manufacturer's prices?
TY Blance. Please keep me posted when you hear more! I did put my number on the "list". Hopefully they will remember to call!

It sounds like Tapestry will be more inclined to charge more because they have folks waiting. I may just research other sources.Wonder what the folks in the U.K. or elsewhere pay for their XS units?
I don't quite know how to answer your question, but I will try. The INRatio monitor is considerably less than 2,000. I don't know about the ProTime. I was not quoted a price. A representative from Tapestery said that $2135 was the price of the CoaguChek last year and she thought the new model would command a higher price.

We must remember that the CoaguChek machine has more than 85% of the market share, so it does have the upper hand. It is also the monitor with the greatest longivity, which counts for something.

It seems to me that most, if not all, of the distributors of Prothrombin testing monitors are not invested in the marketing to individuals. They target hospitals and large doctors' practices. Individuals add to the coffers, but they are more trouble and messy....callling, asking questions, and in general taking more time for one person than for a practice that involves 100, 1,000, or what number more....

I hope that I have approximated an answer to your question... I am wondering if I could get a monitor in Ontario. My sisters and brothers live in Buffalo, New York, a stone's throw from the Peace Bridge. What do you think?

I would think you may be able to work out arrangements in another country Blanche. Going to look into that myself. Can see the pricing for an XS in CONSIDERABLY lower in the UK. Approx 1000 USD less. Now why it that? :confused:
You may want to check out warrantee issues with Coagucheck if you are looking into purchasing in another country. Also - remember the UK has socialized medicine. This will effect the cost and it might not reflect in a sale to you - at least one that has a warrantee. So make sure you have a valid sale for warrantee purposes.
Blanche said:
I don't quite know how to answer your question, but I will try. The INRatio monitor is considerably less than 2,000. I don't know about the ProTime. I was not quoted a price. A representative from Tapestery said that $2135 was the price of the CoaguChek last year and she thought the new model would command a higher price.

We must remember that the CoaguChek machine has more than 85% of the market share, so it does have the upper hand. It is also the monitor with the greatest longivity, which counts for something.

It seems to me that most, if not all, of the distributors of Prothrombin testing monitors are not invested in the marketing to individuals. They target hospitals and large doctors' practices. Individuals add to the coffers, but they are more trouble and messy....callling, asking questions, and in general taking more time for one person than for a practice that involves 100, 1,000, or what number more....

I hope that I have approximated an answer to your question... I am wondering if I could get a monitor in Ontario. My sisters and brothers live in Buffalo, New York, a stone's throw from the Peace Bridge. What do you think?


Hi Blanche,

Yes I was trying to compare the costs of different manufacturers. Two years ago when I bought the S, if I remember correctly, it was under $1,000 CD and I think the Electronic Quality Control was around $400 more. Still much less than $2000US for the XS. In order to buy the S I needed a doctor's prescription.

I'm going to phone Shopper's Drug Mart. (a large chain) and have them quote me a price and whether or not a Dr's prescription is required and post their answer.

Home monitoring is very new here and not acceptable to some Drs. at all. At the time I contacted 3 major cardiac hospitals and received a response from only one. Hopefully things have changed. Anyway, I'll get back to you.
Got Coaguchek XS System, Dec/06

Got Coaguchek XS System, Dec/06

Hi everyone,I hope everyone is doing well.Thanks to everyone who replied to my posts last fall; about my INR swinging out of range and hometesting questions.A special thanks to Lance who sent me info which really helped me to get my INR hometest system.I got the Coaguchek XS System for $1000.00 Cnd funds and 6 XS strips for $45.00 CND.I did my first test with it in early Dec/06 with a INR result of 2.9 and one hour later I tested at the lab with a result of 3.0,this system is very accurate!The peace of mind and freedom that this has provided me,my family and yes even my Dr has been fantastic!My INR range is 2.0-3.0 and my INR has been between 2.3-2.9 since I started hometesting.I for one would highly recommend checking this system out if your thinking of hometesting.I really like mine.Thanks again Lance and all the wonderful people who have supported me on this site.God Bless You All and best wishes.Miracles are happening all the time!
Thank you for the info Lance and Garth. And yes....would love to know if you are required to have an RX to purchase in Canada or any other country for that matter. US requires one. Which is not an problem. Have it. I do have issues with the HUGE price dif between the US and elsewhere. It sounds like 1000-1200!:rolleyes: :eek:
I also find this very interesting. Located a few Canadian links (drug companies) that will sell the CoaguChek XS OTC for around 900 US. There is a link for the XS. It is confusing as it lists the XS and talks about the S:confused: Not sure if you would be getting the XS or S if you ordered? This did seem to be the case on other sites as well. Will investigate further. If my insurance is not going to cover my unit....would not hurt saving over a 1000! That is if it is legit!
It would not be much of a problem if you knew that it was actually coming from Canada. However, many of the "Canadian" pharmacies have only the Canadian Flag on the home page as their connection with Canada. In one malpractice case where I was an expert witness the "Canadian" pharmacy was actually in Mauritius (try to find that on the map) even though all of the people involved were eventually found in the US. If you have a warranty problem think of the headache of having to ship it to Mauritius for a replacement.

My Coaguchek XS arrived today. I live in NZ, and I ordered it direct from Roche (NZ), no need for a prescription.
The cost for the kit, plus a vial of 24 test strips, and an extra pack of 50 lancets was NZ$1078 - that's about $500 US I think? I stand to be corrected on that one.
Now I have to read the manual and study up on how to use it. I am new to all this :confused:

That is such great news for you Bridgette! Enjoy your new unit. Some of us have such a difficult time moving through the red tape here in the US!

Al...ty for sharing that info! Where the heck is Mauritius? Actually sounds like some type of "disorder"!!
XS cost and availability

XS cost and availability

Hi Blanche,

Shoppers' Drug Mart has not responded to my Friday request about cost of XS and whether a doctor's prescription is required. Pharmacist tried to dissuade me from using home testing--the lab is just around the corner.

Shoppers' is a large chain here and I suspect they would have a store in one of the border towns.

Gath 51,

I'm glad to learn you are home testing. It's really good news. The cost to you is significantly lower than in the US--now that's a real surprise. Did you need a prescription and how and where were you trained, how often are you testing, and who is looking after your doseage? In order to get my S I had to attend several training sessions at Tor. Gen. Hosp. and they checked me out with my XS. My PCP would never approved home testing without hospital/medical training.

I test weekly--some feel it's too often but it works for me.
Many thanks for the assistance with Shoppers Drug Mart. The idea of obtaining a monitor from outside the USA is becoming more appealing to me. We are fortunate because our current ProTime monitor is working and we do have supplies. If we were under pressure, I don't know how we would handle this. Appreciate your support.

You have my best wishes for an early Spring.

Shoppers' Drug Mart info

Shoppers' Drug Mart info

Blanche said:
Many thanks for the assistance with Shoppers Drug Mart. The idea of obtaining a monitor from outside the USA is becoming more appealing to me. We are fortunate because our current ProTime monitor is working and we do have supplies. If we were under pressure, I don't know how we would handle this. Appreciate your support.

You have my best wishes for an early Spring.


The drug store told me that first of all INR monitors are available only in drug stores where personnel are qualified to do the training. She didn't ask about the price because they do not have anyone to do the training but doesn't think a prescription is required. Maybe your relatives could source it for you from here. It's very surprising that monitors are cheaper here.
I'm having a lot of trouble with my computer freezing up and I'm having trouble getting posts out,due to this problem,I'll try again now.I had to have a prescription and go to 1 training session by a certified Pharmacist.I got trained at a certified London Drugs Store in Winnipeg,Manitoba,Canada,then I was able to buy my Coaguchek XS System from them that day and take it home.I manage my dosage with a chart I got through Al Lodwick's site,thanks Al.I home test bi-weekly as long as I'm in range.I get test at the lab every 4 to 6 weeks and my GP monitors me through my regular appointments and the lab tests.He asked me to let him know if and when I ever get out of range.I hope this info is helpful and I'll try to keep in touch and get my PC fixed.Best Wishes to all!:)
I just read my last post and I see that I said I hometested biweekly which would mean twice a week,which of course is an error on my part.I hometest every 2 weeks as long as I'm in my range.If I were to go out of range or have a big change I would test weekly.Sorry for the error folks,I hope my posts have been some help for you.:eek:
Home monitoring changing rapidly in Canada

Home monitoring changing rapidly in Canada

What a change from 2 years ago when I bought my first monitor.

According to Shoppers' Drug Mart there are 3 levels of care.

If I remember correctly

Level 1--pharmacy authorized to sell XS and instruct the user
Level 2--They own the monitor, take the test and report result to Dr. for dosing adjustments
Level 3--They perform the test and recommend dosing

It's about time Canada came in from the dark ages when it comes to INR.

Garth, I don't think it's a bad idea to become associated with an anti-coagulation clinic in the nearest hospital. After awhile you will get the feel for your dosing do very well and you will be aware if you are given bad advice. IF you should run into a problem or need surgery where bridging is required they are the best resource people to have on your side. ACT can be tricky.

Let me know how you make out. May just follow your lead.

Maybe we can meet up in Canada;) Still would be cheaper than paying full price for the XS. Question is....would they take a US rx? I would like to wrap this up within the next month!