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Dennis S Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
Karlynn recently mentioned that it is fun to see other peoples talents, and to see how they can sometimes be combined. JimL had recently asked about using one of my pictures as part of the label for some wine he was bottling. I said yes, and asked if he would send me a picture of the finished product. I received that a few days ago, and thought it would be fun to post.

I think Jim did a great job of matching font, colors & layout to the picture.
Dennis S said:
Karlynn recently mentioned that it is fun to see other peoples talents, and to see how they can sometimes be combined. JimL had recently asked about using one of my pictures as part of the label for some wine he was bottling. I said yes, and asked if he would send me a picture of the finished product. I received that a few days ago, and thought it would be fun to post.

I think Jim did a great job of matching font, colors & layout to the picture.
Ah but Dennis, did he send you a bottle of the wine? :D
:D I think we should all get a complimentary bottle of the vino!!!

Very cool label!


Why am I so NOT surprised that you two would be the first to respond. Remember we are talking about sharing talents, which is just a little bit different than sharing bottles. But, now I know for sure how to get your attention.
Thanks for posting the label, Dennis, I wouldn't have known how. I bottled last Friday, and somehow five gallons made 26 bottles, one too many, but then one broke when I inserted the cork -- perhaps the bottle you're talking about? The wine should really be in the bottle for several years before it is opened.
However, I do still have three bottles from two years ago, well aged, which are labeled for VRcom, ready for the next reunion I attend; these bottles were named by Christina and Mary.
This thread reminds me of when I was little, My dad used to play around w/ making wine for himself. The 2 I really remember were dandelion wine, that he made w/ dandelions and i think oranges, he had us kids pick the dandelions, you only used the petals, you can't believe how MANY dandelions you have to pick for one gallon of wine lol
the other was some kind of balloon wine, that you put a balloon over the top of the bottle for months, you had to keep it in the bathroom, which was interesting, since our house was an oooolllld farm house that they added a bath to, that had a toilet, sink and shower stall (No tub in the house anywhere) so the 2 gallon bottle tok up alot of room lol,
thanks for the memories :)
My wife, Shirley, has expressed interest in dandelion wine, so I'm thinking of trying it this year. I found some recipes, in case you're interested:
Perhaps I should host a dandelion picking party, after which there are those three bottles of aged VRcom wine. The traditional day to pick dandelions is St. George's Day, April 23, so how about then? Who can come?
JimL said:
My wife, Shirley, has expressed interest in dandelion wine, so I'm thinking of trying it this year. I found some recipes, in case you're interested:
Perhaps I should host a dandelion picking party, after which there are those three bottles of aged VRcom wine. The traditional day to pick dandelions is St. George's Day, April 23, so how about then? Who can come?
April 23 is my birthday - might be a fun party to attend.;) :D ;)

Cool label - BTW.
I have one fairly old British book that tells how to make homemade wine out of all kinds of things. I've never tried to make any wine, YET, but one of my brothers-in-law has made wines out of several different things. We always smile and tell him how good it is but... at least it's fermented!

I'm slurping on a [blank brand] burgandy as I smile and type this... at least it's fermented!

BTW - nice shot, Dennis! But I'll toss my wine glass in with Stretch's and Ross', and I would have negotiated a bottle also... I'm sure it's fermented!


I am afraid a bottle of really fine wine would deserve a better palate than mine. If I had a bottle I think I would save it as a coversation piece. But, I suppose I could empty it & still have a conversation piece, couldn't I?
StretchL said:
Congratulations on being published, Dennis!

But I must agree with Ross, here... I would've tried to negotiate at least a bottle... :D

ps- Are the stars still in alignment? Has Hell frozen over? Ross and I are starting to think alike! :eek:

Stretch, if you review your Ross photo journal you'll find another similarity between you and Ross. Remember your list of what constitutes a good hospital stay? :D

Pass the bottle Dennis!

Would love to come help pick dandelions Jim. Probably won't get to, but a sampling of your vino may be worth it.