Stretch is out of the hospital!

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
Dear Everyone, this is Noni. You guys are an incredible group of SAINTS and ANGELS! I was hoping that Stretch would update his own blog and VR entries by now, but I see that he's still resting and sleeping a lot. Sorry for the delay in reporting to you that Stretch was discharged from the hospital on Sunday. Some of you have seen the blog that I updated and shared with others - and that's fabulous! You guys keep an eye out for one another and at this point we're in the receiving end, and I can't tell you how much it all meant to us. THANK YOU.

We're staying at Millenium Hilton in downtown Manhattan. Stretch gets very comfortable in the king size bed watching the 42" plasma tv. We need to get up and start walking around - he doesn't have much energy yet. My cold is getting better but I still cough a lot especially at night. Thank you all for your concerns and love for us.

We have the shirt back from Nan, and as soon as Stretch feel like it I will make pictures. We have an appointment to see Dr. Stelzer on Wednesday, Dec 20, and if all goes well we anticipate to return home on the 21st.

I'm sorry to keep everyone hanging - I'll try to do better on my updates on Stretch until he feels like typing himself.


Good news but Please don't apologize for not posting! You've been through a great deal this past week - you're away from home and family & friends watching your husband have OHS and then you get a cold. Even though I am not a senior member of the board, I think you will be forgiven!!! ;)

I sincerely hope that Stretch's appointment goes well tomorrow and you get the clearance to return home so you can both really relax and recover from this big event.

Take Care!
Thanks for the update, Noni.
Please give Stretch my regards, and my hope that you are back home on the 21st.
I am sure you are both happy to be out of the hospital. Hope you get home as planned.

Thanks for keeping us updated.
If you are flying home, I suggest (if you have not already done this) calling the airport and reserving a wheelchair. Those airport corridors are long, and the lineups can mean standing a long time.

Good luck.
No apologies needed, Noni- we have all been there or will be eventually and we understand what a time consuming and tiring process this is! We are all just so happy that Stretch is out of the hospital and praying that all goes well and you are able to go home as planned. Walking is important- even if it's just continuous walks around the hotel room and down the halls. Best wishes to you both and we look forward to the shirt picture when Stretch feels up to it.:)
Absolutely no apologies necessary!!!

Just so glad that you are both getting better. Looks like you will be home in time for Christmas. :)
Definitely the wheelchair in the airport is a must. Way too far to walk.

Stretch - Don't get too comfy in that big bed with the 42" plasma. :eek: Several short little walks are better than one big long walk at this point. Gotta do your walking, gotta do your breathing, gotta do your exercises. Naps in between are good too (I had a short nap yesterday afternoon and it was great! - I love the ability to nap without feeling guilty).

Be sure to get your walking and breathing in to help rebuild your stamina.

I'm sure the Dr. appt. will go great and y'all will be on your way home. Remember to get up from the airplane seat for a brief walk every so often to keep the blood moving in your legs.

Keep us posted as you have time.



*Great to hear that Stretch is doing well and over the worst. I hope everything goes well for you both in the morning and you get home soon. Im sure that BIG bed is great but you cant beat your own place. Take care of yourself also. Warm Wishes to you both. 8)
Glad to hear that Stretch is doing well and getting rest. I'm also glad that you are feeling better. Please give Stretch my best. I wish him well with his appointment tomorro.
hi noni,
so glad to hear all is going well and that stretch and you are both getting better and stronger. i imagine he must be sleeping an awful lot. i remember those days.

what a great suggestion adrienne made about the wheelchair.

i hope the flight isn't too much for stretch, being as tired as he is.
i will call tomorrow to see how things went with dr. stelzer.

stay well and wishing you both a continued smooth recovery.
Excellent update, Noni :). So glad to know that Stretch's recovery is going well.

Good luck at the doctor appointment tomorrow ... sure hope Stretch is given the "green light" to go home :).

Thoughts/prayers continuing, of course.

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"I ain't ready for the junkyard yet" ... George Jones ... 'I Don't Need Your Rocking Chair'
David's hit it right on the nose. Movement is key in recovery. It needn't be extended, but get up and move - frequently. It won't really help right now to try to go for a special heart rate, do a certain mileage or build up muscle. It ain't the meat: it's the motion.

Stretch the muscles out as much as you are reasonably able. Get your rib cage back into its proper shape. Take your body back. You need to move lymph through your system, and muscle contraction is how your body does that.

Also, to add to what David said about breathing, be sure to practice good posture while sitting or lying in bed. Don't allow your back to curve in a "C" while you watch TV. Keep your back straight, so you are encouraged to take deep, full breaths. Intentionally take those deep breaths every once in a while, to get into the habit.

Best wishes,
And keep using the incentive spirometer. Hopefully he left the hospital with it.
Happy to learn that Stretch is out of the hospital and I hope you'll get to go hom as planned. This kind of surgery throws you through a loop and takes longer than planned to get better. Stretch will feel better soon, but my doctor warned me to chart my progress by the week rather than by the day..

Glad to hear Stretch is out of the hospital. Please make sure to call airline at least 24 hours ahead for the wheelchair and let them know he'll need it at both end of the trip. A little walking now is also something he should be doing even is along the hotel corridor. Hope everything goest well with the doctors appointmnet. Give give me regards from SIngapore and happy holidays
Dear Noni:

Thank you for the update. We have all been watching.......Please give him our best wishes for a smooth flight home, and totally uneventful recovery.


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