Painful foot.....

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi everyone..... For a few years Iv had a pain in my right foot and lower leg. Recently its been way worse. Usually its painful all day but bearable and by evening its quite bad. The pain is very 'hot and burning' and my foot swells, not excessively, but enough to make my shoe tight. It also happens if Im out shopping, it will get bad in less than half an hour. I suppose a good way to describe it that it feels as though the blood is pooling in my foot. AT the same time it feels as though my lower leg is tingly. I get some tingling in my other lower leg also, but not the pain.* Also, for several weeks I wake up at least 3 or 4 times at night with my arms ''asleep'' to the point of them being totally numb from my elbow down to my finger tips.

* My question is, DOES ANY OF THIS SOUND LIKE IT IS HEART RELATED. Some of you may know by now, (even though Im only here a few weeks,) that I have moderate MVR with TONS of symptoms. I thank you all in advance for your opinions.
have you had the foot looked at - maybe x-rayed? Mother's foot got really sore so I took her to dr who ordered an x-ray. There was a quilting needle in her heel! They made arrangements to remove it, we went, drs had emergency and re=scheduled, we went, same thing. Mother said she was better and wasn't doing it unless it hurt her again and that she would probably die with the dang needle in there. She did.
Thank you......

Thank you......

Hi Ann, Thank you for your reply. Your poor Mum!!!! Its so horrible when the people who we depend on '''the health professionals''' let us down, but even more so when it happens to our beloved ''elderly folk''. I was raised by my Grandmother, she was hospitalised for 3 years before she died,(2 years ago,I sat with her for a week leading up to her death) aged 92, and I saw some awful things happen to our most vulnerable people (aside from kids). On more than one occasion I had 'words' with staff just to get my Grandmothers basic needs met. *Of course there are 'super' people working in the health care field also.
EireCara said:
Hi everyone..... For a few years Iv had a pain in my right foot and lower leg. Recently its been way worse. Usually its painful all day but bearable and by evening its quite bad. The pain is very 'hot and burning' and my foot swells, not excessively, but enough to make my shoe tight. It also happens if Im out shopping, it will get bad in less than half an hour. I suppose a good way to describe it that it feels as though the blood is pooling in my foot. AT the same time it feels as though my lower leg is tingly. I get some tingling in my other lower leg also, but not the pain.* Also, for several weeks I wake up at least 3 or 4 times at night with my arms ''asleep'' to the point of them being totally numb from my elbow down to my finger tips.

* My question is, DOES ANY OF THIS SOUND LIKE IT IS HEART RELATED. Some of you may know by now, (even though Im only here a few weeks,) that I have moderate MVR with TONS of symptoms. I thank you all in advance for your opinions.

Hi there!! I think that you should MAKE your doctor aware, and check it out. Because of the things that I just experienced - I think that it sounds vascular - I could be projecting - but my symptoms were similar. My left arm would get VERY tired, achy, fall asleep ALL the time, sometimes my hand would twitch quite a bit - my artery was 90% blocked. Do not take a :confused: type of answer from your doc - make him understand. He should probably check your blood pressure in both arms and legs.

Good luck - I hope you find some answers!!!!
Thank you Piper....

Thank you Piper....

Hi there, I just read your story, and replied to it, but just wanted to say THANK YOU for answering. To be honest I dont know how to get my gp to listen to me, short of arriving in ER, which I cant do because my kids need me here. But you have given me much to think over tonight. 8)
How about trying to get your gp to listen by giving him/her a written list of all of the symptoms, even better, a diary or chart of when and how long you have them etc.

It might get more attention ... couldn't hurt other than taking some of your time.

Good luck. Hope they( you) can track this down.
Thank you Nan...

Thank you Nan...

Thank you Nan for your reply and suggestion. Sometimes we dont see the obvious or are afraid to do the obvious in case we look silly.(I think im at the point of not caring how silly I look).

*Good luck with your upcoming surgery and recovery, I will remember you in my prayers. 8)

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