Your Suggestions Here

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"The Virginia Valvers"

"Hearts on Fire"

"The Cardio Cut-ups"

"Surgeon's Delight"

Song suggestion: "I'm wearing my new Pick-m-up Truck in my chest so I can keep riding with you." Well, maybe too Country.

May God Bless,

Danny :)

"Sergeant Stretcher and the Survivor Hearts Club Band"

"Valver and the Survivors"



"Beat It"

PS.......After the namd of the band is chosen, look at all the album titles you can choose from! :)
The Steady Beats

The Vicious Valves

The Rhythmic Rebels

The Merry Murmurs

The Beating Hearts

My husband is sitting here beside me helping me think of names.
Pump heads

Morphine Fiends

Hearts of Gold

I'll keep thinking... I like this idea. :)
WEll, hopefully not true...........

WEll, hopefully not true...........

but The Arrythmics. If you were all gay, you could be the Cardio Queens. :D

I do like Niki's The Pump Heads, though, or The Broken Hearts Club Band someone else mentioned.

Son plays a mean sax, and I do a really wicked kazoo..........:D Be a hell of a commute just for practice, though. :D

Good luck in your venture.
Marguerite53 said:
I wonder how the tuba will sound with a rendition of Janis' "take another little piece of my heart now baby......" Just caught it on the radio and realized that I have that scream down!!

And, that I have a new theme song! :D


Yep, that song definitely has new meaning after valve surgery, doesn't it? :D
I'll sing and write! (My guitar playing is strictly for writing purposes, once in a while my band makes me play in public - under much duress!)

Names - liked a lot of the suggestions!

Here's a subtle one: YKK (you know, the zipper company! Most of our chests look like we have 'em!):D

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