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Well 8 days since surgery. My heart is just ticking away. I am really tired but glad to finally be home. My chest feels like it has a lot of pressure on it and rboy is my valve loud. But maybe because I am little. But Dr.Laks team rocks and they were very happy with the way surgery went. They said they were able to put in a bigger On-X valve so the blood runs better. Ok i will write more later. I have of questions.But don't have the strenghth right now. Thanks for the prayers.

Luv Ya,
I'm glad you've made it home.
Rest up and tell us everything when you feel up to it.:)
Welcome home!
Be sure to let everyone pamper you while you are healing!
Breathe, sleep and walk!
Hoping your recovery is quick and uneventful!
Glad to hear you're back! Take care of your self and many cheers for a happier, healthier next 30 years! :D

Debi (debster913)
Welcome home! Now here comes the boring part...Rest, rest and more rest! Wishing you all the best on your road to recovery, may it be a short, uneventful one!
good news

good news


So glad you are home and feeling good. I was going to call, but didn't want to bug you if you were still in the hospital. How was your room-mate? Yeah my valve is way loud too. I don't notice it for awhile and then I hear it like it is a bass drum pounding in my chest. I am falling to sleep to music sometimes when it is too loud. Well take it easy, breath, rest and walk. I am up to 50 min. in Am and 35-45 at night. It won't be long till you are back to your old self, maybe even better.

Glad you're home!!

Glad you're home!!

Take good care of yourself - and may God bless you with a successful boring recovery!!!!

Glad that you're home.
I have a St. Jude and it sure seemed loud right after surgery. I even called St. Jude about it a couple of months post-op. I was told the noise level is variable, depending on the person's physiology and time. I was told that people sure complain when they CAN'T hear their valve.
When I went back to work, I could hear the valve over the usual office environment noise (phones, chit-chat from co-workers, ceiling fans, outside traffic (office is at a downtown intersection).
3 years post-op, I very seldom hear my valve. I do think it's subsided, not just that I have become more used to it.

I'm sure your valve noise will dissipate with time, too.
Welcome home, get plenty of rest, just enjoy all the pampering you'll be getting, and rest, rest, rest! Again welcome home, continued good wishes!
Good news! Welcome home, lilbit. You'll be feeling better, I hope, a lotbit. Sorry I couldn't resist that.:D Seriously, just take everything gradually, one step at a time, and you should feel fine. If the valve noise bothers you sleeping, I recommend one of those little bedside devices that make soothing sounds, like ocean waves or rain or chimes or whatever. I've used it to mask the ringing in the ears that developed post-op, and it's really helped.
Wecome home lilbit! Glad to hear everything went smoothly while in the hosptital. Here's to a speedy recovery!!!
Welcome Home!
Sounds like things are going well.. Keep up the good work.. You know the mantra Sleep, breath, eat, breath, rest, breath..
Take care!
Hey Welcome Home Lilbit!! You are over the worst now. So just take it one day at a time and relish the new working heart. Enjoy being served by others and not having to do housework for a while(that was the best part for me!!). Hope you can get some sleep at home and that you get out and enjoy some nice fall weather. Karen

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