The time has finally come

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Active member
Apr 25, 2006
Tulsa, OK
Hello to everyone,

My surgery date has finally come. We'll be driving down to Dallas tomorrow afternoon, and my surgery is scheduled for 7:30am Tuesday. I feel great about it, and I'm ready to get to the other side of the mountain. Although I do not post very often, I read these boards several times per day. I want to thank all of you for such wonderful information and support. I'm not sure what I would have done without you. I'm sure there will be some surprises during the recovery, but I think I am MUCH more prepared for it after finding this wonderful community. My wife, Debbie, will try to keep you all posted on my progress until I can get back in front of the computer.

Thank you all again. See you on the other side of the mountain. God bless.

Hey, Lee. I just checked to see who's online and saw your name. Came to seed if you posted anything and by golly you are fixin to go get 'it' done. Watch out for the truck. You know we will all be thinking of you and sending our prayers out. We will anxiously Debbie's post. GODSPEED!
Break a leg

Break a leg

Best of luck. Let everyone know how great it goes! I meet with Ryan on 8/25 to discuss my probable surgery near end of year. I would love to get your impressions of him and suggestions for surgery prep/recovery.

We'll be praying for you.

Thanks so much for posting to let us know of your surgery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Seeing you, your medical team, and your loved ones surrounded in loving, healing light. May you have a completely successful surgery and a smooth uneventful recovery. Looking forward to hearing from Debbie about how things go. Please let her know that she is welcome to ask any questions she may have as well.

See you on the other side of the mountain. Happy Trails!
Best wishes, Lee. We know you will do fine and we are looking forward to hearing from Debbie. Godspeed!
We'll be here, waiting for your return.
God Bless and Godspeed.
Safe travels...

Safe travels...


We'll be thinking about you on Tuesday morning and sending good thoughts your way.

Warm regards,

Prayers coming your way!

Prayers coming your way!

Lee, Me and my Family will be sending up some local-to-Dallas prayers tomorrow. I think he will hear us either way though...;) May God give you Peace and your Family Faith through your surgery and subsequent successful recovery.