Going to Dr. Cosgrove / Cleveland Clinic

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Hi everyone-
Finally heard from Dr. Cosgrove's nurse Jeanne (took about 2 1/2 weeks).

She says Dr. Cosgrove believes there's a 95-98% chance that he can REPAIR my mitral valve, although he said it wasn't urgent and I could wait until the beginning of the year if I wanted. He said my heart was slightly enlarged now, and did recommend the surgery. I decided to get it over with and have selected the last two weeks of September (although I'm already wishing I had said Oct. or Nov.!) She said they will call in a couple of weeks with the actual date. Looks like I have about 6 weeks to prepare myself. Trying not to think about it.......OK, trying not to think about it CONSTANTLY! I do feel honored to be having Dr. Cosgrove at the helm, and at least I'm not having second thoughts about surgeon selection.

I'll be dropping in a lot here as I start my list of questions. I do feel really prepared from everyone who has gone before me. I think I'm a lot more worried about recovery complications, than the actual surgery. Seems like everyone comes through the procedure in great shape, and then all the NASTY stuff starts happening!
Congrats on getting the best, Peg.

OHS really is the elephant in the room - just try ignoring it! If you get terribly anxious or can't sleep because of it, get some chemical help from your doc. It's not good for your heart to be constantly fretting. Xanax sure helped me during the run-up to my surgery.

Ask all the questions you want - we'll help you get through this trying time. And Sept. is a great time - you'll be feeling pretty good by the holidays.

Hello! Just wanted to stop by and give you a hug as you begin to prepare for your surgery. I'm in the waiting room although not as long as you have been. I can't offer any advice about recovery but did want to wish you all the best on your journey!

Think Positive!

Take Care!
Peg, you are going to a great hospital and surgeon and you will do fine. Take these last weeks before surgery to gather as much info as you can from the forum and then take some time to just enjoy life too. Let us know when you have a date and we will be here to cheer you on to a "boring" recovery.
So you were the pioneers who were responsible for giving Cleveland Clinic their great reputation!!! Sounds like you should have a wing named after you up there.
Thanks for the encouragement!
We were there in 1971. We waited 9 months for a slot to do two valves. They were only doing 8 surgeries a day. Most were bypass. There has been SIGNIFICANT improvement since then. The construction for the new facility started about 12 months ago. It will be massive in site. The waiting room for the surgery center now holds about 400 families. When the new cardiac center is completed, those families will no longer wait with the other general surgeries.

The communication procedures with the families are excellent. They have a retired female drill instructor from Paris Island (joke) that sorts out who can go back to the intensive care unit 4 times a day. She could easily work the White House security detail, but she is just doing her job.

PM if you have any questions regarding family housing, directions, etc. We now live 3 hrs. away, but know the area well.

John for Joann
PegB said:
I think I'm a lot more worried about recovery complications, than the actual surgery. Seems like everyone comes through the procedure in great shape, and then all the NASTY stuff starts happening!
I think you hit the nail on the head with your statement. Valve replacement isn't over when you leave the surgery suite. You still have to travel the road to recovery, and some travel it easier than others.

However, that said, with enough passage of time, most do very well.
I think you will be glad that you're going ahead now rather than later. I believe you will enjoy the holidays much more having the surgery behind you.:)
CCF Fan Club

CCF Fan Club

I originally went to Cleveland for a second opinion, but was so impressed I decided to "bite the bullet" and let them do my surgery. After surgery, my poor sister in law got panicky when Dr Lytle actually had her and my brother come to his office for the post surgery update--but he quickly reassured her that all was well! I've been pleased with my post care--it's a little of a hassle if something goes wrong (I had to be readmitted a week post surgery due to fluid around my heart causing irregular heartbeat, and probably waited longer than I should have to go back to the doctor since it was a 2.5 hour drive up there from Columbus) but now I only go up once a year for a follow up visit. It's 7 hours from here so a big time commitment for a doctor's appt. I was pleased with my nursing care both times I was in--although I think it was maybe a little better immediately post surgery vs the second admission. (I was on a different unit the second time). It's a BIG place--don't be intimidated by the shear vastness of it.


Thanks for the support. I hope I become a FAN CLUB member. It's a little over 5 hours up there from here, and I know that's going to be a problem. but hopefully worth it. The Drs. here seemed sort of annoyed that I kept insisting on CC, since they seem to think they can do as good as the boys up North. I figured my insurance covers it wherever I go, and if anything goes wrong up there, I'll at least know I tried my best. I am sort of concerned about my post op back here since I really don't know my cardio. very well, and feel like I'm just another chart to him. He's part of a big group though, so someone should be able to figure me out.

Looks like we will go up for the two days of pre-op, and I'll do that on my own, and then my husb. will come back up the day of the surgery, and stay for a couple of days, come back home and then come up to pick me up when I'm released. Hope gas stays below $3!

Did you stop a lot on your way home? I thought about flying home, but all the waiting and crowds in the airport sound a lot more stressful than the car trip. Lots of pillows in the car for support??

PegB said:
Thanks for the support. I hope I become a FAN CLUB member. It's a little over 5 hours up there from here, and I know that's going to be a problem. but hopefully worth it. The Drs. here seemed sort of annoyed that I kept insisting on CC, since they seem to think they can do as good as the boys up North. I figured my insurance covers it wherever I go, and if anything goes wrong up there, I'll at least know I tried my best.
**Check on your insurance--mine paid for mine but at a lower percentage than if I'd had it done here. I did have out of pocken expenses but hey, it didn't take me long to hit my max for the year.

**I am sort of concerned about my post op back here since I really don't know my cardio. very well, and feel like I'm just another chart to him. He's part of a big group though, so someone should be able to figure me out. **
What cardio are you seeing up there (at CCF)? If you are interested in driving to Dayton, I know a WONDERFUL cardio there. He was my cardio here and moved up there to work at Miami Valley Hospital (on the south side of Dayton). I was crushed when he moved away right after my surgery. My current cardio here is OK, but I found Dr Chandra to be so easy to talk to and sincerely interested in me as a person as well as a patient. Also, my cardio at CCF was very accessible post-op via phone and even e-mail! of course, while I was in Columbus at my brothers I was kind of in cardio-limbo.**

Looks like we will go up for the two days of pre-op, and I'll do that on my own, and then my husb. will come back up the day of the surgery, and stay for a couple of days, come back home and then come up to pick me up when I'm released. Hope gas stays below $3!

Did you stop a lot on your way home? I thought about flying home, but all the waiting and crowds in the airport sound a lot more stressful than the car trip. Lots of pillows in the car for support??


**We stopped about every 90 minutes on the way home--my sister-in-law drove and the seat reclined, so I was able to nap when I wanted to. We stopped once and ate some lunch, and another time coming in to Circleville. Later that night I went to the pharmacy--I think I overdid it that first day! I was feeling VERY rugged when we got home. We stayed at the Inn? Not the fancy hotel or the all suite hotel, the basic bones one. I had someone there the whole time, but in retrospect, I could have done OK on my own. The second time I got admitted I was by myself, I had a semiprivate room and actually felt worse than after surgery, so I was glad to be alone to just veg out.

I'll be in Cincy the second weekend of Sept dog racing at Joyce park in Hamilton--if you can y ou should come over and say hi!
Went to Dr. Cosgrove @ CCF

Went to Dr. Cosgrove @ CCF

I had my AVR performed by Dr. Cosgrove at CCF against the advise of my New Mexico cardiologists. The surgery was 4/12/2002, and in the 4+ years since I'm most happy that I made that decision. I traveled by air from ELP to DFW to Cleveland. On the return air trip was treated like a celeb even though I was in the cheap seats. My wife and I stayed for 10 days at the CC Inn although, based on hindsight, it wasn't necessary. I'm just chicken --felt more secure that way.
I still feel that CCF is an impersonal mass production factory, but hey, I was after results and not hand holding, and I feel I received an excellant outcome.
Best wishes,
See you in Cleveland

See you in Cleveland

My surgery is scheduled with Dr. Cosgrove on September 20th. Hopefully, I'll see you there. Good luck!

P.S. Is your surgery the one they are videocasting live? :)
I am sure you are making the right decision in going to CC. The only surgeon I would let touch me in Cincy retired as a surgeon due to a bad back. He did my last OHS and it was a real tough one. He pulled it off with flying colors. But, since he is no longer doing surgery, I would head to Cleveland if ever I needed another surgery (never I hope).
As far as cardios, you can't go wrong with either Cardiology Associates of Cinti. or Ohio Heart Health Center. I prefer Chris Thoresen at Ohio Heart because he has a great manner and really listens. However, you are correct that, if you are in a good practice, you should be okay.
Best of luck to you.
JohnVA said:
My surgery is scheduled with Dr. Cosgrove on September 20th. Hopefully, I'll see you there. Good luck!

P.S. Is your surgery the one they are videocasting live? :)
Welcome John.
Hope things are going well for you. You should start a thread if you feel like introducing yourself, especially if you have any questions or concerns.
We are alwasy eager to help anyone going to Cleveland Clinic. Just post or send us a PM and we will respond.

Best Wishes John
Hi John VA,
Who knows, we may be roomies! They offered me the 19th or the 25th, and I chose the latter, since it gave me a few more days. I checked your profile, and it looks like this is a return visit for you to see "The Wizard". What on earth happened???? You must have a lot of confidence to have him doing your re-do. I'm hoping you post with the details.
Please try to keep it simple for our Dr. I need him FRESH on Monday morning.:D I'll be up there for my pre-op on the 20th, but doubt if you'll be up to any visitors. Haven't heard anything about any LIVE broadcast, but I guess that format would keep them on their toes. (They better provide someone for hair and makeup!!!)

Hi Gina,
I had to keep fighting to go to CCF. In fact I switched cardios, because of it. They all seem to think that Christ hosp. should have had that #1 spot. (Just didn't seem right to me to be having OHS in the same hosp. where I was born!)
I'm with Greater Cinti. Cardio Consultants now, but I am concerned about follow up after they turn me loose from CCF. I'm trying to get my recent records right now, and I think I'll just keep them tucked under my arm throughout my recovery. My guys are out of Christ, and Mercy Fairfield, but I think Bethesda North is my closest in an Emergency. My best Dr. was in AZ, but that's not going to do me much good now.
It's good to know that I have someone as knowledgeable as you so close!
When I first moved back to Ohio from NJ, I saw a cardio that was associated with Christ Hospital. I was not impressed with him or the hospital; they all seemed a bit snooty and arrogant. I don't have time for that crap - sorry.:eek: :eek:
I started shopping cardios and ended up with the group I am with now - Ohio Heart Health out of Bethesda North although I started with a different cardio. Dr. T., who I see now, was just out of his residency when I started seeing him - he had not even passed his cardiology boards yet. Poor guy - getting stuck with my interesting history right out of the gate.;) :D ;)
Anyway, I hope you find someone you are comfortable with for your follow up. If I can help with anything - just yell.
Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic

It sound like a few of you with recent postings have been to Cleveland Clinic. I am 43 and have a BAV and need replacement within the next few months. I haven't found a surgeon yet. I live in SW Colorado and have to travel anyhow so I have been considering Cleveland Clinic or possibly the Denver area or ? As I am making plans for vacation next week I realize I am traveling for vacation, so why not travel for heart surgery? I am not sure where to start...any suggestions?
Hi Sara, and welcome. You have come to the right place to get all your questions answered. Have you seen any surgeons in your area yet? We had two members that I know of that went to Cleveland Clinic from CO. They also have a second opinion consultation there as well, where they will review your records and make a recommendation as to what they can do for you. Either you or your Dr. can send them your records. If you go to their website, they list everything you nedd to send them. (My consult has been $750 so far, so make sure you send your health insurance info as well!!!).

I'm not sure if you will get a lot of responses posting on this thread since it's been around for awhile. You might want to start a new thread with a title that will catch a lot of attention such as " New member needs advice". Also go back and read through the old threads as there's a wealth of information to be found there.

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