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Okay, I feel so guilty for not posting sooner!:eek: I needed some down time from 'the world'. I have soo many close friends and so many family members that.. at times..I just have to retreat. My time has been really devoted (since I got home) to just doing nothing. When we were at the hospital the guy wheeling me to surgery told me that was a record as far as the amount of people there. I looked back ,from my rolling bed, and laughed because as far as you could see there was a procession of my wonderful family and friends. This is the norm for my family since there are six of us kids and there are 19 grandchildren...etc..we are close knit so everyone is there for each other. WHAT A BLESSING! But, sometimes a little overwhelming.. so, I kind of needed a quiet break once I got home..

I attribute all the prayers on my behalf for my recovery. I feel great! I think my hysterectomy was much more painful and difficult. I tend to want to do too much..forget not to lift..etc. because I don't hurt that bad. It hurts..don't get me wrong.. but, I truly expected much worse.

The one thing that I will sord of complain about is the pounding I feel in my chest and sometimes it feels like my neck is going to explode..especially after I've been up walking around and then sit down...the pounding!! sometimes the pain radiates to my shoulder.. Is that normal?? I'll definately call my Surgeons nurse..but, I still like to ask ya'll too.
I'm sad to read the post about musician. I'll start praying for his recovery.
A friend just came by so I'll get back on later!!
I love all you guys!
Deana:D :D
Glad to see you back, Deena. Don't let the company wear you out and have a complete and uneventful recovery- sounds like you are well on your way!:)
Welcome home and glad to hear all is well and you have so many people to care for you.
Most pounding is normal but never hesitate to talk to the doctor about it. Best to be sure and not worry so you can concentrate on recovering.
Take care.
Welcome home!

Welcome home!

Hi Deana - Thanks so much for posting, and happy one-week anniversary! So glad to hear that you are doing well. As for the heart pounding, definitely ask your doctor, but I experienced that too (plus fluttering, jerking, all kinds of weird sensations). I asked the cardio about it and he said it was normal and attributed it to the pericardiam (the sac around the heart) being cut into. He said it could take months to years to heal completely and not feel those strange sensations. I noticed that the pounding, etc. for me tended to get worse when I was overtired, stressed, excited, etc., my own little biofeedback system. I'm 3 weeks post-op today and your question made me realize that I've been experiencing the pounding, etc. a lot less, now just mostly when I have walked a long ways, am excited about something, etc.

Wonderful that you have such a large, loving family, but glad to hear that you are making downtime for yourself too. I couldn't believe how tired I would get after even short visits. In the heart surgery handbook the hospital gave me they recommended having 'group visits' if you have a lot of people who want to see you.

Hope that your recovery continues to be smooth and uneventful!
Outside of the people here on the internet, I have no idea what family is.

Good to know someone has some.
Welcome home Deana!!! Hope all goes well. I am 21 months post op and sometimes the pounding is still kind of loud. It does get better.

Way to go!!!!!

Hello All,
Thanks for the welcome. It feels great to be back in touch with everyone. My friends laugh at me because I talk about all of you so much. I have really been so blessed by all.
My friend just 'dropped by'. I always love this but, she saw me looking a SITE! I have these night sweats..?? Did ya'll? Anyway, my hair is sticking straight up..dark circles under my eyes..boy I'm a lovely site!! Oh well, she loves me anyway!
I guess I better go do my walking. Cardio Rehab just called..what's that like?
Good luck!

Good luck!

nice to hear a positive report. cardio rehab is just working out with a nurse watching you, making sure you don't explode or something.

nice that you have a support group.

keep us posted
I loved cardiac rehab - recommend it to everyone. The first couple of days are sooooo easy - you feel quite accomplished. Then they get your number and make you work harder every time. I always came out exhausted. What a good thing. You wear a monitor and they check your heart rate. Take bp a couple times during your exercise. Can't say enough good about it.
I am so glad to hear you are home and doing so well. I certainly understand the "retreat" from people at times. Watch too many visitors; it can wear you out more than you know.
Enjoy your time with family,
Hey Deana,
Glad to hear how Well you are doing, now just don't go and over due it.:eek:
I think you will enjoy your cardic rehab.:) Mine lasted for 16 weeks and I wish it would of lasted longer. I really enjoyed it and it was a Big help for me.
Keep us posted.
Glad you are home and well.. I can't imagine that many people at the hospital! My family is small and very very spread out.. so it was just me dh and my mom.

Sounds like you are off and running though. Don't overdue it ..
Cardiac rehab sounds so great.. I wish that I would have been a candidate..
When will you start?
REST..and it is ok to tell others you need some quiet time..!
I don't know how you muster up energy for conversations..it took me weeks to be able to do that!
Hey Deana

Hey Deana

Glad to hear your doing so well. I can relate to the pounding thing. I made the statement to my wife after surgery that when I rested my head on both hands at the table that my heartbeat would rock my body. I assumed that it was because the new valve was not leaking and my heart could actually beat a full dose of blood. I had the sweats at night to, hot then cold, hot then cold. Is kind of like your in a muggy environment and a little bit sweaty mostly my feet. I'd stick them out from under the covers, then get cold, pull them back under and start sweating again. Its subsiding now 4 weeks post op. Gods Speed
I'm glad to know that someone else has the pounding heartbeat. Mine rocks me too. I really hate these night sweats..I am freezing, but, sweating at the same time! I'm glad I'm not alone. Nights are definately not my favorite time. :eek:
Ross and Marky, if you ever want to come and see what it's like to have a big family just come and check out mine. We all live in the same town except one sister who is only 1 1/2 hrs. away. My parents have also had over 80 foster children over the years. You should see Christmas!! My family always welcomes anyone and everyone... whether you stay is up to you!!:eek:
Meanwhile, having VR.com as a family is a GREAT alternative! :D
Love all,
good recovery

good recovery

Hey Deanna,

Way to go, you sound you are doing great! I have been praying for you and so happy to hear you are doing so well. Take it slow and enjoy all the attention.

You sound wonderful. And as you've heard, your sensations sound perfectly normal. I did have "rocking" palpitations for a week and finally called in and ended up with a full looking over (EKG, echo, bloodwork, event monitor). My description had them wondering AFib, but they turned out to be benign, and by the time we found this out (another week) they were gone for good!!

PLEASE, describe them carefully to the cardio (the surgeon will probably refer you to the cardio on arythmias). You don't want to be in AFib and not know it. No worries, now. No worries. Just check in with a professional and let them guide you, okay?

Personally I had more trouble feeling cold (which I never feel) than I did sweats, but both are normal. The cold thing for me was due to mild anemia which I think is due to the pump somehow leaching nutrients from your blood.

Anyway, you sound great! And it doesn't really sound as if the throngs of loved ones are wearing you out any....just get them to take you walking and you'll "kill 2 birds with one stone"! Then they'll see how tired it makes you at first and they'll let you rest!

KEep up the good work. Awesome!

Thanks for the info. I'll be sure to explain this to him as best I can. Sometimes it's difficult to put symptoms into words isn't it?..Thanks again for the encouragement.