Uncomfortably numb

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Hey all.

I've been going to the gym lately to shed some of these extra pounds I've aquired somehow ;) but I've been having a problem with my feet and legs going numb while I use the excercise cycle. I've also been waking up in the morning with numb hands and arms. It's just becoming more frequent and really irritating.

Has anyone experienced this and know what it is, or how to deal with it?



I think this one should be looked into by your Dr. It may or not be anything.
Hi Bunny,

Yes, I experience the same thing. We just bought a new recumbant bike and this one is much more user friendly than the one we had before. I want to ride this bike on days when I don't want to walk the treadmill but have to stop after approx. 30 minutes because my left foot goes numb. My right foot is fine!
I have only once been able to ride that bike for 45 minutes, but all other times I've had to quit because of the numbness. I don't remember having this problem before surgery. I don't experience the same problem on the treadmill.
I have also noticed for some time already that my left hand and fingers go numb during the night while sleeping. I sleep with that hand under the pillow and put my head on top of that same pillow. It takes a minute or two after I wake up to get them back to normal and to get the blood flowing.
I never thought about posting this probem because I thought it was too insignificant and not important.
Please, those experiencing numbness of any kind, legs, feet, arms, hands, get into your doctor's office. It your body's way of telling you that possibly something is wrong. Please take care and get this checked. I am sure everyone here is woried hearing this and want you to be okay. So, please, get to a doctor. Take care.

Aortic valve repalcement
St. Jude's valve
Spontaneous numbness should reported and investigated.

One of the questions they asked me when I joined the gym. Do any of your extremities numb during exercise? Not sure what the "key" is but it certainly sounds like a circulation disorder if you ask me. Going to ask tomorrow.

Before my valve replacement this would happen frequently. Occasionay still like Christina, it will happen when I sleep on my arm. Believe that is normal.

Bunny and Christina...you should report the numbness during exercise to your cardios!
I don't have numbness with exercising but I do wake up quite a few mornings with arms and hands pretty numb, the left more so than the right. Sometimes my natual reaction is to glance down to see if I fell asleep with my watch on because it feels like a band around my wrist. I haven't considered it a problem but just something that was happening more than it used to.
Thanks everyone for the replies.

I know it's not a really super important issue (I hope) but it was something that I was just noticing more and more. I actually noticed that my arm was going numb while brushing my hair today. I've never really sat down and thought about how often certain body parts go numb before, so when I actually did think about it I noticed it was quite often.

I'll be going to see my family doctor tomorrow and I'll ask him then. I'll let y'all know what his take on this issue is.

I guess I'll just have to take breaks while excercising. I just wish my numb feet would stop falling off the pedals! :D
Hello Bunny,

Ive have my hand /arm go numb when laying on my back or sitting in a chair that is firm. My *guess* is that pressure is closing off an artery to the arm. As soon as I reposition myself to relieve the pressure (on the upper back / shoulder), I can feel the blood flow back into the numb areas with a tingling sensation.

You may want to adjust the seat height on the exercycle and / or how you sit.

Of course it is a good idea to discuss this with your PCP.

Good luck,

hi bunny!
i, too, get some numbness in my fingers when i workout when it's a cold day. i think i can attribute it to poor circulation in my hands and fingers (always cold). you can actually see my "feeling " fingers with color and my numb ones are very pale! it looks scary, but id does go away in time ( sometimes i run them under warm water and that helps).
however, i am not a heart patient and if i were you, i would get it checked out immediately. if it's nothing, then you haven't lost anything.
i'd also be curious to see what it is_ hopefully nothing serious.
please let us know.
be well, sylvia
I have had problems with numbness in my arms and hands since surgery, paticularily the left arm. A cardiac nurse at the hospital told me that it was a common residual from the surgery since they cut through muscle, nerve etc. She told me the three fingers on the left hand would be effected the most and she was right. I still havce some loss of feeling in those fingers depite regular exercise, massage therapy, etc


Now that I think about it, I used to have that problem before surgery. On the treadmill mostly I would notice my left foot would go numb first then the right. And sometimes it was so bad that I had to stop for fear of tripping and falling.

I havent had that problem since surgery, but as I am in cardiac rehab, I'm at a slower pace now too.

Definately something to bring up to your doc


I'm being sent for tests. I had one today. A Doppler exam of my arms and legs. It felt like I was having a very strange echo. :)

I really think it's a circulation problem, but I don't know what to do about it. So hopefully these tests will help find some sort of happy medium for me.

I'll post more when I find out.

Thanks everyone.
Hi Bunny,
When I run I get numbness from my left knee down to my foot. It always happens somewhere between the 5 to 8 mile range, and will last for about a mile. It is the strangest feeling, as I at times have had to slow down, and or even feel somewhat embarassed as people drive by; for I feel like I am just dragging my left leg, and my foot will not cooperate with my stride. I try to take my mind off it, and it only makes it worse if I keep thinking about it. After it passes I may be good for about the same distance again, and it comes back.
Personally I think it is a nerve problem, and in my case; I think it is in my hip/lower back area, then radiates down into my leg.
In your case, I am glad your seeing a physician about it. Sometimes I think that is where a good sports physician could shed some light on what is going on. Keep us posted.

I would agree with the advice to have it checked out by your doctor, just to make sure.
When I was in ICU after my heart surgery they hit a nerve in my left leg when giving me a morphine shot. My left thigh was numb for 8-9 months afterwards. My doctor was never overly concerned about it and eventually the feeling came back.

You know Bunny. I was just thinking .... Have you been playing hockey with a few Americans lately. Sometimes we forget and play a little too rough with you Canadians! That could be the cause of your numbness! :D

I see you smiling ... Mark
Yeah Mark

Yeah Mark

I bet it's all those rough American hockey players! ;)

I went to a Neurologist today and had her zap my arms and legs...I go back next week to (hopefully) find out the results.
So we'll see how this goes now.

Still waiting...
Well it seems I'm fine...or so to speak. Apparently there is no circulation or nerve problem that is causing my legs to go numb. I do however have a pinched nerve in my neck that is affecting my arm and hand. For that I have to wear a wrist splint while I sleep.

They're going to check on me again in 3 months to see if my numbness continues.

I guess my legs going numb is my body's way of telling me that it doesn't want to exercise ;)

it sounds like the pinched nerve is most likely the culprit. However, one of my symptoms is numbness in the left shoulder/arm while exercising. I never really gave too much thought to it, but when I had my stress echo the cardio asked if I'd ever had numbness.

I did, and mostly on hotter days. He explained that the lack of blood pressure on the left extremities due to the aortic stenosis made it difficult for the heart to feed all of the body's demands. During exercise in hot weather, the body wants to send blood to your arms and legs to cool you off, but can't, making some people feel faint and others feel numb (depending on whether your body sends the blood to the brain or the extremities.)

I never would have recognized this as a symptom of heart trouble, and highly recommend that anyone experiencing numbness which can't be explained by your position (fell asleep on your arm, leg crossed for a long time, etc.) see their cardio right away.

One last thought: I used to bicycle for long distances, and found that the correct seat is very important. Different people need different seats to fit their anatomy; height of the seat is also very important. If your seat is set too high, or doesn't fit you well, you can get numbness in your seat, crotch or legs.

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