Staying the Course -- 06-20-2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Greetings! I am opening the week's thread early to wish Steve well in getting his pacemaker issues resolved! Keep us posted, Steve.

Also, I was a lousy physics student and certainly not much of a dietitian, so don't know that I can vouch for Pellicle's scrumptious post: re the beer and ice cream diet. But greatly appreciated his wit and wisdom, as always. As an aside, Pellicle, I just won the weekly 50K Garmin Vivofit challenge with some 63,000 steps taken (nearly 2 million now since acquiring my Vivofit2 last August). Went to my eye doctor last week, and we were comparing his Vivofit and my Vivofit2 -- we both liked the feature of changing the battery annually instead of recharging weekly. And everything else has been terrific -- thank you again for recommending it to me (or just calling it to my attention in your rundown of pros and cons of various brands -- I forget which)...

Anyway, I am hoping my cold milk and warm fruit cobbler diet works equally well.

I am starting the day with a serious crick in my neck. Thinking I may need a nice massage and/or another expedition to a Willie Nelson concert.

Ellie Mae and I nevertheless got our week started this morning with a good walk.

We had a gorgeous weekend with low humidity but humidity is building back in today -- naturally! Summer's starting.

Happy Summer Solstice! Are you going to gaze at the Strawberry Moon tonight? Nice night for lovers in love (but isn't every night?)


(Gold Medal winner, Garmin 50k)
I don't drink beer (anymore). Guess I'll have to make do with unsweetened iced tea.

Had a rude awakening when I stepped on a scale this morning. I've got to get serious about losing weight so don't abandon this thread SB

Ditto on Steve resolving his pacemaker issue to his satisfaction.

Staying the course!
honeybunny;n865742 said:
Had a rude awakening when I stepped on a scale this morning.

Reminds me of a cartoon I saw some years ago. It depicted a very overweight man standing on his new "talking scale." The scale was shouting "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING! ! !"

I'm hanging in here. I see the EP doc on Thursday AM, so will have more insight after that. I also hope that these medical issues do not change my medications, as several of them have weight-related side effects. I've got them "balanced" now so that they are working, and I can stay within a reasonable (for me) weight range. If they alter the dosages, I could be in a whole new range - not something I want.

Staying The Course!
The moon was pretty from here last night. Looked to me (untrained eye) like a big harvest moon. : )

I hope the medication changes won't affect your weight adversely. Staying in the right weight zone is hard enough already.
Where was I when you tossed all those snacks? I love my sweets, but I've learned to sort of keep them under control.

I think we Baby Boomers are the first generation who may have grown up having an abundance of candy and sweets. For some reason, it seems to shake up the store clerks when an old grey-haired dude buys several packages of candy. Oh, well. It is probably better for me (or less bad?) than several six-packs of beer would be. . .
Good resolve folks. I'm tracking food again and have been working on couch to 5K for three weeks now. Also Tae Kwan Do twice a week which is really fun.

TEE on Monday and meeting with cardiologist a week after that - will see if time for surgery or not.
Oh my! -- birthday cake (DW's) last weekend plus Father's Day festivities -- eating is how we celebrate, isn't it (well maybe a little drinking too)....anyway I stepped on the scales just now and saw an unpleasant number. I usually weigh before breakfast and this was after so I'm not going to post increase number. Well re-weigh in few days, see if it's better. Meanwhile, will go to community workout room this afternoon since at 100 degree-plus heat index it's too hot to walk Ellie til maybe after dark.

Ah the fun food -- but have to get back on course and then STAY THE COURSE!
I'm munching on my lunch salad. : )

In the last year, I've gotten my weight to about where I want it. But I'm still in a bit of shock over how little fuel it takes for my lighter 57 y.o. body.

There's no question that the loss isn't easy to maintain. Kudo's to all who are working the plan!

Superbob, I really prefer outdoor walking too, but ya, the humidity and heat wilt a person. Even at 9:00 last night, I came in drenched after 20 minutes.
I'm anxiously "holding" my weight plateau, but I'm not sure how it will play out the balance of the summer. As I mentioned in another thread, I will soon need to have my pacemaker and one of its leads replaced, so my physical activity (but not my eating ability) will be somewhat curtailed for a month or two - much of the summer around here. I plan to try to add extra walking, but I won't be able to do any upper-body exercises for 6 to 8 weeks, if I even feel up to it then. I can't compare it to the last time I had a pacemaker implant, as I was recuperating from valve surgery at the same time.

Oh, well, I'll continue to Stay the Course!