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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2009
Well I went in to the surgeon for a follow up on Monday. He looked at me and immediately said you've gained weight. Whatever you are doing is not working, get the P90X.
I asked if it was safe to go that intense at 6 months out and all he did was laugh and say "oh you will be in a lot of pain. Expect to be sore, anyone would be".

He is right about the first part. Since I went back to work my exercise activity has been inconsistent. I guess I have trusted him with my life so far....
Any experience here with this workout?
My stepdaughter started this program recently. She is 32 years old and already in good shape, in my opinion. She says that this program is fairly intense, and that's saying something from someone who already works at staying in shape. She said the Yoga exercises were difficult and she already does Yoga regularly. I don't know know anything about it personally though. Best wishes with the program and don't overdo it, which is good advice for starting any exercise program.
My daughter and grandson have been thru it several times. My grandson did it the first time when he was 13 and in decent shape as a Karate student and soccer player. My daughter was also in decent shape doing yoga, pilates, eliptical and stationary bikes. But it was still hard for both of them. Like any exercise, they are never fun when you start but after you get used to them they become more routine. Do they ever get easier? Probably not because we just work harder and longer, like running, biking or swimming...we just get faster. Good luck.
I have been thinking of trying the program too. From all the comments I read on Amazon, it does seem pretty intense. This past winter, I did a boot camp at the Y. I was by far the oldest in the group at 58. It was really tough, but it made such a difference. I did end up hurting my hip though. It is better now, but I wonder if the P90X could cause injuries also.Check out all of the comments on Amazon. Most of them were pretty positive.
We bought one. does that count? lol
Barb if you are interested check QVC.com they had the best deals/set when we got it
Well I found an earlier version called Power 90 that has fewer lessons (more repetitions in videos) and lacks some of the nutritional aspect the Surgeon was touting. They say it would be better for someone who is out of shape and I think I qualify for that now. I am going to start out on that.
Ok actually I started doing one video a day from the On Demand freebie section offered on my cable and have noticed the workouts. Most of those are 20-30 minutes long and with all of the ones to try there is a large variety.
Wow I sound boring these days. I guess I am old now too.
James, Have you checked out the p90 site for some of the nutrional information? It looks like they have alot of info there, even for people who don't "join". There is alos a forum, you MAY have to join to post, but anyone can read. here is a link to a section with recipes http://teambeachbody.com/connect/me...earch=false&_19_andOperator=true&_19_delta=75 (I hope) under a thread called crockpot recipes, there is a link to pages of lowfat crockpot recipes. Is this the kind of things you are interested in?
We bought one. does that count? lol

Wishful thinking, Lyn. I think you actually need to use it. I think I may try it after this whole surgery thing is over with. Do you really need to buy that chinup bar? I cannot imagine lifting this big bod up. I do yoga now and I think alot of people think yoga is supposed to be restful and easy. NOT. Holding myself up in plank and down dog is a major workout. I am going to China at the end of October and there will be alot of walking. It is an incentive for me to get it. Thanks for starting this, James. When I am svelte, I will have you to thank. :)
Wishful thinking, Lyn. I think you actually need to use it. I think I may try it after this whole surgery thing is over with. Do you really need to buy that chinup bar? I cannot imagine lifting this big bod up. I do yoga now and I think alot of people think yoga is supposed to be restful and easy. NOT. Holding myself up in plank and down dog is a major workout. I am going to China at the end of October and there will be alot of walking. It is an incentive for me to get it. Thanks for starting this, James. When I am svelte, I will have you to thank. :)

We BOUGHT the chin up bar too (it worked very nice to hang clothes on hangers on that needed to go upstairs :) the one thing I didn't like about the chin up bar, was I thought it held onto the door frame, by itself some how (like the little johnny jump up Justin had when he was a baby) I didn't realize you had to put brackets in the wall/frame.
Actually we got it for Justin, but right after it came, his infection in his sternum popped back up, so we put it on hold until that was taken care of (the surgery wsas cancelled after a couple months wait) then I thought I really want to have a good discussion with his docs about it, since he does have an enlarged aortic root.
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then I thought I really want to have a good discussion with his docs about it, since he does have an enlarged aortic root.

Lyn, I am not sure if Justin's aortic root would have the same implications as Colin"s, since Justin does not have Marfan. Colin was told to do no lifting or isometric type exercise. He had been doing chin ups and pilates prior to his last echo and he wonders if that caused his root to grow. I was hoping I could substitute some other form of exercise for the chin up part of the workout--like maybe lifting some heavy Doritos bags. :)
I should post a warning. Look out for the exercise bands. I was doing an overhead thrust with the black high tension one and accidentally lifted my heels. It smacked me in the head and dropped me to the floor. DOH!

Day 4 of working with real resistance and with routines and I feel so much stronger already. He was right Cardio alone was not working and at 6 months I guess heavy resistance is ok for me. Always check with your own Docs first though!
Lyn, I am not sure if Justin's aortic root would have the same implications as Colin"s, since Justin does not have Marfan. Colin was told to do no lifting or isometric type exercise. He had been doing chin ups and pilates prior to his last echo and he wonders if that caused his root to grow. I was hoping I could substitute some other form of exercise for the chin up part of the workout--like maybe lifting some heavy Doritos bags. :)

I know when I was looking thru the stuff. They said, you can use the resitance bands instead of the chin bar. Just make sure not to hit yourself with them like James did.
I think the doritos would work fine IF they were the large family size bags :)
Yes, I have a few questions I really want to discuss, he doesn't have any restrictions right now
Lyn, Maybe I should just get cases of Doritos?
James, did you get the chinup bar or are you using the bands only? Did you order the bands from the program? Where did you purchase it? Amazon? QVC? Boy, do I ever sound like a nosybody. I am glad you are liking it though. Think I will make that a goal after we return from Hopkins. Take care, Barb
I got everything from QVC and several bands came in the set (I got them because of they way they break up the payments) and with QVC If you try something for 30 days and decide you don't want it you can send it back.
I think James is doing the program right now from the on demand part of his tv, I didn't know they were there I'm going to check (we have comcast) do you have cable? maybe some of it is in your on demand section too
Lyn, I took your advice and ordered the P90X on QVC. Sitting in that hospital room gave me way to much time to do online shopping. Now, I figure I should eat myself silly because when I go home it has to stop and I have to start the program.
James, how is the program going for you? Will you post a before and after pic showing us your six pack abs?
I don't have any good before pics but, in P180X days I will post........something.
Glad to see this thread. I finished my first round of P90x 2 weeks ago and am now doing a second round of P90x. I was not impressed with P90x+ and will just do a second round of P90x. My big change is that I'm replacing yoga X with Tony's 1 on 1 Fountain of Youth Yoga. This one is only 45 mins rather than the 1.5 hours of Yoga X. Awesome to see everyone doing this. My cardio was OK with me doing it. I know that I'm getting my blood pressure and heart rate up during the routines and have felt fine.