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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
I know, I know. You're thinking "what now???" It's really just a continuation, really. Nathan went to a neurosurgeon to look at his back. He needed a more recent MRI (his last one was nearly a year ago), and he finally had that done Wednesday. His back had actually been feeling much better the last few days, so what the doc said wound up being a shock.

Apparently he has a "bone fragment" that has broken off of one of his vertebrae, has "floated" down the spine, and is constricting his spinal cord. If it moves much more, the doc said it could effect his bowls, bladder, sexual performance, etc. Yikes! So pretty much his options are 1) have surgery or 2) potentially lose all feeling in his lower extremities. Of course, we're going with option 1, though we don't have a date set just yet. We're trying to figure out when and where would be best. Basically, he'll be out of commission for 4-6 weeks. No work, which means no $ (since I don't bring in enough to pay the bills with my part time job). *sigh*

Fortunately, we do have some savings, so we won't starve. But we were hoping that savings would be the start of a couple of college funds for the kids. I guess it's better to feed them, for now.
Oh that sounds so painful! A bone fragment.......yeowee. I'm so glad they found it on the MRI. Why is it just floating around like that?? :eek:

Don't worry too much about putting off the college funding. Our "baby" just graduated from college last May -- the last one!! We're officially off the hook (and we've been out of work for a year -- could sure use some of that college money back :p !!). It does cost a fortune to send them off, and your planning to start saving so soon is admirable and should not be taken off the table. But these times are strange times! And in just getting your family going, you honestly have plenty of time to get caught up on that as your children grow.

So you are now all put back together, Niki? Hope all else is going well. I'm sure your little darlings are the light of your life!!

Best wishes.

I'm sorry to hear this Nikki. Does Nathan have any vacation time saved up, the other option is to start looking into his short term disability. Does Nathan have any idea how he did this? Any car accidents ect? I know how frustrating it must be.
How is his stomach issues doing?
If your like me, your really beginning to ask just how much God thinks you can take. Sometimes it just keeps coming, one thing after another and nonstop.
Oh that sounds so painful! A bone fragment.......yeowee. I'm so glad they found it on the MRI. Why is it just floating around like that?? :eek:
It's still in his spine. In the "hole" where the spinal cord is. So it's not really "floating" so much as lodged in a location other than where it started. It has the potential of moving more, but who knows.
So you are now all put back together, Niki? Hope all else is going well. I'm sure your little darlings are the light of your life!!
I don't know if you'd call me put back together, but I seem to be doing okay for the time being (knock on wood!). I'm in the process of "firing" my EP, though (long story involving him never being on time to an appointment and every single appointment this year being rescheduled). And I had an ovarian cyst last week. :rolleyes: It never ends...
I'm sorry to hear this Nikki. Does Nathan have any vacation time saved up, the other option is to start looking into his short term disability. Does Nathan have any idea how he did this? Any car accidents ect? I know how frustrating it must be.
How is his stomach issues doing?
No vacation time left (used up with my hospital stays, the babies' birth, his recent hospital stay...). I've asked him repeatedly to talk to HR about short term disability, but he hasn't. :rolleyes: Tomorrow I may call them myself, even though I hate making those kinds of calls. We're not positive how it happened, but he has had back problems for several years now. His old MRIs showed a "bone spur" that was causing a slight stenosis. Our best guess is that when he hurt it (worse) a few weeks ago when he picked up both kids at once (he thinks he twisted as he lifted the second kid) perhaps the spur became the fragment? Not positive on that one, though. His stomach seems to be doing okay. His hematocrit is still a bit low, so he's still taking iron. He sees the GI doc on Tuesday, so we'll see where that's going hopefully. I'm sure this added stress is not helping those ulcers any! He did say he's had less heartburn lately, so that's good.
If your like me, your really beginning to ask just how much God thinks you can take. Sometimes it just keeps coming, one thing after another and nonstop.
Pretty much. I keep telling myself God must think we're SUPER strong to throw all of this at us all the time. :rolleyes: We had a really rough first year of marriage (he lost his job, I had VR surgery...), and it looks like the first year of parenthood is going to give that year a run for its money! But we made it through that and we can make it through this. It's just weird to have our roles reversed this time around. I'm used to being the patient. I don't like waiting rooms! :eek:
Sorry, Niki, for what you are going through. I shall keep you all in my prayers.
Thanks. We'll take all the prayers we can get.

And here's one more you can add. When I was talking to my EP's office manager (complaining about my EP) the fact that Nathan's a nurse came up in the conversation. She asked if he has cardiac experience. Well, other than the 13 years of being around me, he has been on a telemetry floor for 3 years. Apparently they are wanting to find a nurse to do device checks (right now Medtronic has people who do them for them in the office). Oddly enough, every time Nathan comes with me to get my ICD checked he's said "I wonder what you have to do to get that job." So she gave me her card and asked him to send his resume. It would be really great if he could get this job. For one, he'd be home weekends, holidays, and in the evenings (granted, he only works 3 days a week right now, but when he does he doesn't see the kids at all that day). Plus, he wouldn't be lifting patients or (shouldn't) doing CPR (things that have probably contributed to his back issues). And also, it's something he's really interested in. I really hope he can get it! But we need to get him through surgery first...
Niki, years ago I had spinal surgery for a similar problem. Like your hubby, I had a fragment that had migrated and entrapped a spinal nerve. Sometimes it would dislodge and I would be OK for a day or two but finally it was consistent and I could no longer walk or even sit. I was in total misery. I came out of surgery and the pain was gone! I was still working in ER at the time and was able to be back at work with no restrictions after three weeks. It was incredible how much better I felt. I hope your husband has the same outcome.
Betty, I hope so too!!!! :D I'll be sharing your story with him tonight!
So sorry to read this. That other shoe just keeps dropping. How many feet does that dumb monster have anyway?

You all have my prayers.
So sorry to read this. That other shoe just keeps dropping. How many feet does that dumb monster have anyway?

You all have my prayers.

Apparently we got the millipede of monsters. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the prayers.

Sorry Nathan is needing surgery.

Would be worthwhile for Nathan to check into STD at the hospital. Might be a waiting period, but then again, maybe not. Where I work, I think we get the STD automatically. It was quite welcome when I had my MVR.

A friend is an RN in the OR at the hospital in Mineral Wells TX, and she has STD (Aflack). She had to have elbow surgery in July, thanks to breaking her elbow while chasing one of her dogs in April. It will be at least October before she can go back to work; she now has to pass a physical -- lifting quite a bit of weight -- before they'll let her return.
So she's happy she has STD. Otherwise, she's bummed :mad: that she's having to watch crappy daytime TV and eat bonbons......
I keep trying to get Nathan to ask about STD, but he has yet to do it. I'm thinking it's going to be up to me.
omgoodness. you are getting some rain from Ross' cloud. move over to the left.

I am so sorry to hear this. Wishing you all the best in this one, too. prayers, too. keep us posted. those young'uns will be the bright spot in your day - every day. Blessins.........