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Dexter Bob Supporter
Supporting Member
Oct 27, 2009
Eugene, Oregon
Greetings to all! I have been lurking for several weeks and feel I should make an intro. I am Bob, 56yrs, diagnosed 10/01/09 with AS after a very routine physical. I retired from police work after 30yrs in 2007:p So after surviving that career and ready for the good life, AVR is scheduled for 01/07/2010:eek:

With all the reading I have done on this fourm, I was feeling pretty good about the whole process coming up. That is until today when I read about Valerie Moriarty passing after her Ross procedure. I am trying to remain optimistic and hoping I am not in that 1% mortality like Val.

I have confidence in my surgeon, valve choice, hospital, cardio rehab, etc. but I must say I am still pretty freaked out about what awaits....

Bob - Oregon
Hello and welcome Bob! Sounds like you have everything in order, and are ready to go. Any questions you may have, or if you just want to rant, go ahead. Lots of informative people on this site. Again welcome to the group.
Bob -

Try not to get too concerned about Valerie's fate happening to you. She had several co-morbidities, not to mention what appears to have been an undiagnosed aneurism which IMO should have ruled out the Ross Procedure. We'll probably never know what went wrong. I'll let it go at that...

The Question for you to ask your surgeon is "How much Experience do you have doing the Procedure I will need?" (and what are your results!?)

If you are satisfied with the answers you get, then you should be 'good to go'.
Bob, I agree with Al. Even though I know it has to be very disconcerting to come on here looking for support and see that one of our members has just passed away, fortunately, it doesn't happen often. Thank God! Read the numerous success stories (and there are many, many of them), do as Al says and have a conversation with your surgeon, and then go get it done and don't look back. Seriously, this time period before surgery is the worst part of the whole thing for many of us.

Best wishes to you.

Bob -- Welcome from one Bob to another! It is only natural and normal to be anxious, but the odds are very much in your favor. Sounds like you are well prepared. Look forward to your posts and you'll get plenty of support from the good folks here.
Hello Bob. I've go almost 23 years on with LASD and I had my aorta replaced a little over 2 years ago. Was I scared, you bet. I have delt with some of societies worst and have never been as scared as the day I was diagnosed (about 4 years ago.) Here It is a little over 2 years later and I'm back to work and doing all the same old hobies (skiing, golfing, backpacking, construction, etc...) Sure I've hit little speed bumps along the way, but they are only temporary challenges.
Hi Bob! Glad you decided to join us.

Of course you're a little freaked out!! You wouldn't be normal if you weren't. This is your heart we're talking about!

We have lost several members this year. It is a strange thing and so very, very sad when it happens. This is serious business, but so many more of us are mended and living vibrant lives. That is what you must hold on to. Your chances are really excellent.

I'm curious about your choices; are you headed up I-5 for your surgery? PM me with surgeon, hospital, valve??

This waiting part will be the hardest part of this whole thing, now that you have a date. Really!! It is so aggravating not knowing where it is all going to lead and what it's going to be like; what to expect, how to plan for it all.

Please let us know what we can help you with; if anything.

:) Marguerite
Hi Bob and Welcome!!!!

Great site, great people, and great knowledge abounds. Any questions, ask away!!!

Hi Bob... I am also 56 and had my AVR 2 months ago.. the waiting and anticipation was worse than how it all unfolded. I am back to work and feeling pretty good again.

This forum will help calm you down with all the people, experiences, etc.. both before and after the surgery. Really great people here !

Hang in there, it gets better.
Welcome Bob,I'm also 56yrs old.Sounds like my story.My wife makes me get a physical and next thing you know the're telling me I have to have heart surgery.Never had any symptoms at all.I went into surgery with the attitude that my surgeon would really have to screw up because as far as I was concerned I was perfectly healthy.Here I am app. eight months later and back to doing everything I was doing before surgery.Only have to take an aspirin a day.So when you have any questions, fire away.There are alot of good people on this site to answer all your questions.Good luck. Jim
Hi Bob, welcome to this forum. My youngest son spent over ten years in law enforcement and I am appreciative of the work and dedication involved in that career.

I had MVR in 2003 as a result of damage from rheumatic fever. I too was shaken by Valerie not making it. It helps by knowing that the natural progression of untreated valve issues like most of us have had is also an early death. Follow the advice already given. Expect a good result but prepare for the rare possibility that it won't be the case. Get your affairs in order including spiritually. We are glad you are here but not about the condition that brought you here.

We are here to help in whatever way we can. We are living in a wonderful era where we are literally given life saving procedures and surgeries. Scary?...yes. Doable?...yes!
Hi Bob and welcome to the forum.

I understand your apprehension as I am having surgery on December 7th.
Just do your research and know that people here are always willing to give support and answer any questions or concerns you have.
Just wanted to welcome you to the forum Bob & wish you the very best with your upcoming surgery. And congratulations on your much earned retirement from the Police force. I have a brother that retired last year from law enforcement after 25 years of service.

As others have said, the wait can be anguishing. Keep in mind that you are among many, many OHS survivors here & hopefully with our support, we can make the wait a bit less scarier for you.

Best wishes to you!
Also extending a warm welcome to you and my very best wishes for your upcoming surgery. You have found a fantastic support group who will help you along this heart surgery journey. Don't be shy to ask any questions or vent. We are all here for you. Congratulations on your retirement.
Bob, Tuesday I was 8 weeks Post-Op. This is my 2nd week back at work and things are good. With 7 weeks before your surgery, you have plenty of time for anxieties to build and its not good for you to let them do so. I would encourage you to speak with your own Doctor about dealing with anxiety now before it leads to real depression. Depression before and, especially, after surgery is common and it impedes recovery. None of us need that distraction when our focus is on getting better. At 59, I'm a little older than you but I, too, had about 7 weeks to think things over before my AVR. It can seem like a long time. At very least, however, feel free to share your thoughts here at VR. My experience is that this is a wonderful compassionate community where there are a surprising number of people whose experience is just like yours. Welcome aboard, Bob.