Me too!

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2008
My surgery has also been postponed. I learned at pre-testing yesterday that the surgery will not be until April 28. I'm in the miserable Ohio weather twenty days too soon....grrrrrrrr
But am thankful that I still have a great surgeon and the # 1 heart hospital...maybe the weather will warm up!!
It happens. Don't question the whys of it, just accept it and enjoy yourself a little longer.
My surgery has also been postponed. I learned at pre-testing yesterday that the surgery will not be until April 28. I'm in the miserable Ohio weather twenty days too soon....grrrrrrrr
But am thankful that I still have a great surgeon and the # 1 heart hospital...maybe the weather will warm up!!

Your guardian angel likely had a busy schedule. You know you will be in good hands, so take some time to stop and smell the cocoa. I will be praying for you on the 28th.:)
My surgery has also been postponed. I learned at pre-testing yesterday that the surgery will not be until April 28. I'm in the miserable Ohio weather twenty days too soon....grrrrrrrr
But am thankful that I still have a great surgeon and the # 1 heart hospital...maybe the weather will warm up!!

Sorry to hear about the delay, it is all in God's hands! He has the plan! Waiting was the hardest for me, surgery was a piece of cake compared to the waiting.
God bless and hang in there!
Sorry to hear about the delay but know there is a reason for everything. It is hard, for sure, when you are fixated on a certain date to have it changed. Hopefully, the time will pass peacefully and quickly for you.
Thanks guys for the encouragement! I'm feeling a little down...Does anyone think the pre-testing on the 6th with surgery not until the 28th is scary???
Don't know if too much time will elapsed. Worried? Give the surgeon and the cardio a call. They ordered the tests right? So ask. It never hurts to ask lots of questions. Sometimes I think they are so busy they don't always pay attention to how much time passes between pre-tests and surgery. Remember the squeeky wheel gets the grease. So squeek away.....;)
Thanks guys for the encouragement! I'm feeling a little down...Does anyone think the pre-testing on the 6th with surgery not until the 28th is scary???

I'm sorry your surgery was postponed. (I am a little surprised they couldn't get you in sooner the hospitals Justin goes to IF someone travelled far was postponed, they tried to squeeze them in the next available spot or ask a local patient IF they would mind giving up their spot, for someone that travelled, and I KNOW this because we are local so were postponed for that reason once.)
Any way last surgery, Justin had all his preop testing on the 4th for surgery supposedly the 5th, but was postponed (2 times) and finally had it on the 19th. The ONLY testing they had to redo was alll the bloodwork.

interestingly Justin had ER surgery 10 days later and Bumped a little girl from Tenn (we were in Philly) but since she and her family were in the area already, they bumped someone else and got her in the next full OR day (surgery should have been Friday, operated on her on Monday)

Justin has been bumped multiple times for most all of his surgeries, except the 2 he WAS the ER, and it is SO frustrating, since beside the fact you are just ready to have it be over with, you also made plans with work off, someone to watch the dogs ect and have to change everything, BUT I, like Ross, tend to believe in fate and really believe you have surgery when you are supposed to, when all the planets are right or what ever, and so far it seems to work that way. Justin was even bumped by 1 center 3 times and I remember thinking and telling Don and Justin,we are NOT supposed to have surgery here, someone is trying to tell us something, so went to the other surgeon Hospital I was leaning toward. and it worked out for the best.
with that said EVEN believing all of that, I still feel like yelling screaming and stomping my feet when his surgeries are bumped. So I really feel for you.

Will you be staying in the area all that extra time or fly home and back later and spend easter at home?
Soprry to hear about the delay. It's the pits but it happens. It happened to me so I know how it feels. Just keep busy and April 28 will be here before you know it. Hang in there.
Sorry to hear about the delay, Jennifer. I expect the weather will improve shortly, April in Ohio is usually a great month.

Do you know what's including in your pre-op testing? Mine was done 2 wks before surgery, but I don't think 3 wks would be a problem.

Hopefully in this extra time you'll come with with ideas to make your recovery more enjoyable. I found it takes a lot of time and thought to find ways to spoil yourself. Good luck finding them!:D
Thanks again. We actually drove up....doubt we could find a flight down with spring break and Easter and all. I don't know what staff members know we are from FL. I always gave my son's address. He lives 90 miles from Cleveland. We are staying with him...somewhat stressful...but he travels alot for his job. I felt I was getting in so soon it rather scared me. I thought the mix up would delay for a couple of months ........waiting for an open date. I think spring break, Easter was part of the problem.....and then...I was here in the fall waiting for surgery to be scheduled...I guess they opened the new heart center at CC in October.....when it came Thanksgiving I asked to wait until spring. Somehow they had me in the computer for 4/16 for all of those months....but at some point the surgeon blocked it out......don't know if the computers don't talk to each other....or what....I'm not sure even what day he returns and begins surgeries again....Thanks for all of the encouragement......I will be looking for ways to pamper myself...good way to fill my time.
Escargome....when the surgeon told us of the changed date my husband asked "will she have to go through all of those tests she went through today (I was thinking "go through"........lab and xray????? Anyway....the surgeon said I would not. Maybe I will inquire closer to the date. They may just send a schedule as the time nears.
My surgery was postponed twice. I had to go thru pre op testing twice because it was over a month. In the meantime I had surgery twice at 2 different hospitals. Just call me a pin cushion. You must be missing the weather in Florida, I am sure it's nice now that I'm home. Haha
Sorry your surgery got delayed. My doctor told me the tests are good for a month, so you should be fine. Yea, I have to confirm the weather in Ohio is nasty. If you don't like our weather .......wait 10 minutes. I have had the heater and air on in the same day. I will hope for the 28th for you!
Thanks ...I do miss the FL weather although my friends emailed that the AM low was 42!
Cold for least it quit snowing and the sun is out. Just returned from my first ever CT at CC....I asked about the time period for the pretesting (actually passed my surgeon in the hallway) He said no further testing is necessary...I guess I will be within the month and that must be the cut off......
Hurburban1.....did you have any travel difficulties regarding the recovery from surgery?
Did you have a plan if an emergency arose? I a beginning to be fearful about leaving my surgeon!!!
I am sure it is hard to wait. I have a date for surgery in June and
wonder if the same thing will happen to me. I was interested to
know that yours is a MV repair, will be anxious to hear how you
feel about it all after the 28th. Just keep trusting that all things
work together for good. My surgery is in CA, so I know it won't be
My husband and I live in Tennessee and he had surgery at CC. By choice, we had the pre-op testing done and then returned three weeks later for surgery. They will make sure your tests are current and won't expect them to be done again. The waiting is difficult but just trust that this path is the perfect one for you!

You will be in my thoughts and prayers!
I wish we would have known and planned to return home for the three weeks.....but I'm trying not to grumble. My husband brought up that we told everyone we would not see them until after the surgery.....made lots of tearful goodbye's....he's asking if I would rather stay here or go thruogh all of that again. The idea of coming for the tests and doing a planned return would be the best. Thanks for the encouragement.
I wish we would have known and planned to return home for the three weeks.....but I'm trying not to grumble. My husband brought up that we told everyone we would not see them until after the surgery.....made lots of tearful goodbye's....he's asking if I would rather stay here or go thruogh all of that again. The idea of coming for the tests and doing a planned return would be the best. Thanks for the encouragement.

Have you asked about the possibility of being moved up if someone has to cancel their surgery? We asked about that with one of Justin's surgeries and made sure they knew were were close and could show up pretty fast if anyone cancelled the day before or even that morning. I don't know if that is something you would be interested in, but our hospital had a list we got on to be called if another patient got sick or something and had to post pone there surgery.