Knee drop

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2002
Imlay City, Michigan
Last Monday night I did a perfect knee drop, sort of a wrestling move where you come down hard on your opponent, driving your knee into some vital area and incapacitating them. It was perfectly executed, the only problem being that the opponent was me. So I came down hard with all my weight behind my knee, driven into the floor. Stephen King writes about the vicious coffee table that moves in the dark, and I have one.
Tuesday morning (and in the night as well), it had swelled up considerably. When I got to my GPs that afternoon, it was much larger. Xray, no broken bones, Keflex in case of infection (I did scrape the knee), and vicodin for pain.
I spent this week telling myself it was getting better, I was getting used to it, etc, etc. It was much worse this morning. My range of motion was cut in half, the swelling increased, which also increases the pain. As a matter of principle, I have in the past loved all pain killers I was prescribed. But this vicodin stuff just isn't there. It doesn't touch the pain, it doesn't make me loopy, the only thing it does it make me fall asleep for three seconds out of every thirty.
I'll be pursuing further doctor options tomorrow, perhaps an MRI to see if there was other damage to ligaments or whatever is inside a knee, hopefully to get some tastier pain killer. I suppose I'm posting this in case someone knows something about this. If I could take an antiinflammatory, that would be great, but I already had a gastrointestinal bleed 19 months ago, so I'll not risk that. Thanks for listening.
Last Monday night I did a perfect knee drop, sort of a wrestling move where you come down hard on your opponent, driving your knee into some vital area and incapacitating them. It was perfectly executed, the only problem being that the opponent was me. So I came down hard with all my weight behind my knee, driven into the floor. Stephen King writes about the vicious coffee table that moves in the dark, and I have one.
Tuesday morning (and in the night as well), it had swelled up considerably. When I got to my GPs that afternoon, it was much larger. Xray, no broken bones, Keflex in case of infection (I did scrape the knee), and vicodin for pain.
I spent this week telling myself it was getting better, I was getting used to it, etc, etc. It was much worse this morning. My range of motion was cut in half, the swelling increased, which also increases the pain. As a matter of principle, I have in the past loved all pain killers I was prescribed. But this vicodin stuff just isn't there. It doesn't touch the pain, it doesn't make me loopy, the only thing it does it make me fall asleep for three seconds out of every thirty.
I'll be pursuing further doctor options tomorrow, perhaps an MRI to see if there was other damage to ligaments or whatever is inside a knee, hopefully to get some tastier pain killer. I suppose I'm posting this in case someone knows something about this. If I could take an antiinflammatory, that would be great, but I already had a gastrointestinal bleed 19 months ago, so I'll not risk that. Thanks for listening.

Oooooh, I feel for you Jim! After the pain I went thru when I tore my MCL 5 years ago, I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone.

A pain killer that the dr sent me home with was Ultraset. I loved it! In fact, I still have a bottle full of them & I take it when my arthritis in my hips & my knee start acting up. It really stops the pain.

Go see you PCP this week & get an MRI to see what's going on with you knee. I sure hope you don't need surgery!

Good luck!
My goodness Jim!! My daughter just did that in Feb. and she still has a rough time with the knee. She goes to PT three times a week and still ices it two to three times a day. But she did after an MRI found that she tore something I dont remember the name off hand. So it's good that your going to get and MRI those xrays just don't show things up as well.
Let us know what happens and NO playing around for awhile.. :) :)
As far as pain killers just have to find something that works for you. I can't take Vicodin either makes me sick.
Looks like your Pro Wrestling days are over. I hope this is something that just takes time to heal without having to go through surgical interventions.
Jim, I really feel for you! You might have a lot of bleeding in the joint that coumadin may have made much worse. Make sure you have pulses in your foot/ankle. If not, you could be getting a compartment syndrome and that needs immediate attention. It happens when the swelling becomes so great that the skin and fascia actually start acting as a tourniquet and cuts off circulation to distal areas.

A few years ago I fell and dislocated my shoulder and the bruising/swelling was incredible. It went down my back and my arm was purple almost to my wrist. It is one of those instances that being on warfarin becomes a problem. Let us know how you are doing OK? God Bless!
Soak in Epson Salt, that helps everything! even pain. I had a fight with my bathroom scale last night, the top of my foot is black and blue. It seems I get one bruise gone another comes. So goes my new life of being black and blue!

We'll all give you varying typs of advice. As a general rule, ice is most effective early on after an orthopedic injury. It is very effective at reducing swelling/inflammation and, in my experience with a bunch of different trauma's to the body, pain. You had a different experience, so perhaps ice is not the answer. But, again, that would be my choice. You typically don't want to put heat on an injury that's swollen. There are a number of possible things going on. A bruise to your lendons, damage to the ligaments, a torn bursa (which can be excruciating), a disclocated knee, a broken bone that didn't show on the x-ray. All the swelling makes the joint more difficult to move. Keeping it elevated will help. Let us know your progress.
Ice is for while it's swelling - heat is for when it needs healing.

the MRI sounds like a good idea to me. those ligaments are very import to check on and were it me, I'd insist on it. I have knee prbls from twists, etc, during my youth and they aren't comfy when one gets old. take as good care of knees as you can. Blessins.........
I went to the GP and to an orthopaedist today. End result: The swelling is due to the coumadin, patience, and it will come down. I have a fresh new bottle of percocet to try out. I'm waiting until it's time for the second one, because the first one hasn't removed the pain yet.
Yeah, I can elevate the leg if I want, can't hurt. Yeah, I can ice it a little if I want, can't hurt.
Thanks for your concern.
not to be outdone by Jim L., I had a knee drop this morning, too. Walking the shih-tzupoo, hanging onto her leash, she spotted our one cat who also goes outside and she loves to harass this cat. The pup was trailing behind me toward the house when she took a side track and like a bullet she went for the cat. She jerked me around and forward. I tried to save the fall, but not successful. Landed on knee, laid there for awhile wondrin how the h**l I was going to get up off the ground (thank goodness for ground and not concrete). Got up finally, one knee scraped, other one just bunged a little. So far, so good, but bet the soreness will set in by morning!