Post surgery report (long)

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Hello everyone,

Well, I am finally home and have turned a corner today so thought I would post about my surgery and experience at Cleveland Clinic.

On Nov. 29, 2007, I received an aortic aneurysm repair and bicuspid valve replacement with a bovine tissue valve by Dr. Svensson. so, I am truly on the other side. I just updated my medic alert card, and that felt great.

First of all, I have to thank Ross and everyone on the site for encouraging me to go forward and face the music after my first post here. I had what I thought was a 5.3 cm. aneurysm and my docs here were saying I could wait for surgery. I had been waiting and watching, sending records to Cleveland Clinic for three years.

My surgery was a success and Dr. Svensson noted that the aneurysm was very fragile, longer than he thought and that my bav was more calcified than they thought. The reading on the CC cat scan for the aneurysm was 5.5cm. The longer aneurysm meant my incision is longer than the 3.5 inch incision he is sometimes able to use.

Regarding the valve replacement, I originally had thought I would go with mechanical to avoid future OHS and actually did not even deeply consider tissue at all, mainly because I am 48. Then 2 weeks before the surgery, I started to think about tissue, and talking personally with a few of the members here was very helpful. Closer to the surgery, I began to panic and be unable to decide and finally decided not to decide. Then about 5 days before leaving for Cleveland, on a walk by myself, it just came to me very strongly, simply and clearly. I didn't tell anyone and never questioned it again, and just told Dr. Svensson that was my preference. I had also decided that I trusted my surgeon so much, that I would go with what he advised as well. So, it really is an individual decision that will just feel right and you will know it. I am also glad that I explored the mechanical valve and Coumadin and had accepted that and felt good about it in case that ever is a future possiblity.

My experience at Cleveland Clinic was very positive. I always felt I was in expert hands and any little bumps along the way, I felt they had it covered. So many of the excellent carers stand out in my mind. Traveling far from home was hard, having two children at home, but I am totally glad I did.

My recovery has been good. One day at the local hospital with an incision with redness and discharge. I am now on antibiotics and the incision is looking great. I have occular migraines when I am tired a bit and my throat and lungs are still a bit taxed, but getting better every day. I am now only on ibuprofen 3 times a day and actually sleeping (even on my side!) I have been to my family doc and everything looks good.

Mostly, I am just so happy that I faced the music and have this behind me. Hugging my daughters at home was the most amazing feeling. And I really have to thank everyone here from the bottom of my NEW heart for all the support, excellent advice and opinions, prayers and thoughts, it made a huge difference.

Happy Holidays, Betsy
Congrats Betsy! I wish I could have come seen you. I'm only an hour away from CCF, but disabled and well, just not up to it.

Sounds like your right on schedule, so if things pop up, ask away. Hopefully, nothing will.

Great to hear that you have made the trek over the mountain and are doing well! I had a similar experience in that my aneurysm was found to be larger after they went in for the surgery than the tests had indicated beforehand. All the more reason for folks not to delay when they face this.

Holiday cheers,
Glad to hear you are doing well. I told you before your surgery that Dr. Svensson (and CCF) was "the best"; I think you will agree. He is rated as one of the top five valve replacement surgeons in the world for good reason.....

Be sure to eat, sleep, and walk to speed your successful recovery....
Great news! Continue to be good and kind to your body and let it tell you what you can and can't do. If you ignore it - it has a nasty way of showing you who's boss.;)

Your report is a good example of what we mean when we say they don't know exactly what they face until they get in there. It's always interesting to read reports of what the doctors thought they would find compared to what they actually found.

Best wishes for a great holiday season with your new, improved heart.
Welcome to this side of the mountain. Thanks for the update, and great to hear you are doing well. All the best for a smooth, uneventful, recovery.
Thanks so much for the long and informative update. So glad this is all behind you and can truly enjoy the holidays now. You sound like you are well on the way to a complete and uneventful recovery.
Betsy...... So very happy to hear such a good report from you. Hope things continue to go well for you and you have an event free recovery. God Bless you and your precious children.

I am so glad to read that your surgery went well and that you are home. Now is the time to slowly -- slowly -- slowly recover full health. Eat, sleep, breathe and relax!

Best wishes for a relaxing holiday season.
Glad to read how well and happy you are feeling, Betsy. Take care and keep posting.

Glad to see you doing well and posting again!

Thoughts/prayers for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"Get the word out" ... Collective Soul ... 'Feeling Better Now'
Blnmakerr said:
Glad to hear you are doing well. I told you before your surgery that Dr. Svensson (and CCF) was "the best"; I think you will agree. He is rated as one of the top five valve replacement surgeons in the world for good reason.....

Be sure to eat, sleep, and walk to speed your successful recovery....

Where can WE view the List of Top Ranked Valve Replacement Surgeons???
(Say Top 10, 20, 50, 100 ???)

That would be useful information to have in a "Sticky" and / or the Reference Forum.

'AL Capshaw'
Hi Betsy,

I have been following your posts since before your surgery and was hoping to hear from you soon as to how you are doing. So very glad to hear that everything went well and that you received excellent care from Dr. Svensson and CC. As you know, I also was considering Dr. Svensson and CC but as things have turned out I was able to find a physician somewhat closer to home and I feel comfortable with my decision.

Just wondering how the travelling was for you, particularly considering you had to travel quite some distance. I will be flying from LA to Seattle post-operatively but Dr. Raissi requests that out of town patients wait 3 days and see him again before flying home. Just wondering how that worked out for you. I thought it was also interesting that your aneurysm was even larger than they had estimated so it was definitely "time" for you. Mine is estimated at almost 5 cm and I had 2 surgeons here in SEattle tell me I could do a "wait and watch" but something (and someone by the name of Ross) just told me that wasn't the best plan!

So glad that you are home with your daughters and recovering nicely, just in time for Christmas. I wish you the best of holidays, and I am sure this will be a special one for you!
Betsy, Glad to hear that you are doing so well, I had asked Dr Svennson on Monday the 3rd ( just prior to my surgery) how Betsy was doing ( I didn't know if this was a screen name our not) but due to Hippa laws he couldn't really say. I was hoping to get on floor 10 soon enough to figure out who Betsy was and say Hi, but I was detained another day in ICU for a bleed. Sorry I missed you, but am happy to hear that you are doing well
Thank you everyone for all the warm wishes. Especially nice as I am home and doing my recovery time!

Westkane, sorry I missed you in Cleveland. Dr. Svensson popped into my hospital room and asked me if I knew his patient who was asking after me. At the time, I didn't but figured it might be someone from So, glad to hear you are done now with surgery and are on the road to recovery. Your posts sounds great and I know it will be uphill for you from now on. It's a great road, eh! And all the signs that say SLOW along the way are serious, time to take it easy and let our bodies get stronger slowly.

Lorie, so glad you have found a great surgeon for you, that is the first step. And staying closer to home is really nice, if you can. The travel home was not bad at all for me. I definitely had anxiety before, but it was ok. Do you have a direct flight? I had to change planes and that was fine. I ordered a wheelchair and just took it easy in the wheelchair. I did do some walking and moving once I got to the gates, and walked to my seat, etc. I actually woke up that morning feeling barely human, but was able to eat and take the pain meds, etc. and feel better as the day wore on. I think if you have three days post op, you will be fine. I got out of the hospital on Tuesday aft. and left Cleveland on Thurs. morning, as it was the one day of sun in between alot of snow storms. Just keep a plan B, if you are not feeling up for it. The airlines can be helpful, esp. in January. I was ready to stay in Cleveland as long as it took, but was sooo happy to be on that plane home. Good luck and enjoy your holidays!

Cheers, Betsy
I'm glad things are going well for you. Do take it very easy this Christmas season though. Make sure you get your rest and then enjoy this time with family and friends. I'm hoping your valve is one of the first to last at least 30 years. It was one of the two good choices.:)

There have been many others on the board who found that things were a little more advanced at the time of surgery than they were thought to be just prior to it. I'm glad your's is fixed!
Dear Betsy,

:) This smile is for you, and for your wonderful hospital experience and to the start of a successful recovery. It sounds like you have an amazingly positive attitude and have researched your options. Now, take it easy, do what you can ( each week will be better than the previous one) and listen to your body. Most importantly, rest when you need to. Good luck with your recovery and enjoy the holidays!