Jackie (Art Den Lady) is in the hospital again...

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
Hi everyone,
I thought I'd start a new Jackie thread. She was at home and doing okay, but was brought to the ER today here in town and was admitted to ICU for the night. Keep her in your prayers again please. Here are today's CaringBridge entries:

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 2007 01:57 PM, CDT
Jackie is asking for prayer. We are heading into the emergency room now because she is not able to get a deep breath and her feet are swelling ? so the clinic nurse said to get in to be checked out. So please pray that this is a minor bump in the road.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 2007 05:43 PM, CDT
Jackie will be staying the night at the hospital here in Princeton. She has fluid in her left lung. There are doing some more tests this evening to check things over. Her INR level is low again - so they are also trying to increase that. Please pray that she will be at peace and keep her spirits up. Thank you to Emily and her mom and dad for taking Jennifer in tonight!

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 2007 09:21 PM, CDT
We got to the ER here at Fairview at about 2:30 pm today. After several tests - x-rays, scans, and blood samples ? they ruled out a pulmonary embolism, but found that Jackie has congestive heart failure right now. She has fluid in both lungs, but more in her left lung. Her legs are swollen from just below the knee down. They are giving her medication to reduce the fluid levels in her body.

They are hoping that the heart failure ? the inability of the heart to work effectively enough to keep up with the body?s needs will correct itself as the fluids and congestion around the heart decreases. Jackie?s INR level is low again today and has been up and down the last few weeks. She is on additional medication through her IV to help with that - heparin.

At about 8:45 pm Jackie was moved from the ER to a room in the ICU for the night. They will re-evaluate her condition throughout the day tomorrow. She is in good spirits, but is praying for good health and to get back home soon.
Keeping Jackie in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for keeping us updated.
Praying this all gets worked out for her soon! Thanks for the update!
So sorry to read this. Jackie and her family are in my thoughts and prayers.
My goodness, Jackie has hit more than her fair share of bumps in her road to recovery. I'm sorry to hear this latest news, and she will remain in my thoughts until the problem's resolved.
Sorry she's hit this bump in the road, but it's good to hear she's in ICU so they can watch this closely and drain if necessary. My thoughts are with her and her family.
I'm so sorry to read this lates information. Jackie will be in my prayers.
So sorry to hear it:( TY for the update Jean. Sure sounds likes she has the making of tamponade. Symptoms sound SO familar. Hope the meds work for her. Otherwise, they may have to do a window.

Give her my best.
So sorry to hear of her discomfort and worrisome condition. Sending her all the best wishes for a speedy resolution. Thank you so much for letting us know. I will keep her in my thoughts all day!

I'm sorry to hear that she is in the ICU. If it is just CHF and nothing more, there are very good meds to help with that, and ways to get the fluid off. I'm praying that this is what will happen, and that she can get the fluid off and get on some meds to keep it off, and she will be home soon.

Stay strong through this new turn of events.

Very sorry about the complications :(.

Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Waiting to be mended like a potter would mend a broken vase" ... Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers ... 'Broken Lady'
Jackie's going home again today! Yay!

Jackie's going home again today! Yay!

Here's the latest on Jackie, posted a half-hour ago on CaringBridge by her husband:

FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2007 09:45 AM, CDT
We met with the doctor this morning. The echo showed that Jackie's heart looks normal. She has some congestion on the right side - it's a little weak, but the left side that has the new valve is actually pumping better than an average heart. They are thinking that once the fluids are cleared up and the heart is healed completely from surgery, the symptoms of congestive heart failure will go away.

It will take a couple of weeks to get the fluids out of her lungs. Her left lung has fluid from the bottom of the lung up to about the two-thirds mark. She will be taking some medication to help get rid of the fluid on her lungs.

Her INR number is at 3.06, which is in the 2.8 to 3.3 range she needs it to be in. We will go into have it checked on Sunday and then continue the frequent checks. The home INR machine has been disappointing because it has not been accurate - we are sending it back.

We will be at the Mayo on April 6th for the surgery follow-up. They will do the typical follow-up tests and check on the fluids in her lungs, which will hopefully be cleared up by then. We are praying for 3 nice and calm weeks before going back to Rochester for what we hope will be a routine post-operation check up.

What this all means is that Jackie can go home today!!! Thank you so much again for all the support - the thoughts, kinds words, and prayers. They have really lifted Jackie up

Jackie and John, we'll keep lifting Jackie up in prayer and ask also for those three calm weeks until the check-up at Mayo.
I'm glad things are doing better. I hope she continues to feel better.

What's a little nuts is the 2.8 - 3.3 range. That is way too tight an INR range and I'm afraid they are going to be "dose dancing" to keep her in that small range. What really surprises me is that it's coming from Mayo. It seems we are seeing these .5 ranges a lot lately and it makes no sense to me. The poor lady has had too many problems to add INR instability to them and that tight a range is going to head her in that direction.

Also factor in that INR is not an exact science. When you believe that 2.8 - 3.3 is the correct range it makes me think that the person who set that range thinks it is an exact science.
Thanks for posting the update, Jeannie.

I hope the next three weeks go by uneventfully for Jackie, and she has a great 6 weeks check-up.:)