Jackie (Art Den Lady) is in the hospital again...

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Thanks for the update, Jeannie! Hope all goes smoothly and she sees great improvement before her 6 week check-up!
I'm home!

I'm home!

Hi there everyone,

Again, I can't THANK YOU enough for the prayers and well wishes. :eek: I'm so glad I'm home. Jeanne, thank you for posting as I wasn't quite up to it.

I kind of thought something was amiss when I wasn't able to do the spirometer above 750 ml, but at the Mayo I was going up to 1100 ml. Plus, my ankles were swelling and when I got to my local hospital they showed me that my legs from the knees down had edema (swelling) which I didn't realize.

If my lungs don't clear up when I have my echo on 4/6 at the Mayo, I'll be in the hospital again to drain them. (Something called a thoro......???) Uck. They'll take me off Coumadin before that happens and put me on Heparin again.

I have major cabin fever! I'm going to get out tomorrow and walk down my driveway just to get some fresh air. I hope there's no ice, but I'll hold on to my husband for dear life.

Have a great weekend everyone-

1995 - TIAs (mini strokes) started after birth of my daughter, Aspirin started.
1996 - BAV w/mild stenosis diagnosed.
2000 - Misdiagnosed w/Asthma for 3 years.
2003 - PFO (hole in heart) fixed w/Amplatzer. 3 catheters up the legs.
2003 - FVL (clotting disorder) diagnosed, 10 mg daily Coumadin started.
2/16/07 - OHS for BAV w/severe stenosis, St. Jude clotted, Dr. Suri, Mayo.
2/20/07 - OHS for BAV, Carbo Medics, Dr. Suri, Mayo Clinic.
2/20/07 - Opened up again because of excessive bleeding.
2/26/07 - Pacemaker implanted because of AV node irregularities.

Expect the best. Prepare for the worse.

"Life is great, life is grand. Life is like a rubber band." - Jackie Beach
Welcome back, Jackie!

Glad to see you are posting again ... and, of course, back home.

Thoughts/prayers continue coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"You got to roll with the punches" ... Van Halen ... 'Jump'
Welcome home! I wish you nothing but smooth sailing from here on out!
I finally did my 'long' walk. I went down to the end of my driveway and back, stopping about 10 times. It can only go up from here. I felt safe as my husband and daughter were on either side of me.

My weight was going up again and I knew I would have to call my doctor if I gained 3 lbs. or more. But today when I weighed myself I was the same as when I got home from the hospital on Friday which was great.

I didn't take any pain pills this morning. I can't wait until I'm off them completely. It should be soon, I would think, because my second OHS was on 3/20 and my pacemaker implant was on 3/26. That's nearly a month. The most pain is in my left upper chest between my pacemaker and sternum. Has anyone else experienced this with a pacemaker?

Well, thanks for letting me vent. I feel couped up like a bird. Although, hopefully I won't be baked.

Take care, Jackie
Okay, this throwing up thing is getting old. I went off my pain meds and had stuff coming out of both ends Monday. I lost 4 pounds in 1 day! So that's how ya do it . . . I called the pharmacist and he said I went off the pain meds too soon. I had an appetite today and made up for not eating so well the last 2 days.

Thanks to everyone for the prayers and well wishes. I'm looking forward to getting better.
Hey there! Well, I'm about 1 month post-op. I'm taking Lasik to get some fluid off of my lungs. I'm thinking it's working because I've lost 16 pounds at my highest weight after I got out. I have my follow-up chest x-ray & echo the beginning of April.

I'm still a bit short of breathe if I do too much and some odd feeling of light-headedness. I heard Lasik can contribute to this. I've taken walks down to our mailbox which really feels good. When I go the clinic for my INR checks, I do use a wheelchair because it's a lot of walking. I finally have felt well the last 3 days and each day is better than the one before. What a blessing!

I threw up constant in the hospital and a few times at home. I'm hoping that is finally gone! That can really wipe one out, plus with the lack of sleep you miss from being in the hospital. Sleep is so important for ones mindset.

Good thoughts to those of you who are making this journey yet. Please, don't hesitate to email if you have any questions I could answer.

Keep on, keeping on! Jackie

1995 - TIAs (started after childbirth), Aspirin started
2000 - Misdiagnosed with asthma for 3 years
2003 - PFO (hole in heart) plugged up
2003 - FVL (clotting disorder) diagnosed
2003 - Coumadin started
2/16/07 - OHS - St. Jude (clotted), Dr. Suri, Mayo, Rochester
2/20/07 - OHS - Carbo Medics, Dr. Suri, Mayo, Rochester
2/20/07 - Stitches reopened because of excessive bleeding
2/26/07 - Pacemaker implanted because of block in AV node
3/14/07 - 2 days in ICU - Fluid in lungs
Have them watch the potassium for you. Dropping that much fluid and then being light headed is pretty normal since it was so fast. I drink Simply Orange orange juice each day to help keep the potassium in me along with the tablets. Hope each day sees you stronger and stronger.
Thanks for the tips about the potassium levels and o.j. I do remember the doctor mentioning to eat more potatoes and bananas.

At any rate, it feels good to be out and about. I was able to go to a restaurant on Sunday and see my daughter in a play. On Tuesday, after my INR check, I went and got my hair cut--that felt nice to get a couple of inches cut off. I keep warning my hubby that I'm going to get it all chopped off. :eek: It sure would be easier to take care of.

I still get a little dizzy/light-headed when I do too much but it sounds like that might be potassium. Maybe I should have a baked potato and o.j. for lunch tomorrow.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I really appreciate it. :eek: Jackie