Is yours REAL or ARTIFICIAL? Freddie wants to know

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Fred's requested a rerun of last year's Christmas tree thread. Here it is--with a twist.:D
Is your Christmas tree real or artificial?
Ours is real. Always has been, always will be!;):)

Real,but small,about half the size of yours. We have a huge table
and I put it there.The cat would just love it if I got a full-size tree:D

Beautiful tree!
When I was little we had an artificial tree that was atleast 7 feet.
It had color coded limbs to show how to assemble and each year the
colors got harder to decipher:confused:. It did look real though,and
we used to use the same lights.
Thanks for the compliments regarding our tree, but the credit goes to the farm where we buy from each year. Here's what I said about it last week on Knightfan's Christmas tradition thread.

In 1981 we had just moved into our new home, and a new Christmas tree farm had just opened about 20 miles south of Cape Girardeau. We loaded the kids up--we only had 4 at the time--and had a great time walking through the woods and selecting a tree to be cut for our new home.
Twenty seven years have passed, but we still make the trek to Gunther's Yule Log Cabin. Circumstances have changed. The trees are now brought in from North Carolina, and we reserve the one we want (based on the previous year's purchase) in October.
We have many memories associated with getting our Christmas tree. One year we were dealing with my mother's cancer and had spent the days from Thanksgiving to mid-December helping her recover from surgery for the nonHodgkin's lymphoma. It was really late to look for a tree, but I called Joanie, Gunther's proprieter and asked if there were any trees left. She said not really, but she had a tree in her truck that was destined for her own house. If we wanted it, just meet her at her place. . . . it was ours. I don't think we would have put a tree up that year without her generosity, but we did, and so the tradition continues.
This year we drove down the first Saturday in December and picked up our Christmas tree. We quickly swapped family stories with Joanie, then bid a hasty goodbye because we needed to get back to Cape and the NICU where our new grandson waited.
Many things have changed since we bought that first Christmas tree--births, deaths, marriages, war. But the good will and fellowship we felt that first year still remains and always will.:)
I'm a real girl myself...the bigger the better (ok...who is going to be the first one with a comment...I'm voting for Ross!)

Real first one ever, its over 6 foot, a bit messy with all the needles falling off but would go real again.
Big and beautiful but fake. Each year we got a real one it was dry and dangerous by Christmas. My girls like being able to have it up longer.
Don't have one at my place this year, but I prefer the real ones. I love the fragrance. It is another dimension of happy association with Christmas past. Will go to my brother's where I suspect the tree will be real. PS: Kim, Thanks for the laugh!
For many years we had only real ones. When we moved to Florida a few years ago, we bought a 9 foot artificial tree. Its' beautiful but it's a bear to put up. As I put it up, I'm swearing I'll never wrestle with it again, but then I always do. Anyway, to compensate for the lack of fresh tree smell, I buy fresh frasier fir roping and place it on the mantle and in different baskets. North Carolina has a lot of Christmas tree farms. LINDA
Thanks (Queen) Mary, I'd thought members would post pictures of their tree - either it be Real or artificial.

Ours is real and it still stinks nice after 10 days.
The parcel under the tree that reads "No Peeking (or oN gnikeeP)" has a motion detector, so if one tries to peak inside a recording goes off with sirens and a deep voice shouting "Warning, P-I-P, Repeat Peeking In Progress - YOU with the Bag, PUT IT DOWN and Step away Slowly" thank goodness it only says it once. The look on my sons face when he tried to peak was priceless :D:D

Anyway, here's a picture of our real tree; sorry its in reverse, guess that's what happens when I use the photo booth on the computer.
Can you smell the pine scent from a can?

Can you smell the pine scent from a can?

Our lovely tree is a real artificial tree. We love to hang our treasures saved
from the last 50 years on it's branches. For us, the tree symbolizes the past, the present, and the hopes for the future. Special branches are always saved for the first ornaments we had on a little two foot tree...all those years ago.

A suggestion for all: Memory may remember what remembering forgets, but who knows. I suggest that you date the new ornaments and decorations you get through the years. Then, you can always spark memories of those beautiful Christmas times from days gone by.
