Got Some News From The Doctor's Today.....

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi All,

I just wanted to let you know that after being in the hospital last week for a wonderful bout of heart failure, I had a follow up today with my Primary Care Doctor. He has told me that unless things drastically change, I have a very short time to live....I am on the waiting list for a lap band to help reduce my weight, my diet will be radically changed and I have to start making sure I have very little fluids. That being said, I am scared as all get out, but I guess I have to do what I have to do.....Just wanted to keep ya informed in between school books...LOL:D:p:D Harrybaby
Yeah, well they told me the same thing in 91. Lets just say I don't think they always know what they think they know. I've been scared since then. Still haven't completed my bucklist. Not even close. How about you?
Yeah, well they told me the same thing in 91. Lets just say I don't think they always know what they think they know. I've been scared since then. Still haven't completed my bucklist. Not even close. How about you?

I know what you mean...and NO....I haven't completed my bucket list yet....Whanna Do A European Rock Tour? Oh and lets not forget to do Amsterdam!!! LOL LOL LOL:D:D:D:p:p:D:D
Sorry Harold,

I understand about the fear, but yes, you've gotta do, what you've gotta do. You'll be in my prayers. I hate to say this, but I've been kind of angry lately with him. I hope he listens. I'm sure you'll have alot of good people on the forum praying for you too.
Harry, Sorry about the news. Hang in there and do what you can to make the situation better. Are you a canidate for a transplant?

Harry, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and move on. If Joe had listened to many of his doctors, he would have given up when he was about your age, but he didn't. He pressed on and did what he had to do to keep in this world, and I expect you will do that as well.

So, keep on, keeping on, stay the course with your studies, and do what you have to do, and don't listen too long to nay sayers.
Hi All,

I just wanted to let you know that after being in the hospital last week for a wonderful bout of heart failure, I had a follow up today with my Primary Care Doctor. He has told me that unless things drastically change, I have a very short time to live....I am on the waiting list for a lap band to help reduce my weight, my diet will be radically changed and I have to start making sure I have very little fluids. That being said, I am scared as all get out, but I guess I have to do what I have to do.....Just wanted to keep ya informed in between school books...LOL:D:p:D Harrybaby

Hey Harrybaby, You have had a rough year so far. I hope that things smooth out a bit for you and you feel better soon. As Ross said, doctors don't always know what they think they know. Our will to live and thrive is a lot stronger than any medical diagnosis. Stay the course with your education. Mental toughness gets us through the physical toughness. You have loads of friends here at VR.

Your sig block has always inspired me so don't abandon your faith. The good Lord sees us through all difficulties, our peace is found in his hands. Bless you.
I echo what the others have said and down deep you know you are a fighter.

Extra special prayers for you my friend including ((((hugs))))
Take care Harry , put your worries to the back of your mind and go enjoy use worrying about what may be coming in the future...big hugz....

All of your forum friends, are here for you Harry. Please, please don't give up the fight!!!!
I know what you mean...and NO....I haven't completed my bucket list yet....Whanna Do A European Rock Tour? Oh and lets not forget to do Amsterdam!!! LOL LOL LOL:D:D:D:p:p:D:D

If I had a jet, Amsterdam sounds great. Mendicino county, Ca? I can think of a few places we should hit up. Of course, it would be helpful to have connections in these areas, so someone could bail us out of jail. We gotta hit the heart attack grill over by Hanks house. I'm sure he'd come down and bail us out. :D

Hang in there Harry. Like me you have been fighting the system for so long and probably didnt get the help you needed back when you should have, but you kept on fighting ! When you get over this news I know you will dig deep and pull out that inner strength that you obviously have. On top of that you have people all over the world sending warmest wishes and prayers for you. You will be on top of my prayer list for as long as it takes ! ((((HUGS))))) x

Every single positive vibe I can muster is going out to you. I'm so sorry to hear this but one thing I have learned is that doctors LOVE to scare people. Don't you dare give up.

Hope the cloud from that volcano clears up soon so that you and Ross can head to Amsterdam. :eek: You need to go to Hamburg too in honor of The Beatles.

And please design a tour t-shirt so we can all buy one.
