Got Some News From The Doctor's Today.....

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Harry, sometimes the most important things we have to do in life are the hardest to do. You hang on with all your might and seek the strength you need to keep things going. The hardest fights have the greatest rewards.
Oh Harry, my forum friend. My heart goes out to you literally. I know the fear you are going through. I've been there many times. I was only given 3-5 years to live 10 years ago and I'm going pretty strong. You hang in there and remember to take just one day at a time and do what you must do. I've been scared so many times but my heart doctor told me I'm like the Ever ready bunny, I just keep on going and going. Hugs & prayers are coming your way.
Thank Yall for your kind words....this has NOT been an easy week by any stretch of the imagination.....I am also working through the pain of not having the relationship that I so hoped for, so this has been truly a very very difficult week for me to want to keep going after this one.....I have never been in such a dark place.......but we will try our hardest to keep going...this I promise you.....
Just remember how true it is that 'if God brings you to it, God will bring you through it'. Having been in very bad shape myself not so long ago, and having been given a new lease on life, I can definitely assure you, life is worth hanging onto and fighting for, go for it!
Dear Harry,
I don't get onto VR much these days but I always look for you. You're like this rock, you see. You are always so dependable. This latest news sucks, Harry. Just sucks.

So, hey. I have an idea. Do you see that little girl in your avatar? The one who loves her uncle like no other?? The one you've told us about for years, who just brightens your life and makes your day? Well, I bet that if she knew how much you needed some cheering up right now she'd be jumping at the chance to help out. That precious ball of energy and love needs her uncle. You know this is true. And, her uncle needs her right about now. I bet if you told her you were sad and afraid she would sit there so sympathetically and tell you stories about when she is sad and scared. It could help, Harry. You should try. Children have amazing capacity for comfort and understanding -- sometimes so much truer than adults. We are trying!! But I bet she's the one who holds the key to success here.

Keep up those studies as best you can!! We're very proud of your efforts in this positive direction.

Thinking of you and sending big hugs!

Keep on going, don't look back! I know you are strong and doctors are not God, so their opinions are not always correct. My mom was diagnosed with severe CHF at age 45. She was not eligible for a transplant because back then you had to have some big bucks and she didn't even have insurance. So the doctor told her to just go home. But she was stubborn. She just kept herself in the best mental and physical shape she could. She lived to age 78 before her heart said "no more, I'm tired" so don't give up. I myself will keep you in my prayers
Just want to say as the others have Harry, 'never give up' or 'give in without a fight'.

Many of us fight different demons every day of our lives, some more frightening than others, but we have to keep on fighting and making the best of the good days. Three years ago I was given a very grim prognosis by drs....scared out of my wits by talks of possible heart/lung transplant, stroke, etc., etc. I dwelled on it for a little while but I didn't let it own me because the good Lord is the only one in charge you see.

And yes, since that time, more medications & treatments have been added to my baggage but I'm still able to bear it and so will you my friend!

So hang in there and take it one day at a time not forgetting to stop and take in the beauty that surrounds you! :)
I'm with everyone else and send you my support and prayers. As Marguerite said, "You are a rock"

As I told ya on Facebook ... thoughts/prayers coming your way, bud.....

Cort | 36.m.IL | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
MCs.Caprice | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RTs.us66 =
"There is more than one way to say exactly what you mean to say" ... Fastball ... 'Out Of My Mind'
Keeping you in my prayers for all the best. Seems to me that this is a time when being stubborn can really pay off. Hang in there!
I have not been on VR very much, but I wanted to send you my prayers. I will light a candle for you ....remember to take things one day at a time and keep fighting every day.
Harry, how long have we known you? yeah, that's right. and all this time you have had lots of hard roads and so far you have traversed them all. you will this one, too. I really hope He isn't ready to have you sittin up there just yet, so I will keep you in my prayers every day. We love you, you know.