For those who are wondering about YAPS.....I am her daughter...

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Nov 4, 2009
Magnolia Springs, AL

Alot has happened over the summer...

My step-father,John was DX with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in June...during the many in-and-out trips to the hospital with him, Mom (YAPS) had a severe hemorrhagic stroke,July 15th. She had it in the hospital, but it did little good with the dang Coumadin...She went to Sacred Heart in Pensacola, Fl ICU and was placed on life support there for a week, then transefered to Select Specialty hospital designed for patients on life support...she remained on life support there for two more a medicated coma..John was able to see her 4 times before his cancer took him from us on August 15th. Mom eventually was weaned from the vent and pulled thru. She is paralized totally on her left side, her vision is not right, can see with the right eye, but must close her right eye to see with her left....she cant use both at the same time.Her left arm is totally disabled. Her left leg, she can move...but it is very very weak...she came home Sept 30th...and 30 hours later had another, non life threatening stroke....went back into a hospital, then a rehab, and has been home for the last 10 days...on so much meds that I dont see how se can not be nauseous, but is trying to get better, her memories are all screwy...she has hallucinations, I am going to do my best to keep taking care of her at home, with home health and her ot and pt...She is very different....yet the times she shows just how smart she is...then other times...she is almost child like...then she forgets she lives with me, says she has never been to my needless to say, we have been on a roller coaster the last 4 months....but she asked me to get another acct here..( I had one but couldnt remember any of the ID or pw, and it has been a long time..)
and tell what has happened..she said she has lots of friends here, and wanted to let them know..Mary and Ross were asked about by name...If you want to talk to her, my phone number is the morning time, between 9-11. Its the only time its just me and her here....
Thanks to everyone who was worried about her, and I will tell her I saw old posts of ppl asking about her...

I'm so sorry to hear about everything you both have been through. I'm glad you came in and let us know what is going on with your mom. She is very lucky to have you to take care of her. Please let her know that she is missed.

It was so kind of you to tell us what has been happening in your and your Mom's life.

Words cannot say how very sorry I am to hear all you've been through.
Your Mom is very lucky to have such a special daughter.
Sending you the very best wishes.
Oh my....I can't tell you just how sorry I am to hear of what's happened to Yaps & to your father.

I'm so glad to know that you are there for your mom but I also know just how tough this is going to be for you in the long run. I hope that you are able to care for her as long as you can. And if the time comes & you find that you can no longer provide the care she needs, do not blame yourself or wish that you could have done more for her. You are there now & that's all that matters.

Best wishes & prayers to you!
My condolences to you and your family of the passing of your step-father.

Please give our Yaps a special hug and mention to her that I have missed her and wish her the very best.

I can relate to this roller coaster you speak off Kathy, it's tough and heart breaking at the same time. Please remember to take time for yourself.

Thanks for taking the time to inform us all,
Your Special!
Oh, my gosh-

I was thinking about her just today. She has been through so many terrible things. I am so glad you wrote and told us what has gone on.

Send her my love and I will keep her in my prayers.
Please know that we are all thinking about you and your mom. I will pray for strength for both of you. As others have said, please take time for yourself also.
I am so sorry to hear everything that your family has been dealing with and thanks for taking the time to let us know. Yaps always had so much to deal with and I always admire how no matter what she was hit with she just kept moving along. I am sorry for the loss of John and can't imagine how tough it must be seeing your Mom go thru so much. I hope you are able to find some time to rest. Please tell your Mom she and family are in so many peoples prayers,
Oh, my gosh!

Oh, my gosh!

Thank you so much for letting us know what has been going on. Your mom is such a very special person. I wondered where she has been. Please let her know that we are all praying for a full recovery. It does sound like she is making progress, slow but steady. Our condolences on the loss of your step-father. Hugs. Janet

Thank you for informing us of your mom's trials and for writing such a touching note. Please tell her that we are plodding along here as usual. Tell her we still get lots of newbies coming in asking good questions and we are generally giving them good advice. Tell her that Ross is still riding herd over the dogs, cats, goats and chimps, and occasionally an elephant or a yak that wonder through our little chats. Tell her the jokes are still naughty and often just downright silly, but they can still make you laugh, sometimes so much that you cry. Tell her to take good care of herself and tell her that I said she has a loving daughter.

Bless you and your mom,
Thanks for posting this update, Kathy. What an ordeal for you all! Best wishes to you and your mother.
You and your family have had a really tough time--so sorry you've had all this misfortune. Your mom is a really special person, and you must be too.
Thanks for taking the time to post.
Wishing you both the best.

I'm so very sorry to hear of the passing of your stepdad and all the problems Yaps has had. How very tragic for the both of you. Please give her my regards and best wishes for a speedy recovery. How tragic for your family. I will put you in my prayers.

Sympathy to you for the loss of your step-father. How tragic. I feel so bad for Yaps. Please let her know she is in my prayers as you are too. Thank you for letting us know.

This is Mary. I'll call one day next week. In the meantime, please give her a hug for me and tell her how sorry I am that she lost John. Bless you as you cope with all you've had to deal with.

Here are two pictures taken in happier days.


I didn't join this forum until August after my own surgery, so I didn't know Yaps, however that doesn't keep me from now being concerned and touched by her troubles! Please accept my condolences on the loss of your stepdad, and my prayers for you and your mother!

I am very sorry to hear about everything. I had hoped to meet your mom during that week we were in Gulf Shores with Mary (pictures above) but turned out she came the day after we had to leave I think. I am a North Alabama girl. I give you praise for being there for your Mom .... and pray she will have some quality days left.