For those who are wondering about YAPS.....I am her daughter...

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like Nancy, I was thinking of her just this morning and wondering how she is. She has had such a tough time since we have known her. First the hurricane and then the loss of the house and her persistent illnesses, but she so often checked in just as we were getting really worried about her. Sometimes Mary would keep us posted from her phone calls to YAPS.

How she loves that 'WOLF'. Please tell her how much we love her and miss hearing her smiling voice here in VR. She is in my prayers and I ask God to touch her with a healing hand.

Sincerest condolences on the death of your stepdad.

You have really had a tough time this summer, yourself. We thank you so very much for coming in to tell us what is going on. We so appreciate that. Thank you for taking care of your mom; we know what a hard job that is just now but it sounds like you are doing it with great love for her.

Tell her, as Nancy says: NEVER GIVE IN AND NEVER GIVE UP.

Love to YAPS.... and, of course, BLESSINS..............
Thanks for letting us know about your mother. Please accept my condolences on the passing of your step-dad. I always appreciated and learned from your mother's postings and appreciated her sentiments about the wolf and I miss them.
All my best.
I'll try to call Monday. I'm stuck waiting on phone calls at the moment or I'd call now.

She's certainly had far more then her share. I know I'm having it rough, but there is no comparison to what she's been going through.
Thanks everyone. She is up now eating breakfast. She sends her love and thanks you all so much for the kindness everyone has shown her over the years. She is having an ok day so far today, and is playing with my dashound, Brody Benjamin. She has her good days, n bad days..She never really got a chance to grieve for John. when I see her cry, I ask if she is in pain, and if the answer is no, then I let her cry, If anyone deserves to cry, its my mom...
Thank you so much for the update on Yaps. Your family will be in my prayers. You must be a wonderful daughter just in being there for your mom. Condolences on your Step-Father and may your mom be improving everyday.
I'm so sorry to read about your step-dad and YAPS. Bina is right, dogs are great therapy. I always read your Mom's posts and liked her signing off with "Love the Pup".

Tell her we were thinking of her these past weeks and a post was made asking about her. We've had some members fade into the shadows for whatever reason but they aren't forgotten.

Being a caregiver is difficult work, please take care of yourself and take time for yourself too. I was brought to tears when I read that you find your mom crying and if she is not in pain you let her cry. You are truly blessed by your strength to take care of her and recognize her emotional needs as well as her physical. Give yourself time to cry too. Crying has a healing effect for us by providing a release for pent up emotion.

You and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers. far, the only thing I am having problems with is mild back pain and lack of sleep....3-4 hours a nite is starting to wear on me...but I am hoping I will adapt...She is resting watching Underworld 3 rise of the lycans..
I wish you both the best. Thank you, Kathy, for being so caring and concerned for your mom. It must have been a really difficult time for you while your mother and stepdad were so ill. I hope the worst is over and that there are brighter days ahead.

Take Heart,
Oh my goodness.. I am so sorry to hear about Yaps.. she is a gem and always took time to check in with us .. My prayers to you and your mom.. give her a big VR hug.. and accept my sympathies on the loss of your step father
Dear Kathy, I think of your Mother often, and have wondered how she was doing. Thank you for letting us know. Please give her my love. As for the caregiver part, please find a way to get some help. 3-4hrs sleep is not enough! I have been through it too, though under considerably better circumstances in financial terms, and having more family around to help. It is very stressful. You won't be any good to her if you are sick, so try to find some help. If you can't find government aid services, try local churches. We had some very good home health aids that did much more than they were paid for. Your Mom has been in my prayers for years, now I will keep you in them too. With love, Brian
Dearest Kathy,you are a sweetie and caregiving takes its Toll
Be sure to find time for yourself,my parents are late 80's
and not in your moms shape,but alot of care required and not
in the same matter,but it can get where you forget yourself and time
consumption runs away on you if constant care needed

My condolences to your dad (John) and very,very sorry to hear about
your mom,Yaps is always someone who cared about all of us here and
asking bout Ross and Mary,breaks me to tears,this is difficult news
Glad you came and shared with us so can include her in my prayers better.
I miss her posts and thought of her often,had this feeling bout her in
my prayers and her missing posts,but sometimes asking brings bad news
if anyone can answer where is yaps or anyone for that matter so i just
kept her in my thoughts and prayers but had this nagging feeling,so i
am very thankful you shared this on your post,pass a gentle hug and
Kathy you are an angel..(((HUGS))) and prayers to you also.
Take care,Godbless and thankyou so much for sharing
Kathy, I am so sorry to learn about the passing of your stepdad and everything that is happening to your mom. Please let her know that I will be keeping her in my prayers and I will pray for you as you care for your mom. You're a very special daughter. LINDA
We've all wondered and worried about Yaps, especially as she felt she was headed for some kind of trouble. I hope she can recover for a good long while without any more interruptions.

Thank you for letting us know how she is, even if the news isn't good. Tell her we miss her.

Very best wishes,